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Search results for query: *

  1. HSESupport

    "All Users" have visual effects set "for best performance"?

    Hi folks, PS4 Enterprise on Win2K3 SP1........ am curious as to if it's possible to enforce that "All Users" have visual effects set "for best performance"? Cheers in advance! Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  2. HSESupport

    adjust visual effects for all Citrix/Win2K3 users?

    Hi folks, PS4 Enterprise on Win2K3 SP1........ am curious as to if it's possible to enforce that "All Users" have visual effects set "for best performance"? Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  3. HSESupport

    Active ICA Sessions Drop Randomly

    I'd take a look-see @ the Citrix.com forum's, there are a multitude of threads related to just this issue (especially if you are on Win2K3)..... We recently moved from Win2K/MFXPa, up to Win2K3/PS4.....this hit us like a ton of bricks! You'll find dozen's upon dozen's of various...
  4. HSESupport

    Prob's "seeing" a "Users" "Session Processes" in P

    Just in case anyone come's across this thread and has the same issue....it's resolved by "Hotfix PSE400R02W2K3027". See also: http://www.brianmadden.com/forum/tm.aspx?m=62324&mpage=1&key=&#70084 Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  5. HSESupport

    Prob's "seeing" a "Users" "Session Processes" in P

    Hopefully someone can shed some light on this: Citrix Presentation Server 4, latest SP's/HotFix's etc - I can't see a thing in most of the time under the "Session Processes" tab (under "Users" when double-clicked). "Session Information"/"Client Modules" & "Client Cache" all show up full...
  6. HSESupport

    Configuring Password Manager Enrollment for certain users?

    Aye, cheers for that. I guess it's just not going to work a I'd envisaged......though I would have thought it would be a feature.... Ah well, back to the drawing board:-) Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  7. HSESupport

    Configuring Password Manager Enrollment for certain users?

    Wow, so many responses......so little time to read them all:-) Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  8. HSESupport

    Configuring Password Manager Enrollment for certain users?

    Hi folks, possibly a strange requirement......well Google didn't come back with any info from anyone else:-) I'm currently evaluating Citrix Password Manager 4 (we're an existing MFPS3FR3 house - moving to PS4), but what I can't seem to figure out how to do is: have the Password Manager...
  9. HSESupport

    Win2KSrvr & Win2K3 in same farm?

    Much obliged, out of curiosity though....what would would happen (issue/problem wise) if the Win2K3 servers bacame the ZDC's for the farm? Should I set the preferred ZDC to be one of the Win2K servers? And say during the step by step upgrade path (win2K > Win2K3).....leave the last server to...
  10. HSESupport

    Win2KSrvr & Win2K3 in same farm?

    Hello folks, I've been trawling through Citrix.com and Google in general but can't find what I looking for...... We're moving from Win2K MFXPaFR3 up to Win2K3MFXP3 (followed @ some later stage from in2K3MFXP3 to Win2K3 MFPS4......long story), anywho..... In the immediate short-term there is a...
  11. HSESupport

    Default printer via VBS based upon %ClientName%

    Guess not :-( Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  12. HSESupport

    Default printer via VBS based upon %ClientName%

    Hello guru's :-) Can I run something past those with more Citrix/VBS/heck.....just the more knowledgeable! Does the following look right'ish? I want to call a script from the logon script which will check the ClientName, and depending on the result set a default printer......I went with VBS...
  13. HSESupport

    Farm Migration (NT Domain to ADS) ??

    Cool bananas Ascotta, pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Nice to get it back from those in the know though :-) Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  14. HSESupport

    Farm Migration (NT Domain to ADS) ??

    I'm of the same mind-frame Ascotta, but can't face the literal nightmare of liasing with the vendors once again :-) (though not ruling a clean Citrix build parallel with Migration) Anyway, some details that I should have put in first post: Server OS: Windows Server 2000 Citrix version: Citrix...
  15. HSESupport

    Farm Migration (NT Domain to ADS) ??

    One for the wiser one's than I:-) We will be migrating to ADS from NT4 domain within next couple of month's (yes, I know!). My nervous question is this: Has anyone completed a migration from NT4 to ADS, with the existing Citrix Farm being also migrated to ADS? Server IP's will remain same...
  16. HSESupport

    Pass clientname to Citrix server (using WI)?

    Cheers Ogi & ACO, all info more than welcome. Still on the *steep* Citrix/TS learning curve ;-) Rgds, Peter Mannion.
  17. HSESupport

    Pass clientname to Citrix server (using WI)?

    Cheers Ogi, but believe it or not the vendor's SW techy guy came back to me with the solution (yes, the vendor....my estimation of the said vendor just went through the roof!): ********************************************************* With NFUSE (WebInterface) If you look in "C:\program...
  18. HSESupport

    Pass clientname to Citrix server (using WI)?

    Hi folks, one for the many Guru's:-) We are currently in the testing phase of deploying iSoft's "iPIMS" (Patient Information Management System) to users via MFXPFR3. {if anyone's familiar with this app all the better!} Now our (well, mine apparently) problem: The iPIMS app requires...
  19. HSESupport

    Recomended Citrix Reboot schedules

    Some would say once a forthnight, others once a night.....I'm inclined to go with 2-3 times a week. It all depends really on what apps your'e offering via them......& what spec server you've got (+number of member servers) though there are others here with far more experience than I that...
  20. HSESupport

    Reflections via Citrix anyone?

    the exact syntax is "Could not create semaphore or system event."

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