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Search results for query: *

  1. Pipewelder

    Performing Calculations using VB Script and Forms

    I want to make a page that performs some simple calculations and displays the answers using VBScript and Frontpage 2000. I am familar with forms in frontpage using ASP and have VB exeperience however I have NO Idea how to read and write to text boxes using VB Script at all. Any information on...
  2. Pipewelder

    How can I access Access2000D.B. from anywhere over the internet?

    I only dabble in access but here is what I have done. I have a website domain that costs me about $10.00 per month. The domain host allows unlimited access database connections and frontpage extensions. Throug active server pages and frontpage forms I can view records, add new records and edit...
  3. Pipewelder

    How to default a field to NT User Name

    Try This. Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _ "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Function fOSUserName() As String ' Returns the network login name Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long Dim strUserName As String...
  4. Pipewelder


    It depends on what you want to do. Try all types and see if you get the results you want
  5. Pipewelder


    Join on SalesClassID it looks like to me. Same way you did the other.
  6. Pipewelder

    form basics

    Set the default value of the field in the table to now() or the before update or form current event procedure of the form can set the value in the text box. Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) if IsNull(the_field) Then the_field = Now() End If Many other methods can...
  7. Pipewelder

    OT: Opinions on New Horizons Training?

    I took the 97 course in Memphis. It was my 1st + only formal instruction related to MS Access. It's amazing what you can learn for free. I'm glad I took the course but I'm also glad I didn't have to pay for it. The materials were very good. The instructor knowledge regarding questions not...
  8. Pipewelder

    Need an if statement to detect if a form is open

    The "Isloaded" function above is as follows. Function IsLoaded(ByVal strFormName As String) As Integer ' returns True if the specified form is open in Form view or Datasheet view. Const conObjStateClosed = 0 Const conDesignView = 0 If...
  9. Pipewelder

    Need an If statement to detect if a form is open

    Try The below in a mocule. Cortesy of frmsmp00.mdb Function IsLoaded(ByVal strFormName As String) As Integer ' returns True if the specified form is open in Form view or Datasheet view. Const conObjStateClosed = 0 Const conDesignView = 0 If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState...
  10. Pipewelder

    How to default a field to NT User Name

    Here is a link with some info to get you started. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q148835.
  11. Pipewelder

    I have a project, and nowhere to begin.... Please Assist

    You can make forms and reports "Look" any way you want. If the main purpose is the form and not the data, maybe it's best to stay with excel. Access can use excel data if its properly formatted. The form for entering the data can look one way and the printed output another. Excel...
  12. Pipewelder

    Setting a control on a combobox

    in the "Particular Field" after update event, use code similar to below. If not isnull(particular field) then comboboxcontrol="closed" else comboboxcontrol="Open" end if Some better suggestions may come up from others but this may get you started. Good day
  13. Pipewelder

    Access query output to a Word doc

    Does the "tools">"office links">"publish with microsoft word" menu work when you try it?
  14. Pipewelder

    Switch board disapeared?!

    Is the switchboarditems table in the front end or back end database? If it is in the back end, import it to the front end and rename the linked table. Maybe something is causing access to freeze. You could place some code in the form to see if the code is running after the workstation is...
  15. Pipewelder

    How do I import .cvs data to access.

    Are you changing the name of the CSV file when you edit it from another program?
  16. Pipewelder

    Access Chart - Floating values

    I'm not to familar with charts but Access can either send data to excel or can link an excell spreadsheet as a table. Through VBA, access can control excel or vice versa.
  17. Pipewelder

    Call a function from another database

    How about just importing the modules.
  18. Pipewelder

    Populate Word form fields

    You can make the document a Mail Merge document linked to data in an access database. Access can then get data from the SQL server and maybe you can go directly. I don't have any experience with SQL server.
  19. Pipewelder

    How do you calculate s square root in access??

    SQRT is the excel function. SQR works in access. My help files do that every once in a while.
  20. Pipewelder

    Data transfer from Access 97 to Access 2000

    How about linking the tables in the 97 database to the 2000 database and writing an append query in A2k to do what you want. I believe the tables from the 97 database can be imported into 2000.

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