What type of set up do you have regarding survivability?
The 1010 can utilize a number of different processor cards with differing capabilities.
Cetainly a sig server can be installed but it would be helpful if you explained the architecture of your system.
I've had this issue before and it is usually followed by a "Boot Device Failure" error message.
Problem lies on the MGC side of the board.
Make sure you see the MAC address (on daughterboard) on the MGC boot. If this is the issue it will appear as ##:##:## or it will be empty.
If that is the...
Trunks are programmed as tie lines but once I hit the channel then what? I can't assign the channel to a set like on a Norstar system.
The Lineside is not meant to tie to a span as far as I know.
Trying to find an E1 channel bank or dialogic board.
The E1 ports are programmed as 500's but hand...
Thanks. I can connect to a DTI2 on a 5D97 but that only idle's up the channels/ports.
If I dial the DN of Port 1 on the Lineside in will Busy out Channel 1 on the DTI2 loop but that's as far as I can go.
I'm trying to establish an actual call, voicepath etc.
I'm trying to test these in a lab environment.
I don't have a channel bank or IVR system to connect to. I can "successfuly" link to a 5D97 but that doesn't do alot for me.
I was looking for a different route to take and John's reply above sounded intersting but I'm not sure how he configured it...
John a while back you posted this on a thread regarding Lineside E1. Could you explain in more detail please on the set up.
Thank you.
Connect two back to back to a cot e1 card, the line side programs as analog stations, the far end programs as trunks.. will let you dial thru for a test...
Thanks for the reply. I believe the problem is system wide as no 2420 sets work (redial) on one system and those same sets work (redial) on another system.
Is there a system wide setting to look for? FYI, I only have access through a terminal.
Have 2 Definity systems in a Lab environment. In 1 system we can redial from 2420 sets and in the other we cannot.
I'm not a Definity guy so bear with me here. Any help would be great.
Thank you
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