I don't know that there is a single link / location for that. MD notices come out as bulletins. Login to MOL, select either the Support or Corporate menu, then Bulletins.
With no version information of either Exchange or MCD, I'll just throw a few doc options at you. From the support know-base, there are several docs for configuring different MCD versions to different Exchange versions.
There's also this article:
Article ID #
11-5191-00242 Article Type...
It sounds like you should be using the ACD queue functions. Does all that you are looking for. Options for callers in queue include RADs, interflow or overflow options, etc.
The first time the clients connect after the MAS/UCA upgrade, the server will offer to upgrade the client too. Unless you have something on the network blocking automatic upgrade, you should be good to go.
I had the same question... According to Mitel tech support, this feature is discontinued (since version 2.x). The problem is Mitel's documentation not being thoroughly reviewed and edited for new versions (among the OTHER problems of Mitel documentation!).
MBG clustering is a start. Also, starting on p.25 of the MBG 8.x Engineering Guidelines is a Resilient SIP Trunk Configuration section describing the process. It is not hand-holding step-by-step, but will give you the process Mitel has.
We need far more information ... model of 3300? Software release? Does 3300 have an Analog Main Board (AMB)? How are the Fire/Tornado alarms triggered now? What is that system? Details, details, details...
With the minimal detail of your initial post, there are a couple of options. Nupoint VM has the capability to be up to a 6-port fax server. Using the Unified Messaging capabilities, you can get faxes into mailboxes, then the UM can send them out to users. Information on Nupoint is available on...
Might you be able to use non-prime DNs on agent exts with CPN Substitution? It would require user training for different CLIs. I've not tried the details below yet, but let us know if the COS options change works for non-prime lines.
Here are the specifics from the Help Files:
To program...
If you're upgrading to UCA 5.x latest and greatest, the UCA license becomes "UCA Mobile for Smart Devices", which covers iPhone/iPad, Android or Crackberry in one license. One license may be relatively inexpensive, but Mitel does offer a 50-license pack as well. If you're using them through...
You'd contact your VAR (value added reseller) who has access to Mitel OnLine (MOL), which has a nomination process. The VAR fills in your details and an MOL account is created for training access. If you don't have a VAR, look on the public Mitel web-site for Partners, then Find a Partner.
I had similar symptoms when communications was blocked between the PC client and server by a firewall. Double-check that you have either the local PC's firewall allowing outbound connections on ports 5060 and 80 (usually does by default) or that any firewalls or routers' ACLs between client and...
Yes, I've seen this with 5340s attempting to boot from ISC's DHCP server (*nix-based, open-source). After multiple shenanigans with the client, it came down to ISC's DHCP did not fully support the RFC defining the options. This was buried in the ISC release notes...
What DHCP server are you...
What is the specific error message or symptoms when failing to connect? Does anything show in the UCA Mobile Diagnostic Settings log?
I have UCA 5.0 and MBG 7.1 supporting UCA Mobile fine, but in a different configuration (MBG is gateway mode and UCA is a separate internal box). Ports were...
Check to see if there's a firewall or ACL involved, in addition to the proxy that you had to work around. I had a high-security site with similar UCA client disconnection symptoms and turns out we needed to enable bi-directional TCP port 80 (HTTP) and TCP 5060 (SIP) (yeah, I know SIP is usually...
Good afternoon, I'm working with MCD 4.0SP2, with Nupoint 4.0. I am working with Nupoint's UM-SMTP, delivering VM notification to users, but the request from the user base is to disable even INTERNAL caller-id. E.g, ext. 1234 calls ext. 5678 and leaves a VM. The VM notification email to x5678...
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