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Professionalism vs Disability 12

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Jan 18, 2005

I noticed this forum and the premise of what discussions are meant to take place
The words we use and how we use them often reflect our professionalism.

As I have recently been prelimilary diagnosed with Dyspraxia, I was wonder how this fitted in with the concept that our words and the way we use them reflect our profesionalism.

I often find I use the wrong words, mispell them, transpose them and even sometimes offend quite accidently and unintentionally.

Many based on this would say it's because I am unprofessional, especialy using the concept of this forum...

Well now it turns out it's because I have a disability, so wouldn't assuming someones professionalism based on their literary skills actualy be discrimination.

How does one change or improve these skills if it is based on a physical way the brain is wired, if you are born with dyspraxia, there is nothing that can be done to change the way your brain interprets things or the way you express yourself.

You cannot always tell that some one may be suffering from Dyslexia or Dyspraxia, and I know we all make assumptions, concious or not, so how can one deal with this?

You cannot teach someone with torrets to stop swearing or someone with parkinson disease to stop shaking.

So how do you go about changing something which is inherently hard wired wrong.

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
I understand where you are comming from Cajun and agree with the sentiments, and apologise if again I have made improper or inflexible comments in my posts.

I am who I am and feel and act the way I do, be it the discussion or perhaps myself that can be immutable.

Perhaps I am blinded and cannot see the point or comment made regarding G W Bush due to my bias oppinion of the man, but the reason I feel this way has no bearing on his potential condition causing him to act in a way many may consider idiotic or stupid.

I think boris johnson is great even if some thing he's a bumbling bafoon.

hj, what am I meant to be making from your handle, i don't understand the post, sorry?

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
Simply that my surname - Goldstein - is a Jewish name and by inference, and in fact, I am Jewish.

I am not trying to excuse Dubya's (or anyone else's) decisions and actions due to any potential condition. Nobody has ever said that going to war on false grounds (WMD etc) can be right.

The possible "mitigation" of dyspraxia, paranoia, schizophrenia or any other ...ia is not acceptable to the majority of right thinking people.

Now, let's get the discussion back to its roots. Percieved or actual discrimination in the workplace against sufferers of any of these ...ia (or other) conditions.

It is time for pacifists to stand up and fight for their beliefs.
Oh, right didn't know you were Jewish and didn't mean to offend, certainly not my intention, my sister's boyfriend is Jewish (Atheist).

I'm Church of England (Agnostic) by the way :)

I accept your view and you kind of understand mine even if you don't agree with it, as far as i'm concerned, there can NEVER be mitigating circumstances for some peoples behaviour.

Anyways, Consider this thread re-rooted!

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
Shame you didn't floor the b*****d! I hate coppers, but that's another story!
I really don't think saying that someone should have floored a "copper" to be in very good taste at all.
I don't think you can even consider making such comments when you have no knowledge of the reasoning behind why I feel that way.

This selective vignette may have appeared off-topic, but I think conveys exactly the intent of this forum. In a professional setting we do not use vulgar language that needs to be *bleeped*... we do not refer to police officers as 'coppers' either.
In a professional setting we do not suggest violence as a response to granted authority.
In a professional setting when someone calls us on the 'taste' of our language usage, we apologize politely for inadvertantly giving offense and perhaps engage with the offended to arrive at less colorful wording.

We do these things in a professional setting because we desire to exert influence on those who contact our message. Whether we are communicating that message to managers, employees, peers, government bureaucrats, customers, vendors, etc., we are attempting to positively influence someone on our behalf.

In business, if you use poor grammar or use the wrong idiom (ESL speakers in particular), your company's message may be lost, misconstrued with financial implications, or cause unintended offense. This forum offers a community willing to review and advise regarding the odd usage and rules that affect meaning.

Communicators will continue to fail at professional communications. We are human and prone to the random brain freeze that results in the wrong "there/their/they're" being typed into a sentence. So if a disability were to make that distinction an impossible one to make, would the person never be able to communicate professionally?

Professionalism in business communications is far more than spelling and usage... It's about getting your message received and thus generating positive influence.

No political comment was intended - simply observing that a public figure also has shown the symptoms described - and that they apparently did not impair his success. FDR was crippled by polio, long before accomodations for Disability were written into the law. He accomplished quite a bit in spite of the handicap.

Fred Wagner

For sure Fred, and it goes to show that despite disability and adversity you can become one of the greatest scientist who ever lived or one of the greatest murderers who ever lived.

As Cajun states disability is not prejudice.

This selective vignette may have appeared off-topic, but I think conveys exactly the intent of this forum. In a professional setting we do not use vulgar language that needs to be *bleeped*... we do not refer to police officers as 'coppers' either.In a professional setting we do not suggest violence as a response to granted authority.In a professional setting when someone calls us on the 'taste' of our language usage, we apologize politely for inadvertantly giving offense and perhaps engage with the offended to arrive at less colorful wording.
I don't agree with that Thaedus, using what some may or may not consider bad language or offense language has no bearing on proffesionalism or intellect or disability. I most certainly meant what I said and you most certainly understood my meaning by saying it, even if you didn't agree.

Ok perhaps some see tar/same brush, but the ironic thing about that comment, was by pure coincidence it was made the day they announced that yet again our police were murdering scum in relation to Bloody Sunday. I thought it was poetic evidence to my sentiments!

Also don't forget some people make a proffession out of being rude / racist / offensive. Some merley call it Satire.

Wsa the Danish artist a professional when he drew those cartoons?

Were the outraged fundamentalist being professional when they rioted and burned the swish flag [lol] - that's irony!

They certainly got their point across without swallowing the Oxford English dictionary!

The point in all this i feel is it doesn't matter how professional you try to be or think you are, it's other peoples perception that counts.

And seings as you can't please all the people all the time, nor can you always manipulate or control peoples perception, i don't know if you can ever be truelly professional in anything.

But i'm trying!

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) was not a scientist, he was a politician - contemporary of Churchill - you can see them both in photos of the Yalta conference, along with Stalin. With that name introduced, I highly recommend a book called "Zhivago's Children" by vladislav zubok - a history of the intelligentsia in 20th century Russian - give a lot of background to the names we heard or read about in the news.

Fred Wagner

using what some may or may not consider bad language or offense language has no bearing on proffesionalism or intellect or disability. I most certainly meant what I said and you most certainly understood my meaning by saying it, even if you didn't agree.

I personally very strongly disagree.

Reminder: The premise of this forum is:
The words we use and how we use them often reflect our professionalism.

If it was your intent to dispute this premise, then you should have been more clear from the beginning.

You say you are trying, I have yet to see an example of that.

Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.
We do these things in a professional setting because we desire to exert influence on those who contact our message.
This is effectively the definition of personal power. Personal power is most definitely a function of our image.

Using bad language or offense language, in the eyes and ears of receiver, will undoubtedly have an impact on your image. Most likely in a negative way which in turn reduces your ability to exert influence.
To get back to the original discussion - a comic seen on TV in the 50's or 60's - Norm Crosby - a contemporary of Dean Martin - using the wrong words that sounded similar to the correct ones was the essence of his routine. Sounds like dyspraxia as a profession before it had a name.

Fred Wagner

Yes people are perceived as professional based on their observed behavior and the knowledge you may have about them. A person will probably give you the benefit of the doubt on professionalism if you have a known disability. Some people will not however and may consider you less professional because you have a disability. That is unfortunately human behavior.

There are several ways of addressing the issue.

First in your career choice. It is probably not appropriate for someone with Tourette's syndrome to be in a profession with a lot of people contact, especially strangers. If that person worked at DMV for instance, there would probably be a lot of complaints about the person’s use of language because every person contacted won’t have any idea that the person cannot control the behavior. So often people with disabilities look more towards professions where their disabilities will be less noticeable or more accepted.

Second choice is that you can let your boss and HR know of your disability. This is especially helpful if you need some sort of assistance either permanently or on a temporary basis. For instance I had a carpal tunnel problem and was forbidden to use a computer for 6 weeks. I told my boss and he arranged for someone to type for me as I dictated rather than have me take 6 weeks of sick leave.

In many cases being open about a disability is the best choice. People are far more understanding in general if the disability is either common or not too terribly strange to people. In many cases it is the hiding of the disability that causes you to be ashamed of having this issue and that causes more personal damage than being open about the problems the disability might cause. When you admit to a disability, you will find that there are many other people who also either have the same problem or who know someone with the problem. You may want to wait until after you are hired to mention such things though. In the interview process, they are looking for reasons to knock people out of contention especially if there are a lot of similarly qualified candidates.

But, and this is a big but, there are some disabilities or diseases which are not socially acceptable and which it could harm you to disclose. Things like being schizophrenic or having AIDS.

Your disability (if the diagnosis is confirmed) doesn't sound like something that is likely to cause others to shun you. And they might help you out by suggesting the correct word, etc. BEing open about it is the action I would probably take in your case.

I have found in life that disabilities (and personal problems like divorce or death of a partner) seem to be far less disabling at work if you are up front about them because most people will help you if you let them know you need help or will give you the benefit of the doubt if they know word choice is a problem for you. With a condition that is not well known, it might require some educating on your part to let people know what to expect.

The third choice is to learn to work with your disability and to perform so well that no one notices it or cares if they notice. By understanding your limits and taking care to check over the things you do in the perspective of how might my disability have affected this, you can mitigate a lot of the possible effects of a disability.

I worked with a man once who was the head of our Quality control group. It was his job to read technical reports and find the quality issues and have us fix them. I knew him for 8 years before I found out he was dyslexic. He was aware of his problem and thus took the time to read much more carefully than virtually anyone else did which was why he became so good at a job one would not expect a dyslexic to even try to do.

"NOTHING is more important in a database than integrity." ESquared
Mitel, it depends on what you believe it is i'm 'trying'.

I'm certainly not trying to dispute that sentence neither am I currently trying to be more professional.

I'm trying to understand it, what it means, how it is defined, and then how my supposed condition may be attributed to this or not.

Not something to blame, but understand, is it even something I want to change, who knows.

Now is professionalism simply self image and which image ?

Is it the image I see myself as portaying or how I percieve others as seings me, how do I know.

How many people fail pretending to be something they are not, becuase they peceive other wish them to behave that way when they would have been better off just being themselves?

In some of the discussion many imply it is power to influence people, well I have no desire for power nor any wish to excert it over anyone.

Perhaps it can be used more of a sheild to project oneself in a certain way to stop others being negative towards you.

But should I care what other may think? there is always the saying "I'm alright, it's everyone else!"

Is professionalism merley a mask, a facarde , but does that make you fake. Crikey how many professional trades men and sales men have you met that seemed professional, till they did the job or you received the item they sold you!

Is it just some game we are all expected to play, based on intellect, class , social background, peer presure, well if it's a game, maybe I don't want to play.

I certainly don't understand the rules, it seems I'm crap at the game, plus I don't like the game, and if it's about power, then if i don't play the game surely you have no power over me?

Just like office politics, makes my skin crawl,ass licking, brown nosing, bitching , back stabbing, giving a professional persona to one person while being evil to another and even other members of staff being totally oblivious.

What is it you would like me to do, so you then perceive me as trying?

Fred, nice to see you kept your sense of humour ;-)

Maybe I could become professional at being unprofessional!

Oh and when I mentioned scientist I was refering to professor hawkins, not FDR.

NoWay, but surely this again is based on environment, take a bunch of teenage kids hanging out down the park chatting, every other word could be foul. But you may not fit in with that crowed if it wasn't! Is professionalism equal to cool?

OK so a passer by may be offended, so therefore it depends on what image you are portraying and to whom.

Is 'professionalism' only to be used if you are a certain age, or class status, or only related in a 'working' environment.

Is professionalism linked to being profiecient or having mastered something to a certain level or just how people perceive you even if you aren't that good at something or how about the thing you are good at, but it isn't a good thing.

Can you be a professional hitman or con-artist or stick up kid.

Wow did you see the professionalism he showed while holding up that liquor store, it was astounding!

Without raising the ugly tangent head again -> where one may see police brutality another may see professionlism under difficult circumstances?

SQLSister, thanks for the indepth reply. The dilema about telling people or not, or feeling the need to, or as you say the shame or embarrasment has very much crossed my mind.

I am still unsure how I really feel and what way i may go, and as I haven't officially been diagnosed, it concerns me that if I haven't got it in one form or another, I'm even more puzzled over my life so far.

It's like being told you have cancer, coming to terms with it, accepting it, and then being given the all clear because they mixed up your records. However you know something isn't right because of how ill you've been and you don't know whether to jump for joy or be even more worried!

And I'll apologise now if that analogy doesn't work or offends anyone! I'm not for one minute trying to claim I understand what people suffering from cancer are going through.

But dyslexia / dyspraxia and other forms of learning difficulties fundamentally affect your life, it's not always obvious and can go undetected for years and years as it seems mine may have, but it's there nibbling away in silence without you even realising or others, until bang too late , you're riddled with its effects, and all you have is a name for it!

As I said i'm trying ;-)

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts

You are quite the philosopher and you are certainly making me think and ponder on this one, especially with regards to what is professionalism. I resorted to looking up definitions and there are several. I think in this case what you are refering to as professionalism could be described as:
characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession (2) : exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally businesslike manner in the workplace

Taken from that point of view, this answers the questions about the kids in the park swearing up a storm in that professionalism seems to imply a commercial or business quality to it. If you don't fit in the crowd, the kids will likely have a negative impression of you or to put it another way, your image will be poor in their eyes.

With regards to your statements about power. Like it or not, it is something that you have and do exhibit over other people. Power is the ability to effect change and make things happen - or in the physics sense to do work, which is moving something against a force. Personal power is the ability to influence others, generally with regards to the ability to get them to do something that you wish. If you have a family, you have power over them. You have power over your co-workers. In effect you have personal power in every relationship you engage in. This is not necessarily a good or bad thing, it just is. And like any other source of power, it can be used wisely and it can be abused.

The amount of power you have and the efficiency with which you can exert that power will be greatly influenced by their impressions of you, i.e. your image. Your image is not static and is effected by many factors, including your looks, your speech, your reputation and credibility, your education, your rank, etc.

Having a disability like dyspraxia may effect how others perceive you: in other words it may effect your image. It may make some things more challenging (but not impossible) for you and you can choose how you deal with that. Based on earlier comments, I get the impression that you try to face that challenge and find ways to improve yourself.

1MDF - with respect to trying. This post started with a heartfelt plea for help. You acknowledged several shortcomings and asked for advice. There came a point in this thread when the advice that was given was contested. Thadeus tried pointing this out to no avail. It now seems that all you are doing now is defending your viewpoint.
When defence fails, you play the handicap card. When this fails you say we just don't understand.

Suffice it to say, if you are trying to change how others respond negatively to you, as was originally stated, then I'm not seeing the evidence.

If your purpose has now changed, as seems evident by recent responses, then be more specific on what you are trying to accomplish.

Occam's Razor - All things being equal, the simplest solution is the right one.

Yes, I probably think too much and understand very little.

The other problem I see based on dyspraxia and the issue I'm strugling with is about changing an image when you do not see the image!

Suffice it to say, if you are trying to change how others respond negatively to you, as was originally stated, then I'm not seeing the evidence.

I'll say it again, i'm trying to UNDERSTAND it first!

The final goal may be to change something to affect the way other perceive me or treat me, but how can you change something or know something when you dont see what other see due to your condition.

It's a learning difficulty, when I look at something I don't see what you see, I don't interpret it the way you do, I don't think about it like you do, so how can I change something when I don't know what it is or can't see it for what it is.

I think the Matrix (yeah ok, tangent, sci-fi , boring , whatever!) focuses on this as an integral part of what the essence of the film is all about.

Know thy self. just because others see you as the one, it doesn't make you the one, you have to know it, understand it, and only then can you use it!

By the way I take offence to this comment
When defence fails, you play the handicap card.
I'm not playing anycard, that's like people who play the race card, it's racist itself and unacceptable.

It would seem I cannot discuss and explore certain avenues with you, without you formulating a specific opinion rather than just discussing.

Perhaps I don't see the image you think you are projecting ;-)

And a heart felt plea it certainly wasn't meant to be, it was a question, an observation a thought for discussion.

I certainly didn't expect TT forum posts to be the cure of all ills and fixer of my failures as a person, i just thought you all liked to talk about things openly and honestly.

I'm interested in people's point of view not their sympathy or not even neccesarily their empathy!

I thought I was the way I was because that is who I am, and if I offend people, I don't care because I choose too, now if the diagnosis is correct and i do have dyspraxia, it means I don't know who I am, or who anyone else is, because I don't see things right. It explains alot, but also strips me of things I thought I knew or beleived.....I'll draw another analogy to the Matrix if we aren't carefull!

I'm not sure you understand the dilema going through my mind at the moment, though I think NoWay may haved grasped my angle!

But then again isn't freedom, choice, control all an illusion anyway?

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
The problems you face go back to cavemen days, to the most basic animal instinct, fight or flight.

People often decide on a house they are going to buy within a few minutes, often before they even get in the door, regardless of how the rest of the house is.
If someone serves you a pile of slop that looks likes something the dog threw up, you will automatically think you're not going to enjoy it, it may taste fantastic, but you mind is telling you otherwise.
We make judgements about people, usually before they even say a word, based on age, race, gender. Many people say they don't but if you see a gang of teenagers, hoods up, late at night, do you walk straight through them, or try to avoid?
It's something we have to live with and learn to adapt around, rightly or wrongly, because we are not going to get rid of 10's of thousands of years of evoloutionary programming overnight.

Robert Wilensky:
We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.

1DMF said:
I'm certainly not trying to dispute that sentence neither am I currently trying to be more professional.


I think you need to read the main FAQ that is the "rules" for this forum. Just like there are rules to go to various businesses. We may not agree on everything, but there are certain rules.

TheRules said:
Making an Impression

As we all know, the study of language is not an exact science, but is rather fluid and laced with interpretation. We enjoy an opportunity in this forum to exchange ideas, sometimes at odds, but always with the free flow of thought. It is a wonderful exercise, hopefully challenging to one’s own position, and a learning experience for all. To keep it that way, I hope that we all follow these guidelines.

1. Respect the other members of this community. Each of us is an intelligent human being, capable of independent thought, with the right to their own opinion. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with another’s opinion, stay focused on the issue, and not on the person. Ad-hominem attacks and/or comments have no place in this forum.

2. Please read the entire thread before posting.

3. Point of Order - Any member, at any time, can call a point of order. This is a way of saying, "let's step back, refocus and get some perspective". When a member calls a point of order, all discussion participants should retreat to their corners, count to ten, take a deep breath, and/or regroup before continuing the discussion.

4. Please keep to the topic of the original post. A thread may evolve along a certain track which is fine, but tangential issues deserve their own thread.

5. Everyone has equal standing in this forum. Any member should feel free to offer their thoughts, or to request clarification on any point, with the full knowledge they will be treated with the same dignity and respect as everyone else in the forum.

6. If a thread gets overly long, then any member should feel free to summarize the positions, including all the key points under discussion, and begin a new thread to continue the discussion.

7. [highlight]Maintain professionalism at all times. Tek-Tips is for professionals and by professionals, and the Making an Impression forum is no exception. Most of the members of this forum do not participate in the discussions, but simply read them for pleasure and learning. Let’s ensure the environment always remains positive and professional.[/highlight]

Thanks go out to all who have contributed to these guidelines.

So who defines what professional means here? How about those fitting the bill. How about those "in charge" of the particular forum?

But simply, the very context defines it. As mentioned in "the rules", the professionalism is one that reflects those in the technical and business world. NOT rough teenagers (all teenagers don't stand around cussing up a storm. NOT hitmen, mofia, etc.

Frankly, I'm surprised this forum thread has not yet been red flagged. I know I've personally seen threads red-flagged for less. I suppose people are trying their best to give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you don't understand the rules, ask. Don't just assume that it's okay that you don't understand. Just like the rest of us are expected to be professional, so are you. Either that, or you have no business posting, period.

[side note] Hopefully I didn't just figure out the reasoning behind your screen name - just thought of. I'm assuming I'm not correct in what came to my mind, and I'll not post that either. Because if that thought IS correct, then you got off on the wrong foot when you joined tek-tips to begin with. [/side note]

Have a good day. [smile]
very odd post KJV, red flag for what? (Canjun - we cool right?)

What do you beleive my handle stands for, I bet you you're wrong, but I can guess what your thinking. and of course it's a play on words, and my whole point about image, percieved image, assumption, misconception...

And part of my point in all this, you make assumtioons without knowing anything and formulate opinions, whether they are intentional or not, right or wrong, I gave Sympology the star for succinctly encompasing everything I have been toying with at a fundamental philosophical level, which I know we all in some form or another have to accept.

If you beleive my handle means one thing, but it doesn't what does that make you?

How have I got off on the wrong foot from the start because of a screen name you don't understand and know nothing about?

Does that say more about your prejudice than my unprofessionalism or disability.

I think on TT there is only a couple of people who know the real acronym my handle is referring to...BabyJeffy / BillyRayPreachersSon , maybe you should ask them ;-)

Or find the post where I clearly state it! and no it wan't red flagged, why would be?

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
regarding the name:
Okay, I'm glad it's not what came to mind at the moment. And yeah, if I were honestly concerned about the screen name, then I'd of taken the time to look, but I'm not THAT concerned. [wink]

I am having trouble seeing why the post is odd. I quoted the rules of the forum, and I quoted you basically stating that you never intended to abide by those rules. And I said that other threads have been red-flagged for less. Nothing odd in that.

Regardless, try to be professional. If you have to, type out your posts first in notepad or something... think about it for a while, re-read what you typed, and then after you're sure it's what you want to say, copy/paste it to tek-tips. On some occasions, that can work quite well - or at least it has for me.
Agreed, and I try my best to use preview, correct, preview, correct, but as we all know, TT can have a nasty habit of crashing and lossing rather long posts.

which can be very frustrating and would be easily rectified if we had an edit function!

I actually thought about your post on the way home and it reminded me off Mr Goldstien's post earlier on this thread.

It was another classic example of assumption, something which I don't tend to do as other do and struggle to understand.

He assumed I should know he was Jewish because of his handle? Why, what assumption are you assuming I'm making.

How on earth can I deduct what nationality or religion someone is by their web forum handle or even knowing it was their surname.

They could have been a Reincarnated Buddhist for all I know!

I don't make these assumptions, I don't see what others may see, and again it makes me want to draw from the Matrix.

Remember when Neo was trapped and asked the indian guy about love, how can a program talk of love? he replied... love is just a word, it's the meaning and connection you have with it that matters.

Goldstein is just a word, to Mr Goldstein the meaning and connection he has with it is now obvious and one he holds dear, to me it's just a word, I have no connection with it!

1DMF if just a bunch of characters, it only has a meaning to those that have a connection with it and I bet my connection is different to anyone elses!

"In complete darkness we are all the same, only our knowledge and wisdom separates us, don't let your eyes deceive you."

"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"

Google Rank Extractor -> Perl beta with FusionCharts
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