After you unchecked the "Must use MAG cards" option and saved the Employee Info, make sure you have refreshed your data. You will also want to try "Clear Password" for the employees in question. You can do this from your FOH functions. Off the top of my head it is Functions -> Employee ->...
We do this at our restaurant; at least I am pretty sure we do from what you described. We have these fundraisers for organizations. The guests coming in for the fundraiser will bring in a flyer so we know to donate a certain percentage of their total check (less taxes) back to the...
Under Tender Maintenance, look at the Identification tab. Is Require Identification checked? If so, try unchecking it and see if that solves your issue. If you have multiple Gift Card tenders, you will need to uncheck this box for each one.
Just a note, I am running TS v6 currently, but used...
Check your ibercfg.bat file. You may want to make sure that SET REBOOTNT = TRUE.
I believe that will have your computer reboot at a refresh or EOD instead of log off.
Hope this helps,
Great point, TobeThor. We don't run into that too often at our restaurants, but when we do the server would fire separate chits. First, the chit with the apps so it will be made first. Then, a few minutes later fire the ticket with the entrees.
There is still a fundamental flaw because the...
This can be done in Aloha by using Menu Item Priority.
First, under Store Settings - > Printing-Chits, go to the Chit Style tab and make sure the 'Sort Items according to Priority' and 'Print a separator line between Priority' boxes are checked.
Second, under Maintenance -> Menu -> Items, set...
The best advice I have ever recieved around bonuses was "always plan to pay out at minimum what you are offering as a bonus"
Meaning... make it achievable. Your plan should definitely be based on metrics that your team has control over, which sounds like would NOT be sales. Collaborate with...
You can have Excel check for calculation errors and display "na" if any error exists. This will catch the divide by zero errors.
=IF(ISERROR(Your Formula)=TRUE,"na",Your Formula)
I believe the only way to declare tips for the current DOB is to do so at the FOH during clock-out.
If you need to adjust an employee's declared tips for the current DOB, you will need to delete their clock-out, have him or her clock-out again, and declare the correct amount of tips.
Hope this...
If you are using table service (I am not sure if this would be the same in QS or not), go to Store Settings - > Printing-Chits.
On the Chit Appearance tab you should have check boxes for consolidating items and printing in large font.
When I first upgraded to v6.0+, I had a few Win98 terminals. It will work, but is not ideal and was not recommended by our reseller. One of their big reasons for not using Win98 is credit card security. According to my reseller, by sometime this year everyone that accepts credit cards will...
Did you set a Start Date and End Date in Price Change Maintenance? I was just working with this a couple months ago, however I did my price changes with price levels versus individual items. I do believe that the DOB must be within the Start Date and End Date AND you must have an event set up...
We are currently implementing Patronpath in our restaurants. What sold us on these guys is that their online ordering system fires the online order right into Aloha's delivery system and fires the tickets to the kitchen printers when they need to be made. For orders paid with a credit card...
Are you saying that you changed the opening time in your Store Settings? We have our opening time set at 7:00am as well in store settings, even though we really open at 11:00am. So, I do believe you are correct, that should fix your issue.
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