Very easy to do with Windows Vista parental controls and also with McAfee parental controls. You probably don't want to "upgrade" to Vista, but the McAfee is probably a reasonable solution.
The easiest way is with Group Policy.
Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Internet Explorer / Security FEATURES (?) / Restrict File Download /
It's also helpful to disable the information bar warning FEATURE (?) which is just below the above setting.
In Outlook, select File, New, Outlook Data File. Name it what you like. Drag and drop what you want to save into it.
After moving data, right-click the new file and select close.
Whenever you need to access the old data, select File, Open, Outlook Data File and open and close it as needed.
On some pages, scripts may do this. In Internet Options, Tabs - Settings, check "Warn when closing multiple tabs". Then before going to a page that seems to close itself, open a second tab to another site. Then if a web page is closing itself, you will get a warning message asking if you want to...
Do the problem machines have spyware blockers that could be blocking scripts?
Is the Windows Update level current on all clients?
On a problem client, try adding the problem site to the Trusted Sites Zone (instead of the local intranet). That has helped me find security settings that kept...
In IE settings for Local Intranet Security check "Sites" and see if intranet sites are automatically detected or not. If a site was manually added in the sites list under "advanced", make sure "require server verification" isn't checked. Also, in the security settings, make sure
IE is set for...
This script will also resolve that issue:
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.Run """C:\Program WshShell.Run ""RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8""
WshShell.Run ""RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1""
This is a script file that I run every now and then to reset the directory to C:\Download ...
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WSHShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download Directory", "C:\Download", "REG_SZ"
Although it doesn't address your issue specifically, this addon Microsoft service may help ...
Forgot about the warnings. You can disable them with this:
If you use XP Pro, run Group Policy Editor (
The settings are under Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Internet Explorer. Set to Enabled for 'Prevent "Fix Settings" functionality' and...
If you use XP Pro, run Group Policy Editor (
The settings are under Administrative Templates, Internet Explorer, Security Features, Information Bar. Set to Disabled for Internet Explorer Processes and All Processes.
If you use XP Home, you can't use Group...
In the Internet Security Zone, if you change any of the security settings from the option marked (Recommended) to the option marked (Not Secure) you will get the at risk warning. In the Trusted Sites Zone, these corresponding settings can be changed without the warning. For XP Pro, the settings...
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