Hi Guy's,
Does anyone know what the law is relating to locking down call's from the PBX to 999 and 112 out of hours.
I have a hot desk enviroment where the customer does not want any call's to be made from the handsets when they are not logged on (inclueding emergancy calls) and I just want...
Log onto the web page (same ip address as your ASA)for the system log on and then go to the maint option login and find the time tab change and your done.
debug shows that the VM cannot connect to the conference center software.
have you restarted both VMpro services?
I would reboot the VM machine as hairless has said and re-run the debug whilst running the test again.
I have the same setup on a customers site which works fine.
Can you run a monitor trace to check system resources or error messages.
Also check the system status to see if the resource is matched to the License.
Hi Glimma,
Software version V17x.037 tyes in with
Table of Contents: 167.110
Functional Code: 168.110
File System: 169.110
but according to the Software notes is only for CM3.1 and higher.
I have never managed to work out what version the handsets are as the...
this is the error coming from the Web browser..
Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to...
Hi Guy's,
I'am installing the IPO Conf Center at the moment. Everything is working correctly apart from when adding users to the conference using the contacts or internal/External directory I get an error run time error and no contacts can be added.
Any Idea's??
you require 2 licences for your IPO first you need a phone manager pro licence and then a phone manager VOIP licence.
You will also need a Voice compression module.
There is another issue that the 401 is a discontinued unit and has been replaced by the IPO Small office system
Hope this helps
I see that these are home use Routers and this may be causing your problem as these phones will look for a good DHCP server to assign DHCP through option 176 with VLAN's.
If these are for remote workers why are you not using VOIP Phone manager Pro???
Is the extension set up as an agent in the system.
Select user go to the "telephony" tab and set the force login and login code. This will then make the user an agent.
Restart the delta server and should then display as an agent not an extension.
If you are running System software version 3.0.580 then you can only run phone manager 2.0.20 and the voice mail 2.1.26. Later version of phone manager and voicemail will not intergrate correctly with the system software.
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