Possibly corrupt APM (Advanced Power Management) drivers.
Click Start / Settings / Control Panel / double click the Systems icon / click the Device Manager tab / click the + next to System if the first device is not Advanced Power Management support skip to the next paragraph. If Advanced...
MDM7 is the Machine debug Manger if you hacve Office XP or Visual studio.NET installed. It can be sagfely removed.
You may also need to go to Tools>Internet Options, click the Advanced tab and check "Disable script debugging" in Internet Explorer.
The logo comes from the...
Unless you have problems like bluenoser337 is describing, I always recommend 0 byte autoexec.bat and config.sys files if you're running Win95 or higher. They are only needed for DOS apps. The only one I would leave alone is a line (in autoexec.bat) for your virus scanner to check files...
If you're running Win2k:
This is an active setup and will only download components you select for your OS. (this is for win2k only!)
To download the whole code for all Windows versions you need to use a special command.
First create a folder c:\ie6,
then download the above file to that...
If you can't right-click and choose Save As..., then they don't want you to be able to save the file (copyright issues). Only one thing to suggest:
Certain sound cards (my Sould Blaster Live Value, for example) have a setting called "What you hear". It allows you to save...
Go to Tools>Options, click the Maintenance tab, then the Store Folder button and browse to the location of the .dbx files.
Outlook Express 5 or higher uses the .dbx file format. Outlook Expreews 4.0 uses the .mbx file format and they cannot be interchanged.
If you can't retrieve them this way...
Try going to View>Folder Options, click the File Types tab, scroll to Advanced Straeming Format File, click the Edit button and check the "confirm open after download" box. Do the same for Advanced Srtreaming Redirector File.
You may also want to look over these for shutdown trouble-shooting:
If you're using Win98 Second edition (4.10.2222A), and the Shutdown supplement is installed but not working correctly,
the Fast Shutdown registry key may be enabled.
The Microsoft System Configuration utility includes an...
Use the Windows98 Startup floppy to boot up the computer.
At the C:\> prompt, rename the config.sys and autoexec.bat as config.old and autoexec.old
It looks like this.
C:\>rename config.sys config.old <hit enter>
C:\>rename autoexec.bat autoexec.old <hit enter>...
I can't agree with that analogy.
If you've upgraded to IE6, Windows Media Player 7.1, and/or DirectX 8, you are in for more trouble. You have essentially wiped out newer versions of files with older versions. So all those Security updates from Windows Update are probably gone.
How exactly do I Export the keys first?
In the registry select the key (looks like a folder) that you want to make the change to, then choose Registry>Export Registry File from the menu. Save it to your desktop. If things go wrong, double-click on it to undo the changes you made.
Try hitting the F8 key on startup and choose Safe Mode. This will set the taskbar to it's defaiult posistion.
For the slowness, how many background programs are running. Tap the Alt_Ctl_Del keys once and post back what's in the list.
General speed-up tips include:
If it's running that...
They should be listed as something like this:
under c:\windows\history\history.ie5
Try this using the MS-DOS Prompt:
Microsoft(R) Windows 98
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1999.
C:\WINDOWS>cd history...
I know nothing about Novel, but give this a shot:
The columns have been resized to nothing. You need to press [Ctl] + [+] (the plus key on the numeric keypad) to get Windows to automatically resize the columns to fit the Window.
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