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Search results for query: *

  1. RegionsRob

    Set Startup form, now I've really messed it up!

    Thanks, JRBarnett. That DoCmd.RunCommand in your first response just stopped a major panic attack. I turned off the menus to the point where I couldn't get them back, and for some reason, the Shift key on startup wasn't letting me see them either.
  2. RegionsRob

    How can I use a 1/8" Left/Right Report Page Margin?

    The HP Laser Jets that I have used also have the .25" minimum margin (or even .33"!), so just getting a laser printer may not solve your problem either.
  3. RegionsRob

    Populate Combo Box Based on Another Combo Box Selection

    I was afraid that was what I was going to have to do. Turns out it wasn't difficult at all. However, even that doesn't get me where I want to go. What I need is this: I need a subform in Datasheet view where the fields are formatted as combo boxes. I want to select a state in one combo box...
  4. RegionsRob

    Populate Combo Box Based on Another Combo Box Selection

    Jim (or anyone else who can help) - How do I then take the value of the second combo box and get it into a field in the table that underlies the form? (since the recordsource has to be a query and not the field in the table)
  5. RegionsRob

    Does Access 2000 convert

    You do NOT want that one user to convert the database! I'm currently having to convert my 97 databases into 2000, and quite frankly, it's scaring the you-know-what out of me. I think there's a way that 2000 can open a 97 file without converting it, but it doesn't let you modify any objects...
  6. RegionsRob

    Import pdf database into Access

    PDF is just a snapshot of the data. It is the format used by Adobe Acrobat. I'm not even sure how a database could be saved into PDF format. Reports could be saved in PDF. However, since it is an image of the data, and not the data itself, I don't think you can import it.
  7. RegionsRob

    Update record on form accroding to the selection of a combo box

    I've gotten this far in a database of my own. My question at this point is: how do I save the values in the 2 combo boxes to a table so that the next time I come back to this record, the choices that I already selected are displayed?
  8. RegionsRob

    Combo box help

    I've wrapped my brain inside out trying to figure this out. Task: save a code for each county in each employee's territory. I've got half of this figured out: using a combo box to choose the state, a second combo box that lists only the counties belonging to the state in the first combo box...
  9. RegionsRob

    Access Report Mystery

    If this were a Form, I'd say check the "Display when" property of the label. Did you create the report from a form? If so, you may have to set the label property on the form and re-save the form as a report. (I just checked one of my reports saved from a form, and I can't see any way...
  10. RegionsRob

    Short Date format quickie

    There is no "24:00". It is "00:00".
  11. RegionsRob

    Exporting query results to Excel!!!

    I think you can get it with LEN. Using the code I gave you before, try: ShortEmail: MID(TRIM([email]),8, LEN([email])-8) The 8 is the number of the character in the string where you want to start (skipping the 7 characters of MailTo: ). The second parameter is the number of characters you want...
  12. RegionsRob

    two minuses dont make a right??

    If I'm interpreting you correctly, what you really want to do is show zero (0) if [Ordered] - [Delivered] is a negative number. Bev is on the right track. What I would do is make the source for [BackOrder] the following: = iif([Ordered Quan]-[Delevered Quan]< 0, 0, [Ordered Quan]-[Delevered Quan])
  13. RegionsRob

    Exporting query results to Excel!!!

    To get just the email address without the &quot;MAILTO:&quot;, I would create a calculated field in the query. Assuming that MAILTO: is at the beginning of each entry in the field in your table, you can use the MID function to start at the 8th character in the field and return the rest of the...
  14. RegionsRob

    &quot;This recordset is not updateable&quot;

    There are certain types of select queries that will not let you make changes to (update)the recordset. I don't understand exactly when it happens and end up with trial-and-error fixes to get around it. Anyway, if you search the Access help for Updating Queries, then select the choice for...
  15. RegionsRob

    URGENT URGENT......Export of Report problem

    If you're going to use a text box, you don't need any coding at all! Just set the record source to the field that holds your yes/no answer, then set the &quot;Format&quot; property to True/False, Yes/No, or On/Off.
  16. RegionsRob

    URGENT URGENT......Export of Report problem

    I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but when you export a report to Word in rtf format, you lose all drawn objects (checkboxes, lines, etc.). I had to totally re-design a couple reports because of this. The only way I know of keeping the checkboxes is to export the report as a Snapshot...
  17. RegionsRob

    Gridlines in reports

    You are going to have a problem with getting the lines in Word. Saving an Access report in RTF format eliminates many drawn objects such as lines and checkboxes. In order to simulate lines, you need to use text characters such as the underscore (_) and vertical bar (|). Unfortunately, I can't...
  18. RegionsRob

    Maximaze only one window

    I agonized over this same problem for about a week before I came to the realization that AlexMidd's first answer is about the best solution: with all forms in their small (&quot;restore&quot;) size, manually set the size of form you want &quot;maximized&quot; to fill the screen. The only other...
  19. RegionsRob

    Is there a function to determine # days in a month?

    I don't know of any built-in function that does that. What I do to determine the last day of the month is: Starting with the first day of the month, Add one month, then subtract one day. LastDate = DateAdd(&quot;D&quot;, -1, DateAdd(&quot;M&quot;, 1, FirstDate))
  20. RegionsRob


    First, yes, Access is acting in the correct manner (for Access). Workgroups must be activated on each machine. That means that each user must use the Workgroups Manager and change her workgroup. If the user uses your database from more than one machine on the network, she will have to change...

Part and Inventory Search
