I am not a web designer (I have a lot to learn in that area), but I would like a critique of my site http://www.threadbender.com.
For the person that might visit/revisit my site, I thought a simple, clean site was best, so that's what I was shooting for.
I know I could speed up the Java...
...to a single number
For idx = 0 To UBound(arrCol)
strTmp = UCase(Right(" " & arrCol(idx), 2))
arrTmp(idx) = Asc(Left(strTmp, 1)) * 128 + Asc(Right(strTmp, 1))
'reverse sort the single number and tru back into 2 characters
For idx = 0 To UBound(arrTmp)...
Just a general question. I haven't had a client from outside the US yet, but there are a couple pending. Both small commercial sites from Canada.
Is it ok to ask the client what country his target audience is from? It feels like an inappropriate question to ask.
The reason I ask is, I do most...
It sounds like you're trying to use a nested IF statement...
=IF(A1="Butternut","Board Feet", IF(A1="Hickory","Board Feet", IF(A1="Quarter Sawn White Oak", "Board Feet", IF A1="Baltic Birch","Square Feet",...
Since you only have 2 outcomes, Board Feet or Square Feet, (3 if you want to code for...
I can't say what MS's reason for limiting Excel to 256x65536 is. My assumed answer is that a byte can hold 256 discrete values, and a word (2 bytes) can hold hold 65536 discrete values.
I'm sure they could program Excel to handle more rows and columns. However, I think if a...
I think this will work:
=IF(AND(C82>0, C82<13), SUM(Forecast!C53:Forecast!OFFSET(C53,0,C82-1)),"")
As an example:
If C82 contained the value 4, then
OFFSET(C53,0,C82-1) would evaluate to
OFFSET(C53,0,4-1) which would evaluate to
OFFSET(C53,0,3) evaluates to (C53 + 3 columns)...
I guess if you think of any increase over 0 a %100 increase, then you would think of any decrease over 0 a 100% decrease. In that case...
=IF(D11=0,SIGN(G11),(G11-D11)/D11)will work.
I can't say I agree with what you that the %increase from zero to a non zero number is 100%, but ...=IF(D11=0,ABS(SIGN(G11)),(G11-D11)/D11)will work.
The only way I've found to right-align the OPTIONS of a SELECT tag using IE (at least easily), is to use:
in the css of the SELECT tag.
I believe this only works in IE5 and higher, and would be ignored by other versions and other browsers.
Hi LJA520,
There are 2 different ways that a username/password form can be passed to the server, (the POST or GET method), both can be automated using either the msinet.ocx or the shdocvw.dll. (I find the shdocvw.dll easier to work with.)
If you could post the url of the site you're...
Using what you already have:
to get the sum, you just alter the formula to:
then to divide by the number of blank cells...
Looking at the choices given you so far:
It's not Bookman Old Style - The C, t and S give it away.
It's not Century - for the same reason (the C, t and S).
I don't have Palatino Roman, but I do have Palatino Linotype.
Both Book Antiqua and Palatino Linotype are extremely similiar. It looks...
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