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  1. gnwhite1201

    290 test tomorrow - any tips other than the usual?

    Well I didn't quite make it yesterday on the test... was not as difficult or detailed as I thought it was going to be but I still failed. I now know what I need to study on. Will likely take it again in a couple of weeks.
  2. gnwhite1201

    290 test tomorrow - any tips other than the usual?

    I am gearing up to takle the 290 tomorrrow. I understand that there are sims (4 or 5)and SUS is one of them... what are the others? And I have done some studying on SUS but according to MS it will no longer support SUS after this year.
  3. gnwhite1201


    I took a monitor home w/ me yesterday and tried it. It works pretty good... I would like to have the window a bit larger but I am sure there is a reason for the limitation. I am also reasonably sure there are other programs out there that does not have this limitation. Thanks again![2thumbsup]...
  4. gnwhite1201


    Dillinger That sounds like a really good idea, I will try it myself and let you know! Are you using any other software aided apps to accomplish this? Or is this strictly a windows only operation? Thanks
  5. gnwhite1201

    ntldr missing or corrupted.

    Black Funny how things like that happen, I had that happen to me as well. I am in the process of building a W2K machine and I had a bad battery, so when I removed power from the room that the PC was in, it lost its CMOS info. I tried booting it up afterwards not thinking about the lost info...
  6. gnwhite1201


    I am needing to know if I have two monitors, can the 'Magnifier' program under 'Accessories-Accessability' in 2000 be placed on a separate monitor and leave the main desktop as is? I am trying to help out someone with this issue. Any replies would be greatly appreciated. Glenn
  7. gnwhite1201

    Camcorder DV 1394 Win2k pro Not working

    For those that r interested, I have received the unit back form Canon and it worked without issue the first time I connected it! It was the Camera and not my system. I have yet to do any editting but just to have it working again is great! However I will also say that the idea that I got two...
  8. gnwhite1201

    Cannot get 1280 x 768 resolution

    There are two ways u can make you laptop use the another screen exclusively. One being to use a docking station designed for you laptop, the next is that on all laptops (atleast the ones I have seen) have the FN key to switch different setting in the hardware, ie... monitor sound etc... Good...
  9. gnwhite1201

    video help please

    che8a Try changing the font size thru ur driver. That may give you a better looksee at you fonts. (incase u r not familar). On the an empty part of the desktop, right click, go to properties - settings - Advanced. At this point another window will pop up. In my configuration it is the first...
  10. gnwhite1201

    CICS CCR TREE problems

    Mongo, What Kevin has suggested means that you may have to reprogram your unit. I believe what he has suggested may work (thats y I gave him the star) but I also believe if you try to implament what he has suggested in your current configuration, you may be pulling your hair out by the end of...
  11. gnwhite1201

    video help please

    Not a PS problem or you would not get power to anything, I am strongly thinking that it is a bad MB. From what was said here, I feel strongly that that is waht is happening. GoatMan Sounds like you are having more issues than I care to deal with at this time...HA!
  12. gnwhite1201

    Camcorder DV 1394 Win2k pro Not working

    I have sent the camera back to Canon to be repaired. And I checked on it today and they say they are repairing it, so that (currently) leads me to believe that thier was something wrong with the camera, (stay tuned).
  13. gnwhite1201

    Camcorder DV 1394 Win2k pro Not working

    Thats what I am think also SYAR, I was just trying to wait a bit until the next OS came out. But it looks like I might have to jump on sooner than I planned. Thanks for the thoughts!
  14. gnwhite1201

    Camcorder DV 1394 Win2k pro Not working

    Yeah, and they stop when the camera signals that it sees the connection form the PC. They are not to concerned about the PC seeing the camera.
  15. gnwhite1201

    Camcorder DV 1394 Win2k pro Not working

    I need help getting Windows 2k Pro to recognize my camcorder which is a Canon ZR65 MMC. The camera itself does not have a driver and the drivers for the 1394 port are as up-to-date as they can be with the SP4 installed. My camera actually sees the connection but the computer does not. I do...
  16. gnwhite1201

    Primary Master keeps showing up as "E" drive

    Wolluf, Yes issues would arise out of having the boot drive not being 'C'. Its just that they are not too terribly serious and most users can work around them. I say this as a point of fact on my system I just built, I was testing out my new drives and I loaded the O/S onto an "E&quot...
  17. gnwhite1201

    Windows reporting that HD too large

    Wolluf, I guess it does and it doesn't because I was having issues before and after win2k loads, I have however since starting these threads have fix my delima. I bought a new MB w/ a highpoint RAID controller on it, so now I have the ability to have up to eight IDE devices![thumbsup] My...
  18. gnwhite1201

    Primary Master keeps showing up as "E" drive

    If you CAN do as you want I think you will have issues, unfortunately I think the only recourse will be for you to do a fresh install, I know thats not what you want to hear but I may be doing it my self... If you think you can figure it out w/o doing this please reply back. Thanks Glenn
  19. gnwhite1201

    New system RAID 0 w/ win2000

    Sounds good I will try this tonight and let you know! Glenn
  20. gnwhite1201

    Question about IDE device setups

    You are probably right in that explaination I believe I read that somewhere in mine as well...ooops!.... Bu tyou have to figure out some way of making sure that the drive letters do not change. Glenn Please repost!

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