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Search results for query: *

  1. creechurch

    opening OL97 msg files in OL2003

    We have some old .msg files stored on our file server that we are having trouble opening. We found that they were originally saved using OL97, but when we try to open them in OL2003 we get an error message. I've tried trawling M$ tech info but nothing. Does anyone here know how to get OL2003...
  2. creechurch

    Outlook £ symbol

    In our company we have to two domains (due to a company merger) which means two Exchanges 5.5 and 2003.. everything is set up all fine.. and the two domains are in a trust relationship. The problem that has recently (over the past couple of days) if when replying to an email cross domain, if £...
  3. creechurch

    Calendar Sync

    Right the solution to this was.. the BES server software was installed under the Administrator logon.. even changing the services to run under the BES Admin account wouldn't solve the problem.. So I trashed it and started again, once it was installed using the BES Admin account, the wire...
  4. creechurch

    Excel 2003

    Thanks for the reply, I have checked this, and that option IS un-checked.. Any other ideas? Thanks
  5. creechurch

    Calendar Sync

    Thanks for that.. I'll give that a go.. but I've just spoken to the support desk and one thing they highlighted was that the BES software was installed under the administrator account and not the BESADMIN account which is why we are getting this problem.. Good thing we set this up on a virtual...
  6. creechurch

    Excel 2003

    I have 2 users that use the same excel file stored on our server. Periodically they will both be able to access the same file, neither being advised that the other is already accessing said file, and not giving the read only/notify message.. Anyone else experienced this.. I've tried doing a...
  7. creechurch

    Calendar Sync

    **Update** I've since manually registered the CDO file.. and rebooted the server, but am still getting the same issue.
  8. creechurch

    Calendar Sync

    Right.. We've just installed BES 4.1 (with SP) on a Windows Server 2003 (SP2) Virtual Server. Blackberry units are 8700v's and were setup via Enterprise Activation.. Everything works great, other than.. the wireless calendar sync only works one way.. which is from Outlook to BB and not...
  9. creechurch

    IP Address Masking/Cloaking

    I've tried looking for stuff alike, but everything comes up as programs to buy. Is there any freeware?
  10. creechurch

    IP Address Masking/Cloaking

    Now I know this may not be the correct section to be in...... BUT... Does anyone know, and I know this may be a little naughty... What I want to do is mask my IP address so that no one can see it when I am surfing. Now is this possible, and if so can you point me in the right direction?
  11. creechurch

    CPU Upgrade in Windows XP Pro

    Right I installed the new processor last night. apart from the grief the heatsink and fan gave me, it went in fine. booted to windows, few seconds later the login screen came up..... and windows lapped it up. So i would like to thank monarth for his help on this matter!!! *****
  12. creechurch

    XP in boot loop???

    Ok first thing to try is to. Reboot pc, press the F8 key and choose "Last Known Good Config" If no joy then, same again (F8) boot to safe mode. If still no joy then.... using the Windows XP CD, use that to boot to recovery console, using the repair option. One of these should at least do...
  13. creechurch

    Networking Pc and Mac

    As in true "Who wants to be a millionaire?" I have phoned a friend!!! And he has advised me that Apple powerbooks can link in to a MS local network such as yours, by using TCP/IP. How this is done he is unsure but the ability is there. Hope this helps.
  14. creechurch

    Networking Pc and Mac

    Actually you can network Mac's and PC's..... or at least you use to be able to. There was a networking protocol called "Appletalk". This protocol allowed you to network windows 2000 to Mac's, unsure whether this was rolled over to XP or not...but worth a look none the same.
  15. creechurch

    XP hangs at logo

    Has anything been installed recently (eg. drivers, programs, games, etc, etc)
  16. creechurch

    CPU Upgrade in Windows XP Pro

    Cheers buddy!!! I'll install that 2nite then.... and if anything goes wrong i'll blame you..... only kidding. Cheers for all you help!!
  17. creechurch

    CPU Upgrade in Windows XP Pro

    Cheers monarth, and this process works quite happily on windows XP? What processors did you upgrade to?..... sorry to be nosey
  18. creechurch

    CPU Upgrade in Windows XP Pro

    Can anyone help!!! I have just bought a new CPU for my PC. Is it possible to install the new processor under an exsisting install of windows xp. I have an AMD XP1700+ at the mo and am wanting to upgrade it to an AMD XP2400+..... will it auto detect the new processor and carry on happily...
  19. creechurch

    User permissions

    It also may need to be noted that i can read/write and ammend files to the D: Partition, by all users.
  20. creechurch

    User permissions

    Oh and another thing, there are and have only been 3 users mine (eg: Bert), my partners (eg: Ernie) and the Administrator. I dont think i've seen the security tab in the D: partition properties, but i will have a look tonight just incase i missed that.

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