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Search results for query: *

  1. crystalreporting

    G/L Receipt Trx Inventory Transaction

    Check with WiSys to confirm but I seem to recall their objects ignore the POP WIP flag. This would be easy enough to verify by testing an order and the resulting distributions using all of the processes in Macola. Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  2. crystalreporting

    Macola Progression 7 - upgrade options

    If you're just looking for some historical reporting and do not need to access the data via the Progression client interface, then you could just do as Don suggests i.e. create reports to access the SQL data for the historical information you need. This would entail a small subset of the Macola...
  3. crystalreporting

    order status macola status 1 booked

    Use the order view function to see if an invoice number has been assigned. There is a 'functional disenhancement' with the Crystal Invoice print that sometimes allows an invoice number to be assigned to the order, when the status has not been changed. If this is the case, the easiest way to...
  4. crystalreporting

    Status of Order

    This may not be a problem with the sales order tables (OEORDHDR and OEORDLIN) at all. The power inquiry/view functions use a separate (OEINQORD) table that can get out of synch with the actual sales orders. There is a function on the System menu to rebuild the table. It's possible that the...
  5. crystalreporting

    Move Bulk of Orders to Closed Status

    As Don already mentioned - lots of files involved when making changes to sales orders. If it's just the allocations you are worried about one option would be to change the order status with SQL (in bulk) then run the IM reset allocations process. You could always try this out in a test company...
  6. crystalreporting

    Aged Inventory Report?

    As Don states - can be derived from the inventory history. A SQL stored procedure works too as you simply need to pull the cost and qty. from the most recent inventory transaction that is on or before the stored procedure date parameter. I've done this in the past for customers that wanted to...
  7. crystalreporting

    Basic Steps to install exact macola progression workflow explorer 7.7.6 on Win10 Client

    I will definitely defer to Don here - I've not touched Progression for years. Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  8. crystalreporting

    Basic Steps to install exact macola progression workflow explorer 7.7.6 on Win10 Client

    Running the install from the macsql\install folder will install the non-PWE version of the Macola client. Running pwe.exe from directly below macsql will install the Progression Workflow Explorer version of the Macola client. It's been a long time since I dealt with Macola Progression, but I...
  9. crystalreporting

    Basic Steps to install exact macola progression workflow explorer 7.7.6 on Win10 Client

    The subfolder names changed over the years so the folder location (Macsql\install\) could be correct. Make sure you run the install using the mapped drive and not the full UNC path. Note too that Macola Progression used two menu systems - Progression Explorer and Progression Workflow Explorer...
  10. crystalreporting

    Identifying Items With Different Prices by Location

    If you are just looking to identify all item numbers where the prices are not consistent, you could just compare the lowest and highest prices; SELECT il.item_no FROM iminvloc_sql il GROUP BY il.item_no HAVING MIN(il.price) <> MAX(il.price) Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  11. crystalreporting

    Flexibility Not Supported on Server 2019?

    Isn't this only a problem when you run the Macola client on the server? Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  12. crystalreporting

    Macola Line Item Comments

    Note/Text maintenance on the BOM&IM tab (assuming ES or 10). These are held in the imitmnot_sql table. They are designed to be applied to specific modules and document types so they work differently than OE line order header comments. Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  13. crystalreporting

    Fixed Assets in Macola ES or Macola 10

    Works pretty well in my experience. Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  14. crystalreporting

    Upgrade Macola to 7.9.300 on Win2016 &amp; SQL1026

    Were the DATA folders copied over OK and does everyone have full access to the 'macapps' share on the server? Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  15. crystalreporting

    Item Vendor selection failed to show correctly in IMINVLOC_Sql.vendor field

    As Don stated - the primary vendor on the location file has nothing to do with the vendor(s) setup in the item/vendor area. If you want the primary vendor to change in the location file your options are to manually change it, or write something in SQL (trigger, scheduled stored procedure) to...
  16. crystalreporting

    MacolaES/EM10 Change Color from the default Red

    It happens the first time you open up any Macola application via Core ERP in Synergy. You can get rid of it on the Macola menu by going to the user settings and disabling the 'Skin'. Peter Shirley http://www.erpessentials.com
  17. crystalreporting

    User Module Access report

    There is a report in System Manager under Lists-2 called 'User List' that shows what menus/programs each person has access to. You could also report directly on the SCREENS database but the data for the menu structure is hierarchical so not the easiest to build reports on. Peter Shirley...
  18. crystalreporting

    Data in use for AR / AP dept when trying to enter or rec payments

    Document 24.009.156 on the Macola portal references this problem. While not specifically a 'data in use' message, I have also seen performance problems in Cashflow when tabbing off the statement date field in the cash flow entry screen. This is often caused by records in the BankTransactions...
  19. crystalreporting

    macola progression 7.8.200 Link Purchase order line item to voucher number and voucher date

    Try looking at imrechst_sql. Peter Shirley Macola Consultant, PA and surrounding states. http://www.erpessentials.com
  20. crystalreporting

    Print Duplicate Invoice (No data which meets the current criteria)

    There are numerous tables that are written to when an order is created - delete it through Macola. Peter Shirley Macola Consultant, PA and surrounding states. http://www.erpessentials.com

Part and Inventory Search
