In Director, Go to Users >> Individual Users. Find the user/phone you want to add voice mail too. Scroll down to the License Type: select Extension and Mailbox in the drop down. Scroll down further and select the Voice Mail server (if you have multiple) and then scroll down and create a Voice...
1. Is this new or has it ever worked at Remote site?
2. Do you have 8 setup as your AC2? Is 8 the AC2 at the main site? You may just need to insert an 8 in the DGT/DMI at the remote site, so it can hit BARS again at the main site.
Can you print you NET data from LD 90 for 311, the RLI/RLB and...
You can't do split on the phone, but you could setup up a webpage for the directory and split out the directory as you want by doing some database queries?
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