We are stuck on 3.0.580 DT switch firmware. We are using the newer Phonemanager 4.1.17 which works great EXCEPT all the controls on the Voicemail tab are greyed out and nothing works.
I assume that 4.1.17 PM is expecting a newer version of the Voicemail Pro server. Is this correct and if so, is there a version of VMPRO which works with both 3.0DT firmwares and the 4.1.17 Phonemanager?
We are stuck on 3.0.580 DT switch firmware. We are using the newer Phonemanager 4.1.17 which works great EXCEPT all the controls on the Voicemail tab are greyed out and nothing works.
I assume that 4.1.17 PM is expecting a newer version of the Voicemail Pro server. Is this correct and if so, is there a version of VMPRO which works with both 3.0DT firmwares and the 4.1.17 Phonemanager?