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Search results for query: *

  1. Seumas13

    Popups when active I-Net connection

    Be sure to check "search in System Folders" if you're using the Search function. Also check C:\Windows\PreFetch
  2. Seumas13

    Cannot join domain

    Question 1: Is DNS configured and running as a Service on your Domain Controller Server? Question 2: Do you manage the Domain Controller? If the answer to #1 is, "I don't know" and the answer to #2 is, "no" - then try this: 1 - From Network Properties, TCP/IP configuration, click the...
  3. Seumas13

    Local Admin account on XP Pro SP2

    If you really want everyone to have Admin rights over their local PC, add "Domain Users" to the PC's local Administrators Group. Or if you want to be a bit more selective, go to each PC and add the local user's DOMAIN login to their local Administrators group. Let me know if this helps...
  4. Seumas13

    Cannot join domain

    chronos1 is on the right track. Here's a big trick that it took me a while to find: * The PC's primary DNS Server MUST know about your (NT or AD) Domain Controller. The easiest way to ensure this is to run DNS on the DC and use it as the primary DNS provider for the PCs. The reason is that...
  5. Seumas13

    SYSPREP 2.0 keeps wiping out my configuration.

    It's True! I happened to find a Microsoft document (sorry, I don't have the URL) about SysPrep and it turns out that the program which runs on first boot (Welcome, maybe?) copies the "Administrator" (or "Owner" for HP Home) Profile OVER "Default User" - wiping out all the work we put into...
  6. Seumas13

    Internet Connection Wizard

    I've often wondered about that little annoyance myself. Thanks, carrr ! (I gave you a starrr.)
  7. Seumas13

    Sysprep question

    It's worth a try. I'll check my instructions at work and post pertinent details here.
  8. Seumas13

    Sysprep question

    You need the entire SysPrep folder from the Win-XP CD. Also note that the SysPrep files changed between SP1 & SP2, so be sure to use the same version you're deploying. (We got bit by that one...) I hope this helps!
  9. Seumas13

    What do you do for security in win 2000?

    Title: Windows XP Professional Security Authors: Chris Weber and Gary Bahadur Publisher: McGraw Hill (www.osborne.com) ISBN: 0-07-222602-1 Copyright (c) 2002 by The McGraw Hill Companies Retail price is $49.99 US / $74.95 CDN This book also covers Windows 2000 Server and Windows .NET Server...
  10. Seumas13

    "loading user prefences" after loging in takes FOREVER

    Everything in "C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]" is part of the profile - so if that profile is set to live on the network and be a Roaming Profile, it will be copied down to the PC when you log on and up to the network when you log off. The default location for My Documents is...
  11. Seumas13

    Is it Microsoft? Is it VMware? Or...?

    Have you considered using Microsoft's Virtual Server (or Virtual PC) product(s)?
  12. Seumas13

    drive mapping passwords etc

    Have you considered a Login Script? And I would agree with the suggestion that you create a user on both systems with the same name and password, then have the service start using that username and password. When it wants to access the remote share, it will use "pass-through authentication"...
  13. Seumas13

    What do you do for security in win 2000?

    I have a book (unfortunately it's at work, so I don't know the exact title at the moment) called "Windows XP Security" (or something similar). It tells you all sorts of neat things. Last week I had a user who insisted that she needed Administrator priv's so a vendor could install the software...
  14. Seumas13

    Crazy desktop icons! Anyone help?

    Try <F5> while the Desktop is active. If that doesn't work, select each of the broken shortcuts, go to Properties, click "Change Icon" and select the right one.
  15. Seumas13

    ICS vs. NAT.....

    Or you can configure DNS, DHCP, NAT and Routing with Windows 2000 or 2003 Server (and probably XP-Pro)- it comes in the box and works well without buying anything else. Yes, it is considerably trickier to configure than ICS, but FAR more flexible. BTW: Once you configure ICS on XP-Pro or 2003...
  16. Seumas13

    changing XP's login account

    Or you can change the Registry setting: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName Seumas.
  17. Seumas13

    &quot;loading user prefences&quot; after loging in takes FOREVER

    If "My Documents" is part of the Profile, and not on a separate "Home Directory", or if there are large files on the Desktop, it has to copy everything across the network at every log-on and log-off. The trick is to point "My Documents" to somewhere else, which stays on a Network Drive, and...
  18. Seumas13

    Win Messenger over Airlink Wireless Router

    duane123 - I killed that "Internet Gateway" by blocking uPnP (Universal Plug-n-Play) in the Windows Firewall. I have also heard that it seems to be created when you run the Home Networking Wizard.
  19. Seumas13

    Anoying spayware

    Check in MSConfig (Startup Tab) to see if there is anything suspicious in there. Also check the C:\Windows\prefetch for a file the same size as your problem-child. Good Luck! Seumas.
  20. Seumas13

    Big problem with my comp

    It could be any of a number of things, from a power supply (or a previous bad power supply which blew something else), memory, HDD (although I doubt HDD), processor, BIOS, or any of the other components which connect all of those together. I agree that it sounds like hardware, or possibly...

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