Italy: Think the issue is the trim() function so you might like to try the following version which doesn't need it.
David C. Monks...
Italy: Thanks for posting those but now you'll need to post the constituent parts i.e. @DetBugWorkingCost, @Department etc. so we can try and track this down further as there is nothing here which could explain your problem David C. Monks
sandrews: CE8 is the replacement for Info so the question is not whether you should use CE8 but when. There are a number of differences between the current releases of SI7.5 and CE8 but over the next few months there are expected to be more releases of CE8 with more of the Info functionality...
Italy: Icytrue was suggesting that if you can show us the formula we will be able to see if there is anything there which is causing your zeros! Check that your Info Server has access to all of the data needed to run the report - it is common for a report to run in the Report Designer (uses the...
matahari: This is commonly an issue if you are using Oracle 7 and the database is set to backup automatically everynight. Solutions if you are:
1. move up to Oracle 8 or 8i (if the latter make sure you download the revised ODBC driver from crystaldecisions web site first!)
2. back up at less...
buckwheat: Sure - cheat!! If you create a formula field (@cheat) which merely has the original item # as its formula you can then select that within your specified group David C. Monks
Accredited Crystal Decisions Enterprise...
jfrenzel57: You'll find a helpful download on the Crystal Decisions webite ( which has 25 or so sample formulas to help you get to grips with the topic David C. Monks
Accredited Crystal...
Salvatoref: I think you have not understood the use of the store and fetch process. Storenumbervar will store the value you choose with whatever frequency the section you place it in will print i.e. if you put it in the report header/footer only once, if you put it in the details once per...
Snowdude, Will check this out and get back to you. David C. Monks
Accredited Crystal Decisions Enterprise Partner
Italy, Not sure I kmow why Oracle 7 stops the services from restarting automatically - the client used to have to do a manual restart every time until we moved to Oracle 8. I would suggest that if you can you do the same.
You say you migrated the APS database manually - did you use the Data...
We've found that other clients have eliminated similar problems through a programme of continuous clearance of cache and temp files - this is why Crystal suggest not to use qry or dc5 based reports because they generate vast amounts of temp files. As each file requires a handle and...
I suggest that you quiz Crystal on the EXACT spec. of Enterprise for Baan - make sure that the first release of CE supports your existing or planned reporting requirements (there are to be a number of releases of CE throughout the year with additional functionality)
There are 2...
What database are you using for the APS system? Does this get taken down for backup every night? I have a client who was using Oracle 7 who had exactly the same issue - services would not restart after a shut down for backup of Oracle7, we solved it by moving the APS database to Oracle 8...
Do you get the same result if you save the report to the local machine and then add it to the folder rather than save on the APS? David C. Monks
Accredited Crystal Decisions Enterprise Partner
Doen this many times. Some documentation about but not to hand as I write this. However, try the following:
1. Install Info on the new machine using the default Access (cinfo.mdb) database
2. Copy onto the new machine the entire contents of both the input and output subdirectories...
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