That falls in line with what I said. As soon as you increased to 30, it started using port 30 for lamps. Without it in a hunt group, it started setting dialed message waiting. Decreasing to 20 would fix any lamps set with callbacks, but should have left any lamps set by port 30 (dialed).
The m/w port (port 20 or 30 depending) needs to be in the vmail hunt group for it to set callbacks. If the m/w lamp is not in the hunt group it sets dialed message waiting. If you change it, one way or the other, while lamps are on, they will not clear once checked.
If you get some dialed and...
Does the LIM work in SIP mode? I've only used it in MiNet mode. To use it in MiNet you have to program a key on the set to activate it, is it the same for SIP?
Not sure about 5235's, but the boot process has changed for 53xx's. If the set can't download it's firmware for whatever reason, it will try and failback to firmware now kept in memory. This speeds up boot time, that's for sure. My 53xx's come up in seconds now, instead of minutes.
Update the MAS and Blade to latest. If you are still having problems, and this answer is strickly from the seat of my pants (I have used it to fix Rel 8 TW issues), copy the set firmware from your 3300 (as long as your internal sets are working fine) and SCP it on to your TW server.
If you need...
How big is the backup of the 3300? How big of a link between the 3300 and Ops server? I have a customer with a 175meg backup (embedded vmail with 100 users with lots o messages), with a T1 between sites. Ops will not back it up, it times out. A backup from the ops server via the ESM does...
I have had Rel 8 in the lab for weeks, interesting changes in there. Lots of customer requested stuff. The headset/handsets are running in house. Wierd to see a guy standing around talking with a HANDSET up to his head, yet he isn't around a phone at all.
There is nothing canned in Entman/Ops to pull traffic data from a 2k or 3300. To do that you will need a 3rd party app, or write one for yourself.
The data is kept in *.traffic on the pbx (IIRC), so you just need a script that needs to pull it.
Ohhh, so your VAR is the problem? Support only deals with the Var's. Bell Canada doesn't have an answer for you? There are aother VAR's out there. Just cause they are nation wide doesn't make them the best. Hence why we have Rogers, Telus, and ohh nevermind, Bell has sucked the others up...
Hmmm, mine works fine for 43 users in TW mode, all on the road sales reps, doesn't slow my PIII 1 Gig Dell down much. Granted I do know when it's open, the app itself does use a fair chunk of resources but I only uses it when travelling, so no biggie for me. The sales guys all have P4's, no...
Geez montrealguyhere, why trash YA like that? It works fine over teleworker, no VPN required.
Rel 7 lets you use SIP trunks and/or SIP clients, licenses are needed for each. As well as the ASU II, licenses plus hardware for that as well. I use a combination of YA or X-lite, depends on the...
#3: You need to have SIP user licenses
Create a new Multiline IP device, set the set type as 'Generic SIP device', assign a DN, a user, a pin (usually the same as the DN). Set that info in the Xlite client. It does work, I have a few Xlite clients working in my lab.
I think you are confusing rings with seconds. If you do not *do anything* at the console for XX minutes, it will go to Night Mode. That is the Attendant Busy Out Timer. If it is rerouting due to rings/seconds of ringing, that is a different thing.
Volguy7, look at Multiline set key assignment, find any keys on the set. If any are Single Line, they are related to this set only. If any are Multi or Key system, then they are on this set as well as others. To find if this set is Prime for a multi or key system, go to Multiline set Group...
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