You can use CO based Voicemail and have their Hunt Group Call forward No Answer (after 4 or 5 rings) to a company general mailbox or manually forward to the mailbox for after-hours call coverage. If more than one mailbox is needed, they can get a mailbox for each user that requires one...
Are you testing at your desk with the port connected to a station cable or in the equipment room at the control unit? I would check the port right out of the control unit with the station cable out of the picture to ensure that the cable isn't causing the problem. At that point you'll know if...
One more question, on the Avaya single line extensions do you have stutter dial tone for message waiting as well as the Light on the Avaya telephone? I have a residential Bellsouth line with a MemoryCall voicemail box (CO Based Voicemail)that uses stutter dial tone for message...
I'm not familar with how the Avaya single line sets work but am curious as to how they are installed. With the Avaya Single line do you have to wire the 2nd pair for message waiting? Do the other single line products have message waiting lamps but they just don't work with the system...
The Vodavi Starplus 2700 and 2800 series telephones are solid analog, Single and two line telephones. The telephones support message waiting and have message waiting lamps (Selectable for either High or Low voltage). I know that they promote these sets in the hospitality industry and...
Where did you get the idea of plugging into the headset jack of the console phone? That is not the input for music on hold and that is why you are being asked what system you have. The MOH/BGM input is on a connecting block where the system control unit is installed and once...
Have someone at the site go to the telco backboard and see if they can locate the KSU and Voicemail mounted on the backboard. Locate the Vodavi sticker on the side of each box and get you the part numbers (KSU & Vmail). If they can't locate that or if it's installed where they can't see the...
If you are unsure about what telephone system that you have, turn a telephone over and give the model number of the phone so you can be given the correct instructions.
As Paul144 stated, Vodavi has many telephone systems and each is a bit different with the FLASH function!
Distinctive ringing is simply two ringing patterns over the same line. The CICS just recognizes the ringing voltage and not the ringing pattern and therefore line 1 will ring if you dial either of the numbers because it doesn't know the difference. Telemarv hit it right on! You have to put...
We have around 400 branch office accross the US with about 60% using Norstar MICS, CICS or 8/24. In going through some old files it looks like throughout the year in 2000 that Staples upgraded and installed many of our locations and every location has a MIC with 4.1.
bkrike you mention 4.1...
I'm not sure about a doorphone for the Nortel Venture but do know that Viking makes a generic doorphone that rings a CO Line port on any telephone system. When the doorphone button is depressed it rings that CO port on the telephone system and once answered, you can dialog to the...
I haven't worked with the Mini but have installed the DHS with the Dispatch many times. The difference is that the Dispatch came out first as a Harddrive based voicemial that interfaced via Analog Ports and in-band integration with the DHS. Then came all of the Flash memory systems...
The 2800 is the 2856 System. 2800 is the Part number for the KSU and the SPD1428/2856 is the system name. SPD=StarPlus Digital and 1428 (14 CO Lines and 28 Extension) and 2858 doubles the configuration to (28 CO Lines and 56 Extensions) I think this is should help you out! Let me know if you...
This shouldn't be a big deal but requires either the Auto-Attendant answering the calls or someone transferring you into your mailbox. Once you hear your message you press, I think the star key and that tells the mailbox that you are the owner of the box then you are prompted for the...
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