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Search results for query: *

  1. colcrys

    Your own URL???

    Hi All, Belated response but I wanted to weigh in regarding having one's own URL. I work in international trade out of Asia and my company receives dozens of email queries every day. If an email query comes in to us from a 'freebie' email address - yahoo, hotmail etc., we usually delete it...
  2. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Hi wullie, It only makes me jealous!
  3. colcrys

    My First Site - Your thoughts?

    Hi woolade, IE5.5, 1024, ADSL Quite nice use of colors as has been said. I have to agree that the text in Facilities and Services boxes needs to be changed somewhat. Perhaps a <br> between each sentence so they don't look so 'run on'. I agree with MoonHare that your links at the bottom need...
  4. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Hi wullie, Then that shows that it is not your site that is slow but rather my connection to the 'net through the China gateway. Even our own site is less than 'lightning fast' when I access it from here. I'll have to stop considering speed when offering any reviews. Thanks.
  5. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Hi wullie, Our host did a change and 'neglected' to let me know. now Thanks colcrys
  6. colcrys

    Site review requested

    Hi MoonHare, Actually, I have to go with OnPnt here. And I wouldn't faint with turqoise as it would I am sure look more subdued than the yellow. HTH
  7. colcrys

    Site review requested

    Hello MoonHare, I have revisted and note the changes made. As I was the one that suggested you amend the text on the Partners page I would not want to think I was responsible for what was done. The 'new' text design must be excised I feel. It just reaches out and grabs one by the throat and...
  8. colcrys

    Site review requested

    Hi MoonHare, I like the basic color scheme - not garish and a mild contrast - but on one page: Links to Partners - I personally found that the shade of the blue background you used behind the text clashed - not so much with the page color - but it made the text/back color look out of sync...
  9. colcrys

    Setting cookies during site review.

    Hi MoonHare, While I must demur with your comment about firewalls being all that effective against Active X, Java and VBS - except perhaps for in emails in the freeware of ZA (I think the Pro version offers slightly more protection). If your software firewall is other than ZA or Tiny Personal...
  10. colcrys

    Setting cookies during site review.

    In some ways I share your concern but as wullie says it really is easy to disable automatic cookies and set them to 'Prompt'. Having them prompt you also gives you the opportunity to examine the cookie's details before you agree - and if disagreeing causes the site to reject your visit... well...
  11. colcrys

    Convert Publisher to PDF

    Hi, You could try this free download (ad-supported but registration removes the ads): http://site4.pdf995.com/download.html I haven't checked it for sypware or parasites though so err on the side of good judgement. HTH
  12. colcrys

    Seeking fancy browser scroll bars

    Hi, for colored scroll bars, put this in your 'head' and use the color codes you want for the -----, keep the # and the ; <style> BODY{ scrollbar-3dlight-color:#-----; scrollbar-arrow-color:#-----; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color:#-----; scrollbar-face-color:#-----; scrollbar-shadow-color:#-----...
  13. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Hi wullie,
  14. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Very nicely done graphic then. I turned pics back on and of course it showed through as a graphic background. Loading time is only a concern when I am working - not when I'm learning or trying to assist and it isn't always so treacle-like, including your site. For example, just now - 9:24pm...
  15. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Hi wullie, Just checked again - 9:56pm China time or 1:56pm UK time. Pictures off, first run script request in 12 seconds, top frame in another 8 seconds and full page load in a total of 29 seconds. Main time drain has to be a reflection of activity here. In another interesting time test - this...
  16. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Delayed reply due to business trip. wullie/Ristmo: I do get quite a delay sometimes on some sites - a lot I am sure depends on the time difference though which is why I mentioned it. For example, right now it 12:20pm where I am and tek-tips loads in seconds but if I try to visit say in the late...
  17. colcrys

    Site Review..

    wullie, forgot to mention - ADSL (albeit a slow ADSL).
  18. colcrys

    Site Review..

    Hi wullie, Probably not very applicable as I don't actually live in your target market but anyway: Load time in Asia - 2:30pm Sunday (about 7:30am in the UK)- with pictures off - 14 sec. until the first script request and then another 31 secs for the entire page to load. Pictures turned on -...
  19. colcrys

    XP Office upgrade

    Perhaps an obvious question but are you trying to instal Office XP SP1 or SP2? This link may help if SP-1: http://www.isu.edu:8000/kb/disppage.php?doc_id=265 and this one if SP-2 http://www.exchangeadmin.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=26457 HTH
  20. colcrys

    which web designer is better for you?

    Well, at least I passed the quiz -- but I had to paste it into first Notepad and then FP to take the quiz [wink]

Part and Inventory Search
