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  1. hoggbottom59

    Access 2003 Run-Time tries to install again

    I tried removing all other Access related filetypes and reinstalling. I still get the same problem. I'll post the solution when I find it. L.
  2. hoggbottom59

    Access 2003 Run-Time tries to install again

    Thanks, I'll take a look into this. This has made me wonder as well about some other computers that try to install when a particular filetype is double-clicked. Leon.
  3. hoggbottom59

    Access 2003 Run-Time tries to install again

    Hello I've used the developer's extension to make two database packages to install on computers without Access using Access 2003 RT. I'm having problems on a specific computer without Office 2003 or Access. When I try to open the database it starts an .msi installer for the Run-Time but...
  4. hoggbottom59

    Navigation buttons that don't allow new records

    Alternatively why don't you just set the property of the form to Allow Additions to No. If you look at all the form properties there is a lot you can do with code. Leon
  5. hoggbottom59

    Corrupted XP Pro Printer Folder

    I am trying to fix a user's computer with a printer folder that corrupted. He had a blue screen and restarted. His folder was missing any icons for the installed printers. If you try to add a printer you get the following message. "Operation could not be completed. The print spooler service...
  6. hoggbottom59

    How to install NIC?

    Sorry the Technical user is from MS Access forums! Quite unwarranted here! Well I'm sure it will eventually work but I've installed RH9 and the driver isn't installed. Thus the reason for taking the convoluted route of doing all the nitty gritty. L.
  7. hoggbottom59

    How to install NIC?

    Or just perhaps give up with Linux because it's such a pain in arse to install anything? I've got a Broadcom 440x on my Dell laptop. Even following the all the instru using RPMs etc to try install the driver here I am without the most important aspect of Linux/Unix - Networking after 2 weeks...
  8. hoggbottom59

    Using and Combining(?) Access Workgroups

    Thanks that's a lot of help. I'm new to Workgroups but I'm sure I can figure it out from what you've said. Cheers, Leon.
  9. hoggbottom59

    Using and Combining(?) Access Workgroups

    Ok, there are two databases: the Eng/Ops db which was the first and a newer called Blackbox. The Eng/Ops was created to use no security with the initially installed Workgroup as you've pointed out. The Blackbox db we now need to use has a new Workgroup with it's own security settings. My...
  10. hoggbottom59

    Using and Combining(?) Access Workgroups

    Hello, I have two databases each using a different Workgroup. I need to allow users to use both databases on the same computer. Has anyone any idea how I can either combine or join both databases to the same workgroup. I have admin access to the first db and presently users are not exposed to...
  11. hoggbottom59

    Getting out of a workgroup?

    I've just by coincidence I've just learn about Workgroups today. I joined another workgroup to run someones database and then couldn't run mine. I've since found out there is a default system.mdw in the Windows System folder that mine was using by default. Rejoining this using the Admin Tool...
  12. hoggbottom59

    short time total hh:nn

    Glad you've sorted it. The following is an extract from the VB ref help thing in Access for the Date Data type - Date variables are stored as IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) floating-point numbers that represent dates ranging from 1 January 100 to 31 December 9999 and times from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59. Any...
  13. hoggbottom59

    short time total hh:nn

    Date and time storage and use isn't straight forward! A clue to how to solve this problem maybe to look into the underlying way that date/time is stored. Every occurrence of a date or time field is actually stored as both a date and time. e.g. 13:00:00 16-10-02 even if this is only displayed...
  14. hoggbottom59

    Dual OS Readable Drive Format

    I currently have MacOS 8.6, I know this can read FAT32 but I assume the new MacOS X (that I intend to eventually upgrade to) can read NTFS though. I have been told that Linux can only read currently not write to NTFS. I assume the next version will be able to write to it? Thanks for the help...
  15. hoggbottom59


    Okay, and written to. Thanks for the help all. I will try these techniques in due course which seem to make more sense of the dual-booting phenomenon. Leon.
  16. hoggbottom59

    Dual OS Readable Drive Format

    I am thinking of having another with Linux when I reconfigure my computer. The thing is I want a dual-booting hard drive with Win2k and Linux. I want to put all my data on a massive second drive. This second drive I'd like to able to be readable by Windows/Linux and Mac. Probably asking too...
  17. hoggbottom59


    I agree that's why I've almost given up with Linux because it's a pain in the arse to install whatever anyone says. I have tried several installs of Mandrake and it gets as far as typing 'LI' of 'LILO' and just hangs. The thing is noone seems to know why this is! I am thinking of having...
  18. hoggbottom59

    Simple but tought time and date question

    Okay, I am just about to do this so I'll try and tell you how I propose to do it. On our database we store the date and times of our despatch. Currently the date and time are entered in via one text box. So like our friend is saying in the form 99/99/99 99:99 which isn't user friendly. I want...
  19. hoggbottom59

    Lost Email after Reinstallation - Outlook Express 6 & W2K

    No, that is specific. I can now find the old backed-up email on my back-up and copy it across. Thanks, Leon. :o)
  20. hoggbottom59

    Lost Email after Reinstallation - Outlook Express 6 & W2K

    Hello, I had to reinstall W2K and now can't find my mail or address book. I kept a copy of my hard drive contents on a back-up drive as I formatted the main drive and upgraded to NTFS. Any help? Leon.

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