I wonder if someone can assist me in getting the latest available BMS Suite?
I know its old and Aastra/Mitel seems unavailable to help. Even in Infochannel the Businessphone information seems to be removed.
Any help would be very appreciated. I would be willing to pay for the assistance...
We want to make sure the management always has a little guaranteed BW, and after that Voip and Media. Internet and eventual other traffic will be "best effort".
Uplink will be 1Gbit/s and at the access side it's either 1Gbit/s or 100Mbit/s ports. There is no need to re-mark the .1p values here...
I have a Catalyst 4500 chassis with some older cards, Supervisor IV (WS-4515) and the 18-port GBIC cards (WS-X4418-GB).
I am used in configuring QoS on Metro 34xx and 36xx series of switches, and are not getting it to work really.
My situation is like this:
4500 is running as Layer 2...
I am running a MX-ONE system (4.1 SP4) and are having some wonders about Group Hunting.
I have setup a group with several members, all of them are fictive numbers. I want them to be seen as the group number on outgoing calls.
For external calls I made this with number_conversion, but how...
Thanks secureipdect, that worked just perfect!
Is it possible to get the group forwarded to voicemail if calls are not responded within a certain time?
Yes, I have tried GEADC, the problem is if someone dials in, it's then busy. I need to be able to have at least 2 simultaneous calls against my group number.
I have two questions I havent been able to solve on my MX-ONE system (3.2 SP2):
I have done number_conversions that change the number presented when doing external calls, but I havent got it to work with internal calls. I want our servicedesk extensions to only present the servicedesk number...
I am having problems with DBC 212 phones with CD adapter against MX-ONE system.
Problem is the ring signal is very long, a short break, and then another very long ring. Changing options in the Configuration panel seems to have no effect (except the signal type).
Anyone can clear out for...
I have the latest available revisions. We tried exchanging all CTI adapters just as a test, but no difference. Are going to try using IP Phone instead of Digital Extension/CTI adapter. Hopefully that works better..
I guess you already solved this, but except from the normal H.323 ports, you can specify in DRG22 administration which portrange the RTP traffic shall use.
I tried it out with a DRG22 here. Behaviour of my DRG is:
If I press reset button while connecting power and keep it pressed for 5-15 seconds = DRG goes into factory default, reboots and tries to get DHCP adress.
If I press for 15-30 seconds = DRG goes into factory default, with a fixed ip of...
default login on DRG is "operator" with password "DRGPASS".
I think you also can do a factory reset and get the DRG to fetch a DHCP adress by holding reset button while powering on DRG and hold it for ~10 seconds.
After change from MD110 -> MXONE I have problem getting
Call Forwarding button to work. In MD the function was that
one press => all calls forwards to voicemail
one more press => call forwarding canceled.
I am not able to get it to work with MX and IP Extension.
Any ideas on how to...
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