Hi Win:
Sometimes things get wacky 'round here and just posting will mark a star...never noticed it?
(unless the name triggers it!) LOL
Yup, bigguy, I had the same problem trying to input the 1st link in my post...and had to resort to distilling it and pasting it in...
Just now getting back to this thread, Phil, and would take issue with it...
I FOR SURE don't want something downloading that I don't know what it is.
Whatever needs updating I'll take care of on my own, thank you.
(worth exactly what you paid to hear it!) LOL
I've also had it happen when I must have hit a wrong key entering the password.
Also, using the dialup in the Networking section of Control Panel instead of the default dialer gives you a chance (IF you're fast enough to hit the button) to better diagnose dialup problems.
...no such file on my install of XP Pro...perhaps the flash routine is what put it there.
Common sense would tell me that there's limited use for *.vxd files in XP...and I know for a fact there are very few on the machine at all.
Couple of things come to mind:
1) Shutdown problems in Win98 are...
The times it's happened to me I later realized I might have hit the Control key instead of Shift...
There's also the possibility your keyboard is fritzed.
Tried another?
There's a new one about:
Tried several times, unsuccessfully, to post this as a Helpful Tip...so here goes under new Type:
There's a new one about:
There's a new one about:
There's a new one about:
There's a new one about:
Seems counterintuitive but running with the case off may DECREASE cooling...especially if the case already has efficient flow pattern running.
For sure it'll build up lots of things it grabs from ambient air.
But no, it's not likely it'll overheat.
The newer hard drives have Winbond sensors on...
230 Watt PS is the 1st place I'd check...test it with a meter.
My SWAG is that the system has been overclocked and it may take resetting the BIOS to all defaults...and clocking down a bit where you can. (what I'd do)
Good possibility (with the BIOS getting all wacky) the motherboard is going...
Revisit the Power Management settings in the Control Panel and make sure there's nothing there that will get in the way...and in the BIOS make sure all the wake-on states are disabled.
The battery could be weak enough (though not flat) that it bottoms out...then recovers enough to at least reset...
You'll also be privy to the fine print, IF you haven't read it (count me as 1) when you RMA a drive to the mfr.
They reserved the right to replace a bad drive with a "refurbished" unit...
There is the possibility other issues are at work here, including inconsistent voltage/inproper...
Started to suggest Safe Mode, but think it's still gonna' load the same keyboard drivers, don't you?
I'm quick to mistrust laptop keyboards...I have one now that's been supposedly "watered" from a spill...that if you type 9 it adds an o to it...or if you type o it precedes it with a...
Ummmm, didn't say it very clearly in my post...my bad.
That's what I intended to say: take the box leads from the case off the motherboard and then jumper the power pins on the motherboard to try starting it.
Thanks, very much, mudd, for showing me the great big wart on the end of my nose! LOL
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