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  • Users: Neddy
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  1. Neddy

    Word 2000 Opens as a full screen

    My last shot at solving this one, and you'll need another PC with Word (97 or 2000) on it, as you need to get at the VBA editor. First create a new Template file called FullScreen.DOT (or whatever, as long as it's a .DOT file). Save this to floppy disk. Click on Tools | Macro | Macros, and in...
  2. Neddy

    Word 2000 Opens as a full screen

    Sorry, my mistake - ignore last post. Try Alt + V to bring up the Views menu. Then toggle off Full Screen.
  3. Neddy

    Word 2000 Opens as a full screen

    You could try hitting Alt + Ctrl & N, which is the default keystroke for Normal View.
  4. Neddy

    Open Word 2000 and get last document saved

    Check your Word Startup folder for unwanted templates. In Word, click on Tools | Options | File Locations, select Startup from the list, then click Modify to get the full path of your Startup folder. When you've noted (or copied to the clipboard) the path, hit Cancel (you don't want to modify...
  5. Neddy

    combo box and WORD

    You'll need to do a bit of programming to achieve this. If you want a hand with the actual code, e-mail me, but the basic method is as follows: First you need a userform containing a combo box (actually, a listbox would be OK). In the Form_Initialize event (which runs when the form starts up)...
  6. Neddy

    Excel freezing when trying to print

    Could be lots of different things. Check first that your spreadsheet isn't so big it's simply taking forever to print. Second, hit Ctrl + Alt + Del, and select Task Manager, then have a look at things like memory and processor use: if it's hitting the roof it could be that your workstation is...
  7. Neddy

    In Excel - Can I save a range of cells as a csv file ?

    Alternatively, you can use this macro, which takes the range of cells you've selected, opens a new workbook, pastes the cells into the first sheet, deletes all the rest of the sheets (you can avoid having to use this by ensuring that your workbooks only contain one sheet by default) and then...
  8. Neddy

    Create/Modifying default colour palette in office

    Set up your worksheet with the modified colours as a template, and base all new worksheets on that template (put it in XLSTART to bring it up every time you start Excel).
  9. Neddy

    Matching fields from a drop-down box to another list

    If the drop-down list is a custom VB list box or combo box in your document, then clicking on it is an "event" which can be used to trigger some code which will update your text box. You'd need to go into the Listbox1.Click event subroutine and add code like: For Counter = 0 to...
  10. Neddy

    Add a button in the icon bar

    You need to write a small macro, place a button on the toolbar, then assign the macro to the button. This code works in Excel 2000: With Application If .Calculation = xlCalculationManual Then .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Else .Calculation =...
  11. Neddy

    Windows Installer launches when opening Word or Excel

    I had the same problem, which I solved by uninstalling Office 2000, then reinstalling from scratch. There may be a less brute-force method, but this worked.
  12. Neddy

    Page Breaks

    Yes. First, select the part of your document containing the page breaks you want to get rid of, or Select All, as the case may be. Next, click on EDIT, then REPLACE. In the FIND AND REPLACE dialog box, if there's a button marked MORE, click it to get the full range of options. With...
  13. Neddy

    2 Print Icons - office suite only complete removal and reinstall works

    One other thing you could try: clear out every instance of Word and Excel docs or templates from the C:\WINDOWS\SHELLNEW folder (it's a hidden object, so you might have to unhide it first). One of our departments which runs NT profiles on Win 9x machines recently had a problem with all their...
  14. Neddy

    2 Print Icons - office suite only complete removal and reinstall works

    I assume you're talking about two printer icons on the toolbar in Word, Excel etc. One explanation could be that the user is loading a custom template on startup, in which the toolbar has been messed about to include a stray printer icon. When the user is logged in, launch Word and if you...
  15. Neddy

    MS Word - Text Painting and Text Scrolling

    Can I just say that I second Dreamboat's suggestion wholeheartedly - I'm always trying to get my users to use the keyboard shortcuts rather than the mouse. There are quite a few keystrokes to learn but once you've mastered them you never go back. And, best of all, you don't have to stop typing...
  16. Neddy

    Serial port or U.S B for webcam?

    USB is separate technology from the standard serial ports. If your mainboard hasn't got USB on it, you'll need to buy and install a separate USB card. A word of caution: Windows 95A doesn't support USB, so if your PC's an early build of Win 95 you'll need to get Windows 95B (the disk carries...
  17. Neddy

    Serial port or U.S B for webcam?

    USB is separate technology from the standard serial ports. If your mainboard hasn't got USB on it, you'll need to buy and install a separate USB card. A word of caution: Windows 95A doesn't support USB, so if your PC's an early build of Win 95 you'll need to get Windows 95B (the disk carries...
  18. Neddy

    Sum Coloured Cells in Excel

    Yeah, like this:<br> <br> The following line:<br> <br> Colour = Worksheets(&quot;Sheet1&quot;).Cells(Counter, 1).Interior.ColorIndex <br> <br> contains a reference to Excel's Worksheets.Cells property. The .Cells property has two arguments - row number, column number. In the example I already...
  19. Neddy

    Sum Coloured Cells in Excel

    Yes, you need some code. This is a very simple coloured-cells counter which works; you can hack it to suit your own needs.<br> <br> First, open a new spreadsheet. Change the interior colours of the cells as follows: A1 to A4 - Red. A5 to A7 - Green. A8 to A9 - Blue. A10 - Yellow. NB These...
  20. Neddy

    UK and US Dictionaries

    You could try this: open WIN.INI and search for the line containing the .LEX file reference. <br> <br> If the WIN.INI reference is pointing to a different location from the one where you've got your desired .LEX file, try copying the .LEX file into the location described in the reference...

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