I havent heard of that yet but I wouldnt put it past anyone to do so. The ink cubes should be shaped a certain way to fit in the hole. Media Science is usually only half right (flat on one side instead being of shaped like the hole) and wont have the # on the bottom. They are flat on the...
Do not adjust the head on an 850 on up. (only 840)
It is possible for a drum heater not working to cause this error but not very likely. The bulbs are cheap so I would try that first if you dont think they are working.
Does it have an LTA on it?
If so reseat the connection for the lta.
If not pull the paper tray out and inspect the board behind the tray. make sure it isnt loose and doesnt have any loose connections. Make sure all the tray guids are set right and that none of the pins on the back side of...
Have you tried running the jetfix snippets yet? I've had really good luck with them. They can be found (with instructions) on the drivers page for that printer on the Xerox website. Also update the firmware.
Talk to media science and see if they will replace the Print head wiper blade too.
It sounds like the snippet didnt take.
How long ago did you install the snippet? (There has been a revision to the snippet.)
Did you get a green text printout when the snippet was installed?
Did you cycle the power after doing the snippet?
Is the printer plugged into an extension cord or...
Take the left side cover off and look for a big white gear.
Before removing it note the orientation of the white vertical strait gear behind it.
Open the IU cover all the way. Remove the big gear and push the noted gear as far up as you can. Put the big gear back on.
Put the side cover...
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