I have been doing some site reviews and find the presence of cookies very disturbing in early stage projects. Why do you need to write to my hard-drive when I am looking at your front-page? I am trusting you to even go look at your site, if I can't do that with some sense of privacy and anonymity, then I don't want to do it. Am I off base here? Is there something I don't understand? Does this bother anyone else?
Dave (staff) wrote something on this issue in thread253-5868. He suggested that you can at least clarify what you are trying to put in a cookie so that the viewer is informed of what you are doing. I suppose that is the beauty of IE, the average viewer has no idea of how many cookies are getting set, but as for me.... I LIKE TO KNOW!
Other opinions?
The Moonhare
Dave (staff) wrote something on this issue in thread253-5868. He suggested that you can at least clarify what you are trying to put in a cookie so that the viewer is informed of what you are doing. I suppose that is the beauty of IE, the average viewer has no idea of how many cookies are getting set, but as for me.... I LIKE TO KNOW!
Other opinions?
The Moonhare