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  • Users: fedto
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  1. fedto

    Hangs with scanreg

    JillC, What this sounds like is the regestry files are stiing in bad sectors on the hard drive. Boot up with the boot disk, run scandisk and when prompted, perform a full scan in which it will check the integrety of the hard drive. If there is any problems with bad sectors, it should find them...
  2. fedto

    Aol7 - Can't access ANY url's from my browser

    You won't have to change any settings. just dial into aol and double click the internet explorer icon and it will launch. If there is a problem with IE which is causing the aol browser not to function properly, it will become more apparant. I say this because aol uses the same settings that IE...
  3. fedto

    Aol7 - Can't access ANY url's from my browser

    Allow me to clairfy, AOL is the ISP and in versions 3.0 and later will allow the AOL user to access either by using the AOL supplied Web Browser AS WELL AS INTERNET EXPLORER which CAME with the Operating System. I have used AOL for several years that way, because I hate having to go through...
  4. fedto

    cannot get OS to load

    It could also be a bad controller on the motherboard. I had a system, PII 266 that ran fine, but when tried to install new hardware, it would take over 30 mintues to build an information data base as well as freeze up about half way. Then when I wiped the drive clean, it would not load, XP at...
  5. fedto

    internet explorer defaulting to "never dial a connection"

    I have had a similar problem, but instead of defaulting to "never dial" it defaulted to "always dial". After updating the latest Service Pack for IE 6 and changing the setting in Interent Options and rebooting, the problem has not come back. fedto [cheers]
  6. fedto

    Aol7 - Can't access ANY url's from my browser

    Can you access the web by using Internet Explorer that came with windows? The Aol browser is tied in with Windows IE and if one cannot access the other usually cannot access. It should give you a better idea of what is going on. Let us now what happens when you try the windows IE browser. fedto...
  7. fedto

    PC freezes when I access a file, need help to remove it

    Have you tried checking the properties of the folder? It may be set so that it cannot be deleted. Right click the folder and go to properties. Check there and under the security tab. See if you can change it then delete it. fedto [cheers]
  8. fedto

    Celeron processor...

    I'm assuming that when you stated that device manager shows that it's working, that you are refering to the linksys nick card? If it is showing good in device manager, check out your network settings and see if the linksys show's up there. IF it is not, then it is safe to assume that it is...
  9. fedto

    windows 95 wont load!

    you can obtain a boot up disk from download.com, http://www.download.com. For the os, choose 98 or me, since you will need cdrom supprot and the windows 95 boot disk does not contain drivers for it. I sounds like iexplorer is totally cooked and a reinstall should fix this problem. [cheers] fedto
  10. fedto

    Windows 98 just doesnt start.

    Something else to consider is the possiblility that the paging file may be full. Working on a helpdesk I have seen this many times. See if you can get into safemode, if you can do a search for *.tmp and delete any that are found. Empty the recycling bin. Also go into internet options in control...
  11. fedto

    Once again...explorer illegal operation error...

    run system file checker and have it check the system files for alterations. It may help. click on start>run in open type sfc. Then click on scan files. It will go through and check the files. If it finds one that has been altered, it will prompt extract that file, click on yes, but click on...
  12. fedto

    very basic question from a newbie--booting to DOS

    The key you are looking for is F8. That will bring up the boot selection screen. fedto[cheers]
  13. fedto

    Autoexec Appending

    Go to start>run and in open, type msconfig hit ok or enter. Click ont he autoexec.bat tab and do what you need to do. If the Os is win95, find the autoexec.bat file in dos mode and type at the prompt, edit autoexec.bat and edit the line you need fedto[cheers]
  14. fedto

    Paging File

    Since you have 512 mb ram, your system would not be using that much if any at all of the paging file. It would not have to use a swap file. It will only use the paging file IF it runs low or out of RAM. Try changing the setting in the same location to background processes instead of applications...
  15. fedto

    opening files

    It could be a file association problem or there is a setting in word to ignore other applications. The ignore other applications is more common in word 97. Click on tools>options>general take the check out of "ignore other applictaions" fedto[cheers]
  16. fedto


    You could try extracting spool32.exe fromt he cabs folder on the hard drive. See if you can get into safemode, Once there, got to start>run and in open type msconfig In the bottom right corner there is a button called system file checker, click on it to activate it. Select extract 1 file from...
  17. fedto

    computer won't compute!

    Nancie try this, Unplug the power cord and hold the power button in for about a minute. Plug it back in and then see if it will start. Sometimes a motherboard or something else will "keep" the power it had and will block any new coming in. I have a system that does that from time to...
  18. fedto

    hardware for simple video recording?

    I have an ATI All in Wonder 128, running windows XP Pro and have found with it, the best video capture for it is the default video CD setting. I have used ATI All in Wonder video caputre cards for years and have had wonderful results. It's mainly dependant on the format chosen and the Operating...
  19. fedto

    IDE Cable

    XP will find and activate the drives fine. Also, there should be no problem wih the drives working at the same time. I assume you have the drive at the end of the cable set to master and the one connected in the middle as slave? Cable select may also work, mostly depends on your mother...
  20. fedto

    Need a network card driver for my ME???

    Look on the mother board near where the network cable would plug in, there should be a name on the chip for the network interface. If that does not help, if you know the manufacturer of the pc then get the serial number. Most manufacturers have a list of the drivers necessary for each model and...

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