I get the following error when voiding a cash receipt via eConnect:
Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Procedure taRMUnapplyTransaction, Line 1
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PKCM20100'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.CM20100'. The duplicate key value is (52072.00000, 1).
If I'm not mistaken I think you should be able to update the Item Quantity Master from Integration Manager when doing the Item Master loads. I don't have IM now so I can't verify if it is one of the associated tables that gets updated with the Item Master load.
However to just update the table...
That message is just a warning for you to ensure that there are no unposted entries for the year you are closing. Since your JE's are for 2007 you should be ok to close 2006.
The message that you are getting '... cannot void document that contains posted deposit' suggest that something relating to the invoice has already posted through and that is why you can't change, delete or void the invoice.
You need to remove the deposit/payment that is associated...
You could try deleting the distribution, saving the invoice. Then open the invoice again and go to distribution and allow the system to re-create the default distribution.
The system will not allow you to void anything unless all the affected documents are in History.
When you create the dummy invoice and apply to the Balance Remaining on the Return then the Return will move to History.
You can then void the Return which will make all the invoices that were...
The system will not allow you to void a partially applied document. You will need to enter a dummy invoice for the balance remaining ($4000) and apply against the Return.
Once the Return has been moved to History you should then be able to void the Return.
If there are no errors on the batch in GL the only other thing I would suggest that you double check the Posting Setup.
Select the series and transaction and make sure that Post To and Post Through is checked for each series and trx combination.
After that limit access to the Posting setup...
If you post at the Transaction level in the subledger (i.e. post without saving the trx in a batch) it will not post through the GL. It will always just create the JE transaction in GL even though you've selected 'Post To' and 'Post Through' in Posting Setup. Then you have to select the batch...
Hmmm ... It should have worked when you changed the batch date to May 31.
My next thought would be to change the setup: I think it is either Posting Setup or Payables Setup and check to use the document date as the posting date. This will default the posting date on the transaction to be the...
Thanks for your input Robert.
After setting curtrxam field in PM20000 I was able to apply the cheque to the invoice. However a new problem arose: only the cheque moved to history. The invoice is still open even though it is marked as fully applied.
I've run just about every utility...
When you create a new smartlist you should login as sa then launch smartlist to rebuild the lists. Once rebuilt other users will be able to see it if they have rights to do so.
I have a situation where a user got disconnected when applying a manual payment.
The result now is:
The invoice was already posted, is open and marked as fully applied even though there are no apply details
The cheque was not saved at all (as the user was disconnected before saving).
I've run...
Apparently a Reconciled cheque can be voided. When this happens the cheque will show up back in the Bank Recon module a negative cheque.
Unreconciled cheques that have been voided are not listed on the Select Bank Transactions Window when doing a Reconcile (see TK 860765).
I think this was...
We're using ver 8.
The cheque was printed in Nov 18, 2006 and was voided in April 2007. The void date and post date was set to April 6, 2007 - I have the posting report so I know the user didn't mess up the dates.
The cheque shows up as voided in the AP Inquiry
The Journal was posted to GL...
Has anyone ever encountered this situation:
A cheque is voided from Payables module. The document shows as voided in Payables, GL is updated; but the void does not seem to be recorded in the checkbook?
I've been trying to figure this one out for the past few days. Help!!!
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