How long do you anticipate it being unplugged?
If it is for a short period of time (1/2 hour or less), you may want to consider buying a small UPS for it.
The AS/400 / iSeries / Systemi / FlavorOfTheWeek servers are indestructible... we had two that survived a fire 6 years ago, one of which is still up & ticking... :-)
In all seriousness, no matter how you decide to move it, be sure to do a FULL system backup, just in case... and, it wouldn't...
Just make sure that the 6.1 is the latest maintenance release (Software version ending in G10). Otherwise, the customer will likely have some issues with PRI.
Are you able to ping the new color laserjets?
What did you set for the "Manufacturer type and model" (MFRTYPMDL) parameter ? And what is this set for on an existing HP printer?
You may want to try changing this parameter to *HPCOLORLJ
What is your software version, as reported back by the system in Maintenance ?
6.1 prior to Maintenance Release 3 is buggy with PRI's.
You need to be on 6.1MR3 or higher. The SPID should end in G10.
Methinks you have a buggy 6.1... RPG.
Around 10 years ago, I was trying to debug an RPG program where I was sure that there was a compiler problem, because the logic looked sound...
Even in debug, it took me awhile to figure out my syntax error...
It was something like this:
*IN90 ifeq '*ON'
instead of
*IN90 ifeq...
An update... it is fixed. The IP address stored in the "Call Center Connection" got wiped out, probably due to database corruption. There were errors on the disk when a chkdsk was run.
I would think this would cause all (real-time) reporting to stop working.
We have had RCC setup for around 6 months.
This past Tuesday morning, we experienced a power failure. Ever since then, the ipView software is not displaying data.
I went to the machine that collects the data from the Callpilot150, and retested the port configuration, made sure that IIS was...
Won't that just give you the ORIGINAL "assignee" of the number?
If the number gets ported to a competitor, the site will still show the original telco provider to whom it was provided.
Our main phone number here at work, for example, is "assigned" to Verizon, but we do not use Verizon here...
Try defining a result field in the query as a string. So, ResultField will be 20070601 (for examnple).
From there, you can define additional result fields, that will substring the initial result field.
With some manipulation, you can create a text result field that will refresent 20070601 as...
Glad to help. :-)
Also, you may want to check scheduled jobs (WRKJOBSCDE) to be sure that none will be submitted as him, as they will no longer work. Pressing F11 twice will show you a view that lists the user who scheduled the job.
Someone is either logged in as JSMITH, or there is a job out there running under his name.
Try WRKOBJLCK JSMITH *USRPRF & see what you come up with.
Good luck
In system programming, setup an External Hotline, that dials "9". This will cause the phone to dial "9" whenever it goes off-hook. However, this will not allow the phone to make internal calls, retrieve from Park, etc.
Additionally, linking 2 MICS together with E&M will not provide calling station ID between the 2 systems.
If you have ext 2000, 2014, and 2025 on 1 MICS, and 3000, 3010, and 3020 on the second, calling from 2000 to 2014 will show the calling party. Calling from 2000 to 3000 will not...
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