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Search results for query: *

  1. denisfr

    Unable to script browse or retention time with save command

    Hello, date/time under Networker can be relative (+2 months, -5 days...). If you don't give an absolute date/time to the command (like "09/28/2015 09:55:12"), you must prefix by a plus or minus sign. So, if you want to plan an expiration date of 2 years beginning at the date of the save just...
  2. denisfr

    Labelinig without mount

    If you want tape to stay into the drive after labelling it (to be written immediately), use the -m option when labelling, as it is used to keep the tape mounted. But dismounting-unloading tape from drive is a normal behaviour after labelization.
  3. denisfr

    Labelinig without mount

    I see that every time I label/relabel an used or new tape legato mount the tape into the drive, make a mark and eject the tape. This is an expected and normal behaviour. Have you problems when using tapes after relabelling ?
  4. denisfr

    Labelinig without mount

    Hello, it depends on what you mean by 'mount'. If 'mount' is taking cartridge to put into a drive, the answer is no. If 'mount' is taking cartridge to put into a drive, then reading the label and informing Networker about this operation (updating drive status), the answer is yes. By default...
  5. denisfr

    what are the AEM's in networker and where would I find them?

    Hello, sure about AEM ? Not OEM ? Some Networker licenses could have been purchased by a third party company, then redistributing to the end-user by the way of an OEM license contract, part of a complete save solution (software and hardware). Is this what you mean ? In addition, please explain...
  6. denisfr

    AIX directive not working

    Hello, did you check the size of the 'epic' saveset ? Sometimes, NW saves only names of files and directories but not the content... Denis
  7. denisfr

    Backup filesystems from input file

    Don't forget the fact that if you issue a backup command (that must start with 'save' ou 'nsr'), this command will be performed for each saveset described in the client.
  8. denisfr

    Networker license query

    Hello, no command, but some script lines, if you are running under ..ix : echo "option hidden" >> /tmp/nsrlic.tmp.$$$ echo "show name;enabler code;host id;expiration date;auth code;license type " >> /tmp/nsrlic.tmp.$$$ echo "print type: NSR license " >>/tmp/nsrlic.tmp.$$$ nsradmin -i...
  9. denisfr

    Generate report of Savegroups and pools in Networker 7.6.1

    Hello, groups does not have information about 'save level' (full, incr...). This 'save level' is a client parameter, then used for a saveset. Savesets can have an full level even if the schedule was incr. So, you will not be able to have a report summarized like your example. Denis
  10. denisfr

    Failed Backup - IPv6

    Hello, what method are you using to resolve the name : DNS, YP, host file ? Is this method the same for both client and server ? Denis
  11. denisfr

    How to find backup server from client

    Hello, a client can be saved by multiples servers, so you don't have a precise list of servers that can be used. The only thing you must be sure is that servers IP/Hostnames must be reachable from the client. The /nsr/res/servers is only present to control which server can query a save (empty...
  12. denisfr

    mminfo help

    NW understand 24hr clock (tested on Aix and Linux, both french and english versions), but I don't know if Windows supplies the right time format when asked by NW.
  13. denisfr

    mminfo help

    Hello, much confusion in your criterias ;-) how about : mminfo -avot -q "sscreate>'04/20/2011 19:00:00',sscreate<'04/21/2011 06:00:00'" ? Denis
  14. denisfr

    Networker and multi-year retention

    Hello, just increase the 'number of periods' in your policy properties to get 2 ? Denis
  15. denisfr

    adic robotic library failed - need a restore using different lib

    Hello, i really don't want to re jbconfig because then i would lose the slots of about 900 tapes Can you explain what you understand by 'rejbconfig' ? Slots can be recovered with an inventory command (with -II) If you don't want to look manually for each tape needed, the only way you can do is...
  16. denisfr

    how can I bet a list of all currently running jobs in Networker 7.5.2

    add the word 'fin' at the end of the last script...
  17. denisfr

    how can I bet a list of all currently running jobs in Networker 7.5.2

    Hello, for you, 'jobs' are only groups or can also be sessions (recover, browse, clone) ? If so, you can take a look at these scripts (for *nix) and maybe complete to gain access to other stuff : GROUPS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS : /usr/bin/nsradmin <<fin 2>&1 | sed -e '1,2d' | sed -e 's/nsradmin>...
  18. denisfr


    Hello, I'm desperatly trying to create a directive which can exclude all directories begining with some letters (base in my example)... I've tried things like : << / >> +skip: base* or *base* or base?? or base* .?* But no way. Since I read in the manuals that Wildcards can be used in ASM...
  19. denisfr

    What is Rule of 17?

    Hello, In a SAN product (HBA, switch, director...), data is processed by a specific chip (called ASIC) throught a specific connection chain (including power). But for cost reasons (and also processing latency), there is not one chip dedicated to a single role. So, in a EMC product like a disk...
  20. denisfr

    Recovery from clone once original is gone.

    Hello, Which NW are you running ? I think there was a fix for this bug. Clones retention must be the same than originals. Using a longer retention for a clone must result in the 'automatic' modification of retention for the original. But if you have not passed the 3 months, savesets...

Part and Inventory Search
