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Search results for query: *

  1. jimioz

    One static IP, many computers...

    My new ISP offers me one static IP. I want to run an e-mail server using this static IP, but can I still run dynamic IPs on the other systems? How would I do this if I could? I'm guessing the router would want the static, which would allow all systems on the LAN to access the net, but with...
  2. jimioz

    XP Logon password forgotten

    They sure sound like they will work, but I have had several problems with iso images in XP, I just cant seem to get them to boot. Any other ideas?
  3. jimioz

    Tape Backup Software

    I have used Novastor, and it sucks! It sure looks nice and I guess it works under the limited conditions its been writen for, but overall it failed. It can not restore to a drive larger or smaller then the one it backed up, and I was unable to get it to work with anything other than a CDRW...
  4. jimioz

    XP Logon password forgotten

    I have a lap top with one admin and one user account on it, both password protected, but I can't remember the password. The user either changed it, or I didn't use the normal one. Either way I can't gain access to the accounts. How can I get around this?
  5. jimioz

    WinXP & Win95 printer sharing

    Your first problem is 95 vs XP. They don't like each other much, and don't play together nice... The printer is connected to the XP system? Will it work the other way around (connect the printer to the 95 system and see if the xp system can use it) This may not help if you want the xp and...
  6. jimioz

    XP printing

    Haven't seen that one before, but I would suggest checking the properties of the printer and see if there is something there that is causing it. I'm thinking that the printer belongs to the user that installed it, and just needs to be shared with everyone. If its not the printer, then it might...
  7. jimioz

    looking for nt drivers for a hp scanner wand

    Try Drivers Guide at the following link: http://www.driversguide.com You have to do some searching, but every driver you need is in there somewhere. If you don't see it, its because you haven't looked hard enough...it does take some work to find what you need, and read the reviews about the...
  8. jimioz

    CD-ROM drive not recognised in XP Pro after upgrade from Win98

    How did you get XP loaded in the first place? I'm guessing that the drive was working during the install, but then stopped. Did you re-format your hard drive, or just use the upgrade on the XP CD? When loading the os, always re-format the drive and do a clean install. After its installed...
  9. jimioz

    Advice on Dual HDD

    If you still have the original driver that came with the modem, use it. I have had HSF type modems before and they work fine only when you use the driver that came with them. It will have you load a COMM first then select it as you load the modem. If you don't have the original driver, you...
  10. jimioz

    DOS locks up....whats the deal??

    Do you have a Dell, Compaq, Gateway, or someother "name brand" type of computer? Add a CD or HD to a one of these and it locks up all the time (except for most newer Dells) They want you to buy their upgrads at 3 times the retail price. Otherwise try again stripping it down...
  11. jimioz

    Mouse locking

    Are you saying it doesn't even have the half dollar size thing on the bottom that pops off with a 1/4 twist? You know, the way you take the ball out. Then you can clean the rollers. As far as getting into the whole mouse (though there's not much in there) you will find the screws under the...
  12. jimioz

    Need CMOS Password

    First try hacking it. Is this your machine or do you know who put the password in? Guessing it is the fastest fix. If not, download the updated Bios onto a floppy (follow the directions you get from the download) then refer to you mobo manual to find out the jumper that will delete the cmos...
  13. jimioz

    failed to lock front panel

    I saw your listing yesterday and still no replies. I can't help your problem but I suggest you visit www.utteraccess.com Its another advise site, but they are much more technical there. Today I have replied to 16 messages here, 15 of them I had answers for (guess which one I didn't...) but...
  14. jimioz

    pc stuck in boot loop after installation of new HDD

    He's on the right track. Start with the basics and work up from there. Can Bios see the drive? If so, can Fdisk see it? If so is the partition(s) set? etc. Seems like maybe you took the drive out of the box and put it into the mobo and expected it to boot up and play cards with you...
  15. jimioz

    Problem with HP 895se printer

    No black print...hmmm thats a tough one. I'm assuming you have checked the simple things like removing the protective cover on the ink cartrige, or some other obstruction. Other than that I have no idea. Lexmark makes cheap but good printers, so don't give up on it, but don't spend any money...
  16. jimioz

    is my cd rom dead?

    This is a simple one. You both have it right. Buy a new one and put it in just where the old one was. But try it first before you install any software that came with it. Most of the time it will work fine. I find it strange that CD drives come with the drivers on a CD ROM, don't you...
  17. jimioz

    Want to upgrade old server for new computer

    He's right. You can save the floppy, maybe the CD if you have one and if its not too slow. You can try adapters for your mouse and keybord, but after paying the $5 each only to find out they don't work, you'll be worse off... What you should do is buy a whole new system. Even spend the extra...
  18. jimioz

    problem with harddisk space

    You need a larger hard drive... On many older systems, you will have no end of trouble once you use more than about 90% of your hard drive space. If you don't want to shell out some $85 for a nice drive, or if your system is too old to handle drives larger than 32gig, try a second hand...
  19. jimioz

    Advice on Dual HDD

    First I must assume you are not using a Compaq or someother type of machine that doesn't allow you add parts you buy from other than the manufacture... Also, I have always given the advise not to use two hard drives, just by a bigger one when yours gets full. Its alway easier to use just one...
  20. jimioz

    Problem with HP 895se printer

    I have had one problem like this with a brother printer. It turned out to be confused... Note, this would be a last resort fix! it could make it worse... I forced the carrier all the way to the right and then back to the left. It made a lot of noise and I was sure it would break at any...

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