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Search results for query: *

  1. dbarnhart

    manipulating the query recordset programmatically

    As an aside, I have completely abandoned the use of CFGRID.&nbsp;&nbsp;It has too many quirks and problems for me.<br><br>You can do what you want, but you'll have to programmatically build an intermediate query resultset (using QueryNew() and QuerySetCell()) and feed THAT to CFGRID.
  2. dbarnhart

    Data Security

    The problem is simple, really.<br><br>&lt;CFSET session.authenticated=&quot;#cfid#&cftoken=#cftoken#&quot;&gt; sets session.authenticated to a non-null value.<br><br>the subsequent CFPARAM is then useless.&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;CFPARAM&gt; simply creates a variable and assigns an initial value to it...
  3. dbarnhart

    ODBC Error Code = 37000 Syntax error (missing operator) in query

    The double-quotes around NCA are probably causing this.&nbsp;&nbsp;They should be single-quotes.
  4. dbarnhart

    evalute function

    The Allaire documentation for some of the functions is pretty unclear, isn't it?&nbsp;&nbsp;The evaluate() function is used when you find yourself with nested pound signs.<br><br>In many cases, I've wanted to display a form in which part of a field name is itself a variable:<br><br>&lt;CFLOOP...
  5. dbarnhart

    Welcome to user #UserName#

    The only explanation is that UserName was not in the query string or form fields passed to this template.<br><br>If the above file is named &quot;Welcome.cfm&quot;, what happens when you enter:<br><br><A HREF="http://welcome.cfm?UserName=Fred"...
  6. dbarnhart

    I need to creat a login/password page in coldFuion

    The &lt;CFAPPLICATION&gt; tage needs to be in a seperate file named Application.cfm<br><br>As an aside, I generally do not like to use session variables for this.&nbsp;&nbsp;What I do is that after autheticating the user for the first time, I put the user's login and password into a...
  7. dbarnhart

    CFFILE copy

    I would not be surprised if CFFILE supports only local hard drives.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know this is true for the FileExists() function.&nbsp;&nbsp;This restriction is present in the CF Server Professional, and does not exist in CFServer Enterprise Edition.
  8. dbarnhart

    problems using directories

    One additional note I'd like to add:&nbsp;&nbsp;The DIrectoryExists function will work for only the directories on the server unless you are using CF Server Enterprise Edition.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you need to do something like:<br><br>DirectoryExists('\\otherserver\dir\subdir')<br><br>You must have CF...
  9. dbarnhart

    ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation) Help Me !

    I don't see the problem right away, but I'm curious about your statement:<br><br>i have a automatic number for the id<br><br>Do you mean that the user_id field is an autonumber field?&nbsp;&nbsp;If so, then you are attempting to store a string into it.&nbsp;&nbsp;I doubt that is the real problem...
  10. dbarnhart

    Searching for rug sizes

    I agree with TamHonks.&nbsp;&nbsp;You really need to store the rug size as two separate numeric fields instead of a single string field.&nbsp;&nbsp;Then you could do:<br><br>&lt;CFQUERY DATASOURCE=&quot;Test&quot; NAME=&quot;Rugs&quot;&gt;<br>SELECT *<br>FROM Rugs<br>WHERE (int(length) = 10 AND...
  11. dbarnhart

    Problems with combos boxes

    I assume that you are wanting to do this all on the client side.&nbsp;&nbsp;In other words, when a item is selected in the first list, it immediately causes the contents of the second list to change WITHOUT making a trip to the server and back.<br><br>This is not hard, but it's done in...
  12. dbarnhart

    I need help with passing a password and username to another page

    The REAL problem here is the line:<br>&lt;cflocation url=&quot;intranet.cfm&quot; addtoken=&quot;yes&quot;&gt;<br><br>Ok, follow me through here now...<br>1. The user enters his name & pwd on the first form, hits the Submit button, and the UserID and Password fields are submitted to...
  13. dbarnhart

    Recursive use of forms and sending parameters

    Your problem is that when this template is run for the first time (before the user has the chance to fill in the UserEnteredDate field, CF has no idea what the value of UserEnteredDate is when it executes the CFFORM tag.<br><br>1. remove the ?ArchiveDate=#UserEnteredDate# from the CFFORM's...
  14. dbarnhart

    PowerTCP problem in CF 4.0 server

    Yes, that is correct. (sad, but true.) To paraphrase Henry Ford, you can have as many recipients as you want, as long as the number is not greater than 40.&nbsp;&nbsp;ALthough it generates a much higher load on the mail server, what I've done is to do a CFLOOP with the CFMAIL nested inside it...

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