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Search results for query: *


    FoxPro or SQL 2000

    << I know that the database design is horrible >> If you apply the same model to SQL Server, you will also have less than adequate results on occasion. If it's horrible now, fix it. ==Carl Carl Warner VFUG Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/ MS MVP, VFP FoxCentral http://www.foxcentral.net/

    Export RTF formatted file to MS Word

    At the VFUG site (http://vfug.org:8080/) is a file called FRX2Word that converts the output from a VFP Report (.frx) into an RTF format or a Word DOC format. Your choice. The File Archive there is called frx2word.zip. John Koziol, now with the MS Fox team, started this gem and it is currently...

    Check NT UserGroup from Visual FoxPro

    I have never tried this. Maybe you can spot something at the site that handles info about Win32 API Functions within VFP. Try this URL first and go from there: http://www.news2news.com/vfp/?group=49&=0 ==Carl Carl Warner VFUG Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/ MS MVP, VFP FoxCentral...

    delay in opening exe

    Look at the config file for the other FP application that works fine and look at the config.fpw for the one giving you the problems and see what difference may cause the delay.

    Novice needs general help in learning FoxPro 2.5

    Is that the DOS version or Windows version of FoxPro 2.5? I know you said you have Windows 98 and Windows XP PCs and the DOS stuff could run under that. That product is obsolete but most of the programming language in it is still good to this day in newer versions of Visual FoxPro. It's just...

    Executing a stand alone executable

    Since I don't know what OS you're using, I'll volunteer mine as the basis. I am using Windows 2000. Under Control Panel...Scheduled Tasks, you can add a task to execute the VFP .exe whenever you wish.

    one2many form - Grid in multiuser application

    Besides the article referenced in that other thread, MS has an example file that details a 1 to many operation: 1ToMany.exe Form for One-to-Many Order Entry Application http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;138041 ==Carl http://vfug.org:8080/

    BROWSE between two dates??

    After having the appropriate table selected: BROWSE LAST FOR BETWEEN(dateval,date1,date2) AND companyname = 'ABC'

    Preview does not match print, why?

    Are you running the report from data that has been queried as a snapshot or running it directly against live data that could be changing as you print it due to ongoing user input? I can't tell from your description of &quot;join&quot; whether you're referring to a SQL SELECT involving JOINs or...

    Not Enough Memory To Complete This Task

    I feel like I've seen this message somewhere else. <s> I still say it's the HP print driver. ==Carl Carl Warner VFUG Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/

    List all present variables??

    Do you mean what you will see if you issue a DISPLAY MEMORY or LIST MEMORY command?

    How to make selected cell different from selected row color

    See the MS KB articles: How to Highlight a Single Grid Field http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;138655 HOWTO: Change the Color of the Active Cell in a Grid http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;129280

    Finding EXCEL

    Besides error trapping, I have just tested whether or not the wanted object is really an object. ** initialize object variable oEx = CREATEOBJECT(&quot;Excel.application&quot;) **** test validity of object IF TYPE('oEx')=&quot;O&quot; ELSE WAIT WINDOW &quot;Problem using Excel on this...

    Master/Detail Form with ODBC

    Go to the MS KnowledgeBase link as listed below and download the sample file it shows. Views.exe - One-To-Many Form Using a Parameterized View http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;142974 ==Carl Carl Warner VFUG Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/

    Network performance!

    Do you have both the workstation PC and the server using something like Norton Anti-Virus where both get to check each and every file when they are opened. Many have seen performance increases by excluding certain file types or server folders from overscanning on the client side. Afterall, if...

    create a file association?

    HOWTO: Associate File Extensions with a Custom Visual FoxPro Application http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;237454 ==Carl Carl Warner VFUG Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/

    Protection program

    Microsoft has published some API stuff that can be used within Visual FoxPro to get the hard disk serial number which you technically can use to &quot;validate&quot; that the hard drive on that PC is allowed to run the app. If that app then were copied to another PC, it wouldn't run because the...

    How Many

    More popular for what? I have Visual BASIC here and I bet I'm counted in the number of VB developers out there because I have a legitimate copy of it. However, I don't use it, never have used it, and don't see any reason to use as long as I intend to do desktop and front-end database work...

    How could I call a function within a VFP report?

    You can put any expression you want in a report. Just go ahead and paste yours in one and let it rip. ==Carl Carl Warner VFUG Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/

    Field name is a duplicate or invalid when creating temp?

    Maybe the field &quot;dsalesstamp&quot; is too long for a free table. Change it to 10 characters or less and try it again. ==Carl Carl Warner VFUg Officer, http://vfug.org:8080/

Part and Inventory Search
