Robbe is right to put this within a clocked process.
This code, however, will not perform as you would expect. This is what happens:
When the first condition is true, the second will also be true! This means that the variable HUM1 will be set and immediately cleared since a process handles...
The problem is the names you are using.
Your input is called "Switches" and later on you use the name "switch".
I've changed it in the code below:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
Hi Chrisab508,
Maybe it's a good idea to start with something more simple? External RAM memories are quite complex in VHDL.
If I were you, I would start with an introduction to VHDL. They can be found on the internet.
Hi Jckseiko,
You can just use the OBUFDS (Output buffer differantial). Use it as followes:
entity transmitter is
port (
clock : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic; -- system reset
Data_out_p : out std_logic; -- differential data output
Data_out_n : out std_logic --...
Hi Jackseiko,
In your IF statement you test the condition as followes:
if( switch(0)<='1') then
This must be:
if( switch(0)='1') then
<= is for assigning and = is for testing.
Hi Faitie,
The problem lies in you IF statement.
It's important to use the right TAB settings in you editor, then you would see the error easily. I'll show you:
if S1 = '1' then
aan2 <= '1';
enable(0) <= '0';
enable(1) <= '1';
enable(2) <= '1'...
Hi Tecton,
The problem is, that you are missing the following library:
What you are doing with the clock signal is very very strange. You've made a clock enable, but you've put the if statement before the clock if statement?
I've rewritten your code. There are...
Hi Snooks,
You should use flags between processes. The implementation of such inter process communication, depents very much on the specific demands.
I wrote an example below, to give you an idea of how to do this.
[codewrite data process]
process(clk) is
if( clk'event AND clk =...
Hi Brian,
You need to close the first case statement and open the second one:
when "001" -- door open?
end case;
-- This is a different type!!!
case Sreg0 is
when S3 =>
Hi thehell,
The problem is that you assign signals both in and out of the synchronous part of your design.
If you assign signals (C is not the only one) synchronous in an if statement with a clock (IF (clk'event AND clk='1')), the tools will create a register. It will not know what to create...
First of all: Why is it necessary that you obtain the signal immediately?
And second: If you want to do it without delay, you need to remove all register in that signal, but be very carefull with this because of timing issues!!!
Hi Nyep,
A soft-core processor is a microprocessor which can be implemented into the existing technology in the FPGA. This means that it uses the same components as the ones you use while developing VHDL, because the core itself is written in VHDL.
You can find a lot of information at the...
Hi Trump110,
The signal REG_0_HOLD is multi driven, because you assign a value to REG_0_HOLD(2) and REG_0_HOLD(3) in both processes above.
Another problem with REG_0_HOLD is, that you haven't assigned a value to it at states 0-14. This will cause undefined values and probrably will produce bad...
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