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  1. msimone

    Live Video over the Internet

    Hello all - I've been a lurker at Tek-Tips for a short while, but usually on different forums, so I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this post. Please be gentle:) The company I work for has three small branch offices all about one or two hours from our main office. Our president...
  2. msimone

    Access webcam server remotely?

    davcom1 - My boss has similar ideas, I can share what I've learned and hope that helps you. I've tried TrackerCam (www.trackercam.com) which lets you connect to the ip address and/or network name (iirc), put in your password and pan/tilt/zoom the camera, but is not free, so if you don't...
  3. msimone

    Viewing video over the internet, What is needed??

    NTesla - I have started a similar project for my company, but I've tried a few different things. Hopefully, you will be able to learn from what I have suffered^H^H^H^^Htried. You will probably need a static public IP address at the site with the cameras, unless you do something where the...
  4. msimone

    XP Pro Client can ping to ip's, but no DNS

    Bcastner - Thanks for the pointer! I had checked the FAQ, but obviously I was not paying good attention. I finally got her pc back on the web, updated the AdAware and got her machine cleaned up. I got some 'Entry Point Not Found' errors when I first restarted after the WinSockFix ran, but a...
  5. msimone

    red x in Explorer

    Robert12345 - If you reload the page does that help, or is it just certain pages all the time? Sometimes, especially if the image is coming from a different site than the main page, you can just time out and not load the image. Alternatively, you may be set to not load off-site images in...
  6. msimone

    XP Pro Client can ping to ip's, but no DNS

    Hello All - Our network is running on W2K Server, with (mostly) XP Pro clients using DHCP. One XP Pro machine has suddenly become unable to get an IP address via DHCP. As a temporary solution, I assigned it an IP address outside the normal pool, and manually entered the DNS info. It could...
  7. msimone

    Printer setup (Forms) for invoicing

    Omnicef - You might want to try re-creating the form. Even if you just put in all the same numbers, but change the name of the form, it might clear up the problem. Good luck, Mike Simone
  8. msimone

    Active Directory

    kgauvin - May I ask why you used the MAS200 server as an AD server as well? Was it because you only had the two machines and need the 'backup' AD server? Mike Simone
  9. msimone

    Invoice History Printing Problems

    drdebit - Humor is always a good thing. Mike Simone
  10. msimone

    Invoice History Printing Problems

    Replying to myself here - Just in case anyone else has similar problems, I recreated the form to no avail. I had to reboot the servers to install a new UPS. Afterwards I tried the printing again, just to see. It printed the new forms perfectly. I haven't tried the old forms, mainly becuase...
  11. msimone

    Active Directory

    drdebit - Disclaimer: I'm no AD guru, so you shouldn't make any enterprise decisions on what I'm saying here. Active directory is kinda-sorta like the Windows Registry, but for your whole network. It tracks evrything on the network, who has access to it and how much, etc., etc. All of the...
  12. msimone

    Invoice History Printing Problems

    Hello All - We use MAS90's AR Invoice History Printing to print out confirmation invoices to pre-printed forms (roughly 4" high by 8" wide) on a dot matrix printer. However, this week it has started acting up in a very strange way. On every third invoice the printer does not move...
  13. msimone

    Active Directory

    jmccall - We have W2K Server running AD on a separate box from our file & print server that runs MAS90. As I understand it, the issue isn't so much one of performance per se, but rather that only members of the domain admins group can access files on a server running Active Directory. This...
  14. msimone

    Session Tracking File is corrupt

    meekobiscuit - It's been a while since you posted this, but in case you haven't had any luck solving it, the M90SE129 file is in the MAS90 server's \HOME\SESSION directory. If you delete or rename it on the server, you can then re-start the workstation. Hope this was helpful, Mike Simone
  15. msimone

    Statement Printing - Crystal Error?

    Steve - Thanks for the info. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks again, Mike
  16. msimone

    Statement Printing - Crystal Error?

    rsswend - I found out that if we ran them from a machine that did not have Crystal Reports on it installed at all, it seemed to work. It just seems like MAS90 is very touchy about printing issues in general. Sorry if this doesn't help much. Good luck, Mike Simone
  17. msimone

    Statement Printing - Crystal Error?

    Thanks drdebit. I've been fumbling through the Crystal syntax rather blindly, so I think I will have to move this to one of the Crystal Forums. Thanks for all your help, Mike Simone
  18. msimone

    Statement Printing - Crystal Error?

    drdebit - I updated to Crystal Reports 9, but the statement printing still gives the same error. Hmmm, does this mean we are having some kind of under the hood problem with MAS90? Going off-topic, I like your .sig. Thanks for your help, Mike Simone
  19. msimone

    Statement Printing - Crystal Error?

    drdebit - Good question, our MAS 90 is 3.71, but we're using Crystal 8.5, rather than 9. I'll see what happens. Thanks Mike Simone
  20. msimone

    Statement Printing - Crystal Error?

    Hello All, We are testing MAS 90's monthly statement printing function and have run into a snag. It prints individual statements fine, but when we try to preview a batch, we get the following error after a few minutes of 'Processing Crystal Worktables': 'Crystal Print Error: Error in File...

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