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Search results for query: *

  1. apinkerton

    Securing Lotus Notes

    Lotus Domino (the server) can run its HTTP stack from IIS or it can run its own more secure http stack. If you choose the IIS route, it is pretty easy to configure as far as I can tell, but you have all the vunerabilities of IIS to contend with. If you choose Domino's own HTTP stack, again it...
  2. apinkerton

    "SMTP returned a Permanent Error". What's the problem?

    Here is your answer: [0155:0003-0163]SMTPClient: Receive Response: 500 Too_Many_Connections I think that pretty much sums it up. The server that you are sending to is prob. not configured correctly and cannot accept a lot of incoming connections. If they are running a website from the same...
  3. apinkerton

    ACL damaged

    The only thing I can think of is to replace the design of the database - assuming that you have the database designed from a template. If it is not based on a template, I think you may be stuck. The template is replaced by the following method: Open the database in question. Go to...
  4. apinkerton

    SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 550

    It is pretty simple really, your error message says it all - "SMTP Protocol Returned a Permanent Error 550 Access Denied" literally means that you are not allowed to send mail to that domain. If it is an external domain to your own i.e. you are sending outside your company, then you...
  5. apinkerton

    My Inbox is gone

    I have seen similar things - like the contents of all the folders dissapearing. I dont know why this happens, but I shut down the database or the client (cant remember which) and restart the client or open the database again and it is all ok. You may also want to get you notes admin to run...
  6. apinkerton

    Email agent not working

    I assume your server is also on r5 ?. Go to file/database/open and find your company domino directory/nab that resides on your server. open it. There will be a section with a 'twistie' called "Server", open the section and find "Servers". This will show a document for each...
  7. apinkerton

    why have no permission to my mailbox

    in the location document there is a field that tells you where the mail file is. when you change the location, it updates the links to reflect this information. you will need to make sure that the mail file location is correct and that the id file is being changed.
  8. apinkerton

    Email agent not working

    There are a number of default folders in your mail file - one of them is a folder called Rules - this is where the mail rules should go.
  9. apinkerton

    Adding a date & time columns to inbox in lotus notes

    The only way that I know of doing it is to change the design of the template that is used for the mail files and then propagate the design to all the mail files. That is something that I am going to be doing here shortly.
  10. apinkerton

    Email agent not working

    Why not use regular mail rules to move the mail ? Also, in the server document on the security tab, there are settings for who can run certain types of agents etc. you may want to check those out.
  11. apinkerton

    R5 'ID File is currently in use' message

    unforunately you may be stuck with it for a while then. 5.09 comes out soon, so you may be able to persuade the powers that be to upgrade to at least 5.08. Check the fix lists and use them as part of your arguments ! Also if you have Apple Mac's, 5.08 is a MUST, it runs a lot faster than any...
  12. apinkerton

    R5 'ID File is currently in use' message

    Are you using 5.07 ? i had the same problem, and after ok'ing through a few of those alerts, I was into notes. I have upgraded to 5.08 and dont seem to have the problem anymore. Check Notes.net for QMU fixes. Hope that helps
  13. apinkerton

    Encrypted mail

    Just to set the record straight on mail encryption... First of all, the answer that you came up with was correct. I am using Domino 5.08 and Notes 5.08 just to be clear; earlier version of Domino/Notes may function differently. The way the encryption works is based on the private key in the...
  14. apinkerton

    Domino 5.05 on NT -> 2000?

    as i understand it, pretty much - down the server and zip it up or copy it somewhere safe and do your upgrade/install. The whole lotus/domino structure needs to be there and when puting on the new server make sure the same paths are used and the same drive letters too - this is very important...
  15. apinkerton

    Signing databases and Admin ECL

    That is pretty much what I figured - cant wait until Rnext - the ECL can be updated without sending a mail with a button and the user doesnt have a choice in the matter. Regardsing #1, I would ideally like to keep as many of the original signatures intact so I can easily know what has and has...
  16. apinkerton

    Replication Errors

    When changing ACL's on a database, the last change takes preferance i.e. you make an ACL cange on server1 then make an ACL change on server 2 (on the same database of course), when the database is replicated, the ACL change that you made on server 2 is what will be replicated. Also, make sure...
  17. apinkerton

    Lotus Notes R5 check for new mail!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a poke around your location document that you are using - in the bottom right hand corner, it will most likely say "Office" - click on this and choose "Edit Current". Have a poke around and change the email address here and see if it works like you want it to. When you...
  18. apinkerton

    opening nsf files

    I agree, the only program that I know that will open .NSF files is Lotus Notes. I have open a few in a hex editor and the first few bytes are always the same, you may want to check yours out with a hex editor before downloading LN. The bytes are : 1A00 0004 0000 2900 0000 - as I said, these...
  19. apinkerton

    LN R5 Beginner needs help (Tutorial Pages)

    Apart from all the info you need being in the designer help, you may want to check out a website: http://www.dominosandbox.com and see if you can find anything there.
  20. apinkerton

    Console Command to Clear Domino Cache?

    I know this one is a long shot, but if you are using groups to control server access and denial, the server denial over-rides the server access (I am pretty sure of this one). If the user has a local replica of the names.nsf (prob not), make sure that is a current one because if his local copy...

Part and Inventory Search
