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Search results for query: *

  1. Tardigrade

    problems with rpm?

    You need the full path, ie. # rpm --rebuild /path/to/bison-1.35-4.src.rpm HTH :)
  2. Tardigrade

    get disk partitions path

    /etc/fstab shows the partitions that are mounted at boot Another way of querying partitions is to issue a df command... # df -a Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hdb2 12096756 8790924 2691348 77% / none 0 0...
  3. Tardigrade

    $@, $< and $**

    From 'The Camel'... $@ is the error message from the last eval command. $< is the real user id of the process that is the perl script that contains it. $* is an old (deprecated) switch that tells perl whether or not to assume a string is a single line. I'm not what $** could possibly mean...
  4. Tardigrade

    DBD mysql question

    You should be able to put the files wherever you want and then add the directory to your search path using 'use lib' e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use lib('/path/to/modules'); use module; ... HTH :)
  5. Tardigrade

    Cron help #2

    I'm not a Python programmer but it looks to me like that permission was denied to write. Check the permissions on the directory where the temporary file is being created. HTH :)
  6. Tardigrade

    XWindow under Wincrach is it possible ?

    Have you looked into VNC? I think that should do what you want... There are loads of implementations out there (do a search for vnc on freshmeat) but I use the default one shipped with RH and it works a treat. Good Luck -Scott
  7. Tardigrade

    'LI' on boot

    Hi, A sanity check: Have you made sure the second HD is configured as a slave (probably jumpers)? I know this is obvious but it's something I've forgotten to do b4 :o) Good Luck -- Scott
  8. Tardigrade

    Receiving strange results in emails

    In the line of your script that issues the command to pgpe i think the syntax is wrong, you need the -r flag before the recipient...I think it should be: $pid = open2(\*Reader, \*Writer, &quot;/usr/local/bin/pgpe -ar $encryptedRecipient&quot;); Good Luck -- Scott
  9. Tardigrade

    using xsl:if and copying a document into another

    In answer to your first question, the following should do the trick (untested)... <xsl:for-each select=&quot;Messages/Message&quot;> <tr> <xsl:attribute name=&quot;color&quot;> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test=&quot;text/text()='private'&quot;> red </xsl:when>...
  10. Tardigrade

    Request for advice on home networking

    Hi Folks, I'm finally getting myself a second machine :oD and would like to setup a home network with 2 machines. Here's the general outline of what I've got planned: My new machine will be my workhorse, it'll be running Linux (probably RH7.1), I'm a web-developer/programmer by trade (java...
  11. Tardigrade

    MS ASP / VBS; Linux Equivalent ???

    In addition to the above you should also consider jsp's if you need something that's a bit more powerful although the learning curve is a bit steeper. -Scott
  12. Tardigrade

    Using PGP keys with email

    First off PGP can lull you into a false sense of security if you do not completely understand the principles involved so I'd advise reading the pdf docs that came with your PGP freeware (they are a bit long-winded I know)... * Must my dad have PGP installed to receive encrypted email? Yes most...
  13. Tardigrade

    Need Advise. Should I install X-Windows, &amp; what tape B/U to use?

    In answer to Q1... I'ts not usually neccessary to install X on a dedicated server mainly because it's a bit of a resource hog and you can do everything you need to without it. Although the set-up you mentioned would be more than adeqaute to handle it. If you are remotely administering the...
  14. Tardigrade

    URI Module

    The easiest way to do this is use the CPAN module. I'm not sure if there are any differences using windows but for Linux type: perl -MCPAN -e shell and then at the new prompt... install Bundle::LWP and then... quit ...when it's done. It should sort out all the dependancies and install all...
  15. Tardigrade

    Setting up Virtual Ftp sites

    Check out this excellent document on setting up guest FTP accounts.... http://www.landfield.com/wu-ftpd/docs/guest-howto.html
  16. Tardigrade

    inserting special characters

    All special chars can be inserted as entity references. The syntax is: &#<hex of char>; ie: nbsp is &#160; ( I think ;o) To do things like nowrap on a table cell, put: nowrap=&quot;&quot; another situation is 'selected' on a drop down input tag. Good Luck -- Scott
  17. Tardigrade

    Red Hat Update Agent freezes

    What version of up2date are you using? I remember having similar problems with an earlier version. The latest version is: up2date-2.5.3-1 which obviously you'll have to manually download and install. Good Luck -- Scott
  18. Tardigrade

    how find 1 file in all my RPMs ?

    The following will list all files within all rpms if the filename contains 'yyy'.... # rpm qal|grep yyy However to find out which rpm a result file belongs to you'd have to do... # rpm -qf <filename> Good Luck -- Scott
  19. Tardigrade

    X - Video Problem

    Erm... what is the error?
  20. Tardigrade

    FTP Permission / Access

    For each user that needs groups as his/her root edit the entry in /etc/passwd to resemble this: username:x:UID:GID::/path/to/groups/./:shell the most important bit is ./ after the path to groups, this is the 'chroot syntax' Good Luck -- Scott

Part and Inventory Search
