Yelling is form of weakness...everyone know slaming the door...
So, yell now...
It is such a pitty that mined so brilliant is so angry.
I know, I was your target more then once myself.
And then I didn't feel like a peer, I felt like a customer who didn't pay :) (sigh and sadly...
For i = 1 To ExcelWK.Sheets.Count
xSheet = ExcelWK.Sheets(i).Name
If xSheet <> S1 and xSheet <> S21 and xSheet <> S33 Then
you can do from here anything you want and when loop will meet unwanted criteria - it'll skip to the
Have fun !!!
Do not be affraid of xlbo, he is yelling at customers all the time? Men !!!
Psss, kenanber,
here how to
parsRS.FindFirst ("[Level]='" & xSheet & "'")
where [Level] is value from the table
and xSheet - variable
This is a brilliant way to pass parameter...
Are you Ok now ?
You create Global module and declare :
Public Const ContractStartDate = #7/1/2002#
Public ReportStartDate As Variant
Then you need to write function Initialize those variables.
Very important. Untill Initialized - they asleep !!!
I suppose this is why isn't working for you ...
I've done so much of this and have a code written.
Need more detailes, though...
Where id data coming from, query ?
Respond if you still looking for an answer.
Or I suppose Dale took care of it already ?
Then star should be awarded !
I want
FX(A1:A7,1) to return the value Albert,
FX(A1:A7,2) to return the value Bessie and
FX(A1:A7,3) to return the value Carrie etc, for some function FX.
So, practically you want to loop through every cell and read values ? I don't see "unique" part ...
Or you want to loop...
I am dealing with Excel doc corruption right now.
Try running ScanDisc to see if virus present, by then I hope someone will step up and tell more...
Good Luck
m_tempa = "H1" ' I store the value in a memvar
rs.Fields(m_tempa).VALUE ' I get an error when I try this.
If you set m_tempa as a Variable - you suppose to not assign
value to it. Value should be calculated
What you have is like
Apples = "Green"
open up Access and click on Tab "Module"
then button "New" and Save it as _Global.
Open Up and you'll see
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public YourVariableName As String (or whatever you need to be)
Then next step
Function GetYourVariableName()...
You create module _Global
And here you write under
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Const RL2ID = "TIA"
Public ReportStartDate As Variant (if you need datatype)
Public Const ContractStartDate = #7/1/2002#
Public Const TemplateFileName As String = "ExcelFileName -...
I was affraid to click Download
on this site you, mp9 recommending.
I've been annoyed by the message too, if I AM the one sending e-mails why should I be "secured", right ?
Have anyone tried it ?
How does it seems ?
Let's forget whole thing !
We need to OPEN Recordset and display Result somewhere, right ?
Using reserved words like frm=Me isn't helping at all
Then how is Recordset suppose to work with
Set frm = Me
Set rstClone = frm.RecordsetClone
I am simply wanna scream !
WHAT IS frm.RecordsetClone...
Doesn't your "Me" suppose to have a control to display your Recordset result ?
Me.Recordsetclone seems like form has recordset...
Is this suppose to be Hidden recordset :) ???
Have you closed database on your PC before you tried co-worker's one ?
Anyway if it works on your PC - it works !
So, get comfortable and tell your co-worker to reboot and compact and repair and compact again.
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