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Creative short stories... 4

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Jan 15, 2004
Who can make an interesting story from something that is usually considered boring and pointless?

Here is mine.

On my way to work this cool, but humid morning, I was stopped at an intersection when this little green bug attached itself to my windshield. Having been comforted by my new friend, Greg, I hoped that he wouldn't depart as I turned my corner and sped up to about 45 MPH. Amazingly enough, Greg felt the warmth of my presence and deemed my windshield worthy for at least a few more minutes despite the assumed struggle he was having against the terrible wind. I was still further amazed as I entered the on ramp to the highway that Greg didn't leave. 30 MPH, 35, 40. I saw Greg turn around, head into the wind, legs braced in a solid stance, back tilted as if he was ready to pounce - I knew with little doubt that Greg was getting the rollercoaster ride of a lifetime. Still, at 55 and 60 MPH, Greg had enough strength and audacity to enjoy this thrill. However, 65 MPH having been reached, Greg was gone. My only assumption was that this ride became too much for his poor, frail body, and that he found a new home spattered on the windshield of the truck behind me. Greg was no more, but at least he enjoyed his final moments in this life.

He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive. - King Solomon
lol, perhaps I should have said to "atempt" an interesting story :).

He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive. - King Solomon
pay no heed to the detractors. you accomplished your goal: interesting story telling from the mundane.

per ardua ad astra
So who's got a random story that can be made interesting from something insignificant?

He who has knowledge spares his words, and a man of understanding is of a calm spirit. Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; when he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive. - King Solomon

It was more interesting then work!
So who's got a random story that can be made interesting from something insignificant?

Sorry, I've got an interesting work to do!
On my way to work this cool, but humid morning, I was stopped at an intersection when this little green bug attached itself to my windshield. Having been comforted by my new friend, Greg,......

I don't know why that story was of particular interest to me....

"Just hangin' on to the windshield of Life" --Me



Gee, Greg, I kinda liked the imagery!

Just kidding, dude!

The sequel will doubtless involve [blue]"Timmy the Turtle"[/blue] meeting with a Michelin.

Tim :)

"To be rather than to seem"
[green](as stated in plain English)[/green] - Official Motto of the State of North Carolina[/blue]
Snip! Snip! the cover. Too close is no good, too far even worse! Grab and snap and pull and toss. Finished it falls to the floor.

Stupid string I hate you!. The cutters again I think. Bother someone else. Bother the janitor for all I care.

Orange. Green. Blue. The brown that won't carry anything anyway. Straighten them up. Get them in order. Chop them down.

Push the head down. More! Inspection time. All in their places and no one is going anywhere. With the Greenly I make sure of that.

This cable is terminated.


Omnipitence, Ltd.
DonBott Nice !!! though more in the form of that 12 line Japanese stuff (whose name escapes me at the moment - sorry, 13 ft trompolene, umpteen kids, bottles etc etc )

[Pls feel free to correct mode]

<Do I need A Signature or will an X do?>
Not entirely sure I get DonBott's meaning, but I'll also try to assemble unrelated English words in English (as if I haven't "dun sew" before...) He owes me a heavy drink, buy the weigh.

BTW, IMHO, "Shakespeare" should half bought Tupperware from 'is "Avon Lady."

[blue]Glue, poor knee, bend as leg ends dew, and cry Uncle win ewe give up. Auntie Ant, you halve sew mini legs!"[/blue]

er, ...

"To be rather than to seem"
- Official Motto of the State of North Carolina[/blue]
During the holidays last year, I "helped" my first-grade son with an assignment to write about a family tradition.

[tt]Once each week, no matter what, my family stops whatever we're doing and we go through every room of the house looking for toys or clothes or anything at all that we don't really need anymore.

We gather these things together, pack them into containers and we place them outside of our home so that someone, somewhere can come along and help themselves to our possessions and maybe share in the some of the joy that those possessions once brought to us.[/tt]

Of course, my wife tore it up and made him pick another tradition. She recognized 'garbage night' right away.


Life is short.
Build something.
If someone who speak/read spanish can translate, because I can't:

"Deshojada quedó Margarita en el revuelo del patio del cité, bajo el abrazo del conviviente de su madre, cuando al cumplir 8 años, entre globos y reggaetón, él le susurró que la quería: mucho, si guardaba silencio; poquito, si se resistía; nada, si la deninciaba."

firt place of the litarery competence of "Santiago in 100 words".

Revista Plagio.
Deshojada quedó Margarita en el revuelo del patio del cité, bajo el abrazo del conviviente de su madre, cuando al cumplir 8 años, entre globos y reggaetón, él le susurró que la quería: mucho, si guardaba silencio; poquito, si se resistía; nada, si la denunciaba."

(sorry, las word mispelled).

Chacal, Inc.[wavey]
Stripped off her petals laid Daisy in the commotion of the playground, under the embrace of her mother’s lover, when turning 8, among balloons and reggaeton, he whispered he loved her: a lot, if she kept quiet; a little, if she resisted; nothing, if she reported him."

Note.- In English kids play this game saying: she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me,... in Spanish kids say: she loves me a lot, she loves me a little, she loves me nothing,... in French it is more complicated: she loves me a little, a lot, passionately, madly, not at all.

Thanks for sharing, Chacalinc.
You are welcome Chacalinc, I tried my best yet there is room for improvement, I suppose.

Also, I looked for that very short story and found its title is "Pena Remitida", which is a legal term I can't translate but means the criminal won't go to jail. The author is Patricia Middleton.
To explain my story, the challenge siad to describe something inherently boring and make it sound interesting. I had just finished putting an end on a cat-5 cable and describes that. The Greenly is the toon that I use to crimp the modular head in place.

Omnipitence, Ltd.
it was a very interesting story.
I almost weeped...poor Greg.
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