Well, I fianally figured out ho to get this to work. It is really quite simple and I guess I missed somthing in the docs.
The SQL Parameters need to match the fields in the form that call the ".asp" file.
This is probably a newbie question but when programming in C++ I have always found it easier to dynamically create the SQL Query string rather than to use parameters. Now in MSFP I'm having troubles with both.
On my page I used the MSFP Database Results Wizard and I have my parameters in the...
Are you adding Dterm (Electronic) sets or Single Line?
If Single Line then yes you should have dialtone, for a Dterm set there is a little more to do.
1. The len needs to be assigned as F2101
2 Assign key data using command 90
3 Asing a Prime Line...
I am working on an application that has a TFrame component and as long as I access my LoadFrame function from the frame, by a popup menu, it works fine and the images load Ok.
However, if I try to load the frame from the application my private class variables are unreachable. It doesn’t matter...
Acording to the book that's all that is required.
While testing, if the change was made to the split or login while the agent was logged in then the changes will NOT take effect until the agent logs out and back in.
That's Normal.
When the first LEN on that card is assigned the OPE lamp will light and the other 15 line status lamps will flash.
As an aside, by first LEN I mean any one of the 16 not the bottom LEN.
There should be a check box at the bottom of Split Data that says "Multi Work Mode", this needs to be check.
Only logins with the Attribute set to a split with "Multi Work Mode" checked will be able to set Work Modes other that 1.
The set up is pretty simple and is listed in the Feature Programming Manual. Hyper Terminal will not work however, as the process is a polling process (the SMDR reciving application must request SMDR records and ACK them when received.)
I have 2 applications that pull SMDR records.
Contact me...
In the Virtual PIM IP equipment may be assigned to any phisical line group, 020000-020237 & 021000-021237. The catch as I get it from NTAC is that Equipment must be the same in each line group. That means that TEC 12s can NOT be mixed with TEC 3s, just as if cards were being used. for...
I don't know where the the Directorys are stored in the os2 however, try doing a control-J and enter the extension in the 'ID or Ext' field. Sounds like the extention you are trying to add matches an ID not an Extension. If this is true change the ID of the extension.
The reason the call is ringing back to the voicemail, is that there is not time for the outgoing trunk to setup and stablize before the transfering station releases.
Try seting the virtual to Call Forwarding Don't Answer to the cell phone. Command E602>2558:9,NXXXXXX
If this works try...
When I set these up I create a new VMail Box for the virtual (2558). Set the after Greeting Action to Say Bye or Hangup, I also set the Transfer To option to "X," or "2558,".
The comma causes a pause after dialing and allows time for the transfer to setup teh trunk call.
If this dosen't...
On the 2400 that I work on the MAC is only loged if I use the Dterm password assigned in ADTM under the advanced tab "Dterm IP MAC Address Registration Password". If I use the station number as the LOGIN and PASSWORD then MAC is not regestered.
Are you using the station number as the password...
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