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Search results for query: *

  1. billdetty

    Quark Xpress 5.0 on PC - unembed photos?

    I'm guessing here, but if your photos are JPGs from a digital camera, open them in Photoshop, reset the pixel resolution from 72 ppi to 300 dpi (and MAKE SURE the "Resample Image" check box is NOT, repeat, NOT checked)and resave it as a TIFF--CMYK, of course, assuming your catalogue is...
  2. billdetty

    Band of color

    How are you doing the export? What you're describing is usually a symptom of having an incorrect printer description selected in the Setup tab of the Print dialog box. -- Bill Detty "If you can't solve the problem, change the problem."
  3. billdetty

    Quark 6 & Hanging Punctuation in text box??

    Unfortunately, that feature doesn't exist in Quark 6. -- Bill Detty "If you can't solve the problem, change the problem."
  4. billdetty

    Band of color

    All you have to do is create a box (of any type) and fill it with the desired color. There's a specific type of box that's designed to have no content in it, but it's just as easy to create a picture box or a text box and not add content. -- Bill Detty "If you can't solve the problem...
  5. billdetty

    Pasing Greek text from Word to Quark

    From what you say it sounds as if you're using extended Unicode characters, which Quark unfortunately doesn't support yet. You'll have to use a font such as Symbol where the Greek letters are encoded as standard ASCII characters. -- Bill Detty "If you can't solve the problem, change the...
  6. billdetty

    Quark 3.31 on G4 Emac

    Will it help if I tell you I got 3.31 working fine in Classic on a G5? And in Panther, no less? I use Font Agent Pro to manage my fonts in both X and Classic, and I installed ATM Lite because OS X font rendering doesn't carry over into Classic. [Or maybe it just doesn't carry over into Quark...
  7. billdetty

    I'm losing files completely that I've created in Quark Express 4.11.

    I assume these documents are saved to a network volume, right? At the risk of making an obvious point that you've already thought of, your automatic backups ought to be saved to your local hard drive. Yes, this does mean you have to go in every couple of weeks and delete a passel of...
  8. billdetty

    Booklet Pages

    Not knowing how your information is organized, I can't tell you whether to set your document up as a book or not. My inclination is to say that unless your document is clearly organized by chapters, don't bother. Those templates are indeed designed around printer's spreads. I've never had to...
  9. billdetty

    How to create a professional booklet.

    stephmaya, I wouldn't use an online template myself, but if there's one you really like that's well-suited for the type of document you're creating, why not? As for setting up the document, this is one of the rare instances where I'd recommend checking Facing Pages and Automatic Text Box in...
  10. billdetty

    Books in Quark 4.1 windows

    What are the error messages? -- Bill Detty "If you can't solve the problem, change the problem."
  11. billdetty

    Open recent docs: File not found

    Can't comment on the duplicate file name thing, but Quark took down its user forums when they released version 6. There's a note on the user resources page in the support section of Quark's web site that the forums are being restructured. The note also suggests that users check back from time to...
  12. billdetty

    EPS/TIFF fading on screen & Print

    Quark 5 can't render EPS or any other PostScript to the screen directly. However, EPS files usually incorporate a 72-dpi screen preview; this is what you see in your document. You may get a better screen preview with Koyosha's Enhance Preview XTension. Or you may not--I haven't tried it and I...
  13. billdetty

    Urgent Help Needed, How to Run Text Around All Sides of Shape??

    Select the text box, not the picture box. Choose Item | Modify and select the Text tab. Check the check box that says "Run Text Around All Sides" and click the OK button. This is one of the little oddities that catches everybody. -- Bill Detty "If you can't solve the problem...
  14. billdetty

    Urgent Help Needed! Change the Opacity (Shade) of Picture, QX 5.0???

    Unfortunately, adjusting the shade of a picture only works on grayscale or bitmap tiffs. I assume that's because in Quark's little feverish minds they think of this operation as adjusting a specific color applied to an image, and you can only apply a color to a grayscale or bitmap. Can't swear...
  15. billdetty

    Jaggy postscript fonts when printing and onscreen

    You do need ATM; the Mac OS didn't provide a way to render PostScript fonts onscreen until X. (No big deal, just download ATM Lite from Adobe's web site and install.) Photoshop and Illustrator already incorporate font rendering so ATM isn't needed for them. -- Bill Detty "If you can't...
  16. billdetty

    is everything incompatable? Quark 6 --> Indesign 2.02

    Unfortunately, you're a little misinformed: InDesign can convert Quark files, but only from Quark 4 or earlier.
  17. billdetty

    Changing the Document size of a project. Please Help!

    Scott, It sounds to me as if there's no serious problem with your document, you just have some page element on page 1 that extends out to the edge of the pasteboard. Quark is stubborn about this kind of thing and won't let you resize the page. Just move the outer edge of the object inside...
  18. billdetty

    Computer Locks up scaling type in Quark 4.11

    Is this consistent in all documents or only certain ones?
  19. billdetty

    Font Problems in Quark 6

    To resolve this we'll need more information, starting with what diagnostic steps you've taken, and particularly what's led you to believe it's a font issue. I assume you can print from other applications with the same fonts loaded, right?
  20. billdetty

    Quark Licensing

    See this page. http://www.quark.com/products/xpress/purchase/mobile.html Why couldn't Quark have either included pricing info in the FAQ or linked to this page from the FAQ page (or did I just miss where they did)?

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