something that isnt stated is, does it actually freeze when trying to print or does it freeze by itself?
what JD card is in use?
updated drivers?
restarted spooler?
otherwise you can try change spooler settings in driver, set it to print directly to printer and see if printer still keeps on...
You may have tray2 set as default, meaning it tries to print from there. So if tray2 is open it tries to print from there, and cant sense if tray is empty or loaded and cancels the job.
This of course doesnt affect tray3 since if the printer tries to pick from tray2 it wont request tray3 to be...
This depends on what printers you have. is it supported for mac network? are the printers supporting that JD card? are the printers/JD cards supported for bigger networks?
I know for a fact that neither 300x or EN3700 supports Mac ethernet(even if it Can work nicely), but i am not really into...
what OS do you run?
try turning spooling on and changing the spool settings to "print when all pages are spooled/loaded" or something like that, not sure what its called in that printer driver
also, does this problem occur when printing multiple copies only? when printing multiple page...
The printer starts feeding from the biggest tray(normally tray 3 or 4) when it doesnt find paper in tray1(manual) or another tray, propably thats why it feeds from tray3..
as to why it feeds from tray3 to start with is hard to tell since ure using a VB program, but it sounds as if:
1. u need...
The noises only occur when printing?
Check if there is any unusual noises when powering up the printer..
The rollers ure referring to are located very close to the print cartridge(toner) when it is installed, and the cartridge might be defect
uh.. Windows NT 4.x,--> Windows <--, Windows 3.x
what does that mean? shouldnt it be supported by xp and 2k too..?
i might be wrong though, auger might know.. he seems to know this stuff better =)
using adobe apps?
might need to use Post script instead of pcl..
it sure sounds like a driver problem since it worked allrite with an earlier win OS..
make sure u have pcl6 on both clients and server..
check for latest f/w
the e just means its a monochrome printer.. the pcl6 there should be the one..
but if u didnt upgrade the drivers when u changed to win2k, ure probably still running pcl5..
if u already have pcl6 running for some reason, i still suggest u download and install the latest version of the driver...
guess ure using a win OS and PCL..
go to the command prompt and type:
COPY <filename>(eg. file.prn) <printer connection>(eg. LPT1 for parallel port 1) /B
should work in most windows OS..
i dont know if i understood the question correctly.. im a confused man =)
did the cartridge cradle get stuck?
if that is the case, close the top cover, unplug the power supply from the outlet, reconnect the printer to power..
this would power cycle the printer and move the cradle into position
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