Hopefully you have not already had to pay for this answer, but you can enter an adjustment against the invoice to zero it out and it will no longer appear on the selection register.
Just enter the invoice with the incorrect vendor and a window will appear. It will have a button you can press...
You do need to get the Error 47 resolved. I would suggest getting your reseller involved or calling Sage to get the error resolved.
What version of MAS90 are you running?
Once you are in the AR Options, you should find a setting as to age by invoice date or by due date.
That button opens Vendor Maintenance, which we have restricted. I just want Vendor Inquiry.
I did manage to get this working, thanks to a reply on the Sage forum for another issue I had posted.
I forgot to pass the ML_VENDOR variable to the script.
I am trying to create a link button on the AP Invoice Entry screen that will open the Vendor Inquiry screen and auto load the current vendor number.
The reason for this is we restrict access to the vendor masterfile, but still want users to be able to call up the inquiry screen.
We are...
I created the following script, but am having a few issues with it. I am hoping someone can help me resolve:
If trim(ML_NAME) = "" Then
msgbox "Please fill out Vendor Name before Accepting"
Elseif trim(ML_Add1) = "" Then
msgbox "Please fill out Vendor Address before Accepting"
We are using Citrix for our remote MAS users. If the users are only doing inquiry, you could use terminal services instead of Citrix. The biggest reason for using Citrix, for us, is printing and being able to publish applications instead of a desktop.
Is there a way to automatically print the VI log after a job is run externally? We would like to be able to run the import overnight and have the log file accessed externally for validation.
My import is running fine as a bat file that I am scheduling, but want the log file externally as well...
I believe you can also buy user CALs instead of device CALs. This is beneficial if your users connect from an office machine and from home, reducing the number of CALs you need.
We are using Treos with GoodLink software to provide a live link to our exchange server for helpdesk monitoring. We have our tasks, calendar, notes, and email linked to exchange and it is working for us. We have a GoodLink server that provides the link.
Are you moving MAS90 due to software issues, or just new hardware?
If you are just moving to new hardware, without any previous issues, and as long as you installed the same version of MAS90, just copy the whole MAS90 directory over once you have done the install.
You need to install it on the server as a local printer. You would also make it shared so you can load additional drivers if the workstation is running a Windows version lower than the server's. After you install the printer and have the appropriate drivers, you can delete the printer from the...
Rebuild A/R Sort files. When you click on the rebuild button, a window opens with a check box to "Recalculate Aging in Customer Master". Check this box and the box for "Recalculte Open Order amount in Customer" and then click "Proceed". This should recalcualte...
It sounds as though you have a linking issue. As long as you do not have any modifications, I would try to rebuild the Key Files, Run the Analyze and Relink, and then rebuild the Sort Files in that order. This should resolve your issue. Another issue could be the linking in the Crystal...
Have you opened the report in Crystal and verified the database? This should find any errors in the report and make sure the report is looking at the proper version of MAS90s ODBC driver.
If there are U-ser D-efined F-ields added to the form, they could be causing this error. If you have UDFs...
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