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Search results for query: *

  1. K1W169

    Firewall Recommendation

    Agree with zelan about the Linksys router depending on how much is too much for you but you can get one for about 55 bucks. Also I would suggest maybe trying a older version of za if you had issues with there newer one. I myself use the linksys router and za. By the way isn't the ICS kinda...
  2. K1W169

    No "Entire Network" in my network places

    Sorry just had to chuckle LOL
  3. K1W169

    A question about routers....

    Is there anyway to get past the router to manipulate the system.. Not to make you paranoid but as the quote goes "Theres holes in everything thats how the light gets in." hehe Your safer than the average bear I myself have a similar setup. Two questions 1.Your admin pw at...
  4. K1W169

    Re-imaging a drive from another pc on a network?

    Hey Pevdaddy don't all the machines have to be identical hardware/hard drive wise? If not Please let me know. Thanks
  5. K1W169

    win.2000 pro--frames per second in gamming is slow

    Just for curiosity sake how many fps are you getting and how many are you going for thanx
  6. K1W169

    Win2k Ruins Win98 Network Browsing...

    silly question but does the win2k machine have the same computer name or same ip as one of the win98 machines?
  7. K1W169

    WIn2k Network Problem

    My 2 lil cents I have 8 machines running on my lil home lan 6 run win2k and 2 run win98se I use linksys nic's only and a linksys router. Do you have them all set up on consecutive ip's or are they sporatic? It helped me to make a shortcut in my network places for the drives/folders I access...
  8. K1W169

    Yahoo'd Browser

    Did you just upgrade to a newer version of IE? And when you say a bunch of controls do u mean shortcuts? To get rid of them right click next to them then choose customize and simply remove whatever you don't want.
  9. K1W169

    i'm looking at upgrading to XP...good move? currently w/ ME...

    My 2 cents ME was/is horrible but I wouldn't rush to XP it's not pristine. If you need stability go with Win2k And Never upgrade on top of another Os Always better to start from scratch with a clean install as said by wolluf.
  10. K1W169

    Font management for non-administrators

    Sorry I'm unfamiliar with ATM Deluxe are these truetype fonts your talking about? If so any user can add fonts just by copying TTF(true type fonts)to the font directory. Sorry If this doesn't help.
  11. K1W169

    Communicating between Win 2k, Win 98 & Win ME

    I've seen programs like your talkin about I'll try to find the one I had. Until then have you tried winchat on the win2k machine? If i'm not mistaken as long as Win pop up is up already (winme and win98) they will get the message you send in winchat from the win2k machine. Temp fix till you...
  12. K1W169

    opening webcam reboots in win2k

    Well all I wanted to know was which logitech cam you have so I know to look out for it but as a side note.. You found your camera(logitech) has problems with the (Via)Chipsets and your (asus)Raid? mobo has too many drivers but your tired of win2k's compatibility issues lol. Wow thats funny. So...
  13. K1W169

    mobo or cpu issue?

    Hey all Just built another computer this time i used ECS K7sem and a 1 gig AMD Duron(morgan) It's running a lil hot 40C (104F)but I don't think thats causing my problem. I have zonealarm pro and norton systemworks on here. The issue is with CPU usage. Doing simple stuff such as raising the...
  14. K1W169

    Dual boot question

    Hey guys having some issues with a dualboot on one of my computers. I used a old hard-drive in this new computer that already had win98 from a different dual boot system anyway I'm having major issues and win98 isn't acting right. Now I don't wanna have to erase both partitions and start over if...
  15. K1W169

    Plays music to fast!!!

    I'm not sure which online music your using but I use musicmatch jukebox and I had a similar problem. First thing i would try is checking to see what your set at under options or settings. I had a 56k and it was set at cable. make sure yours isnt set like that. Hope that helps
  16. K1W169

    Soyo K7VTA-Pro mobo need help

    Ok well thanks for the help everyone problem was a bad h/d if anyone else has similiar problems. Hopefully me or someone will offer tips.
  17. K1W169

    Soyo K7VTA-Pro mobo need help

    Well I got it to boot to his old 1 gig hard-drive with win98se on it But I can't format the new drive I get the error "there was a device error reading drive 1 absolute sector 0 count 1" That plus it takes like 4 min to go from bios start to win98 when I boot :(...
  18. K1W169

    Soyo K7VTA-Pro mobo need help

    Hello All I'm helping my friend with a computer hes building heres the specs Soyo K7VTA-Pro Motherboard w/ Athlon 1.2GHz CPU 40 gig western digital H/d Pine geoforce2 mx400 64mb graphics card 56X cdrom drive 264 mb pc133 ram Ok first problem we had was mobo kept saying floppy drive error or...
  19. K1W169

    Question about building a PC

    Well a couple of my favorite sites are tigerdirect.com, neocomputers.com, krex.com, and computerpartsusa.com if you goto neocomputers and click on custom system you can select each piece for your custom system. neocomputers isn't the cheapest ,but it will get you started.(I use neocomputers as...
  20. K1W169

    Can I dele the preview search??

    hmmm Not sure in 98/me you could erase them in the registry if your not reg-a-phobic :) I'll see if I can find it for ya.

Part and Inventory Search
