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  1. Mthales

    cvs status missing files

    For more details check this out: http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/cvsmanual/cvsignore.html "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." --- Douglas Adams
  2. Mthales

    cvs status missing files

    What cvs version and client are you using? For an example TortoiseCVS will by default ignore files and folders that match the following cases: core RCSLOG tags TAGS RCS SCCS .make.state .nse_depinfo #* .#* cvslog.* ,* CVS CVS.adm .del-* *.a *.olb *.o *.obj *.so *.Z *~ *.old *.elc *.ln *.bak...
  3. Mthales

    Moving CVS to another Solaris server

    The basic procedure for moving cvs repositories holds true for any server architecture and it goes something like this: 1 - Install and configure cvs on the new server. 2 - Copy the repositories onto the new server. 3 - Check the configuration for the repositories on the new server. 4 - Get...
  4. Mthales

    Get content from a file on a cvs server for a website?

    While that is basically possible you probably want to look at using something more flexible like ViewVC to display cvs controlled content through a web-browser. http://www.viewvc.org/ "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." --- Douglas...
  5. Mthales

    CVS checkoutlist WinXP

    I think you may be misunderstanding what the checkout list actually does. It's not for when you check out the CVSROOT into a sandbox so no the files you list should not be appearing in the CVS folder with the meta data. The checkout list works when you commit changes to the files in CVSROOT. If...
  6. Mthales

    CVS on Solaris X64 (AMD)

    Hi, Check this out CVS Suite 2008 x64 (HPUX, Solaris, SuSE/SLES9) from the people who support CVSNT. "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." --- Douglas Adams
  7. Mthales

    versions in cvs

    This doesn't seem to be a question - so it's hard to know what to offer as help or advice. But can I suggest you do a web search for information about tags and maybe branches as these are ways of keeping a track of different sets of files (each at their own version numbers) that fit together to...
  8. Mthales

    HELP - Configuring CVS to Launch Hudson on Commit

    There is quite a bit of information on the basics of this on the web - you could start by reading pages like this: http://www.pragmaticautomation.com/cgi-bin/pragauto.cgi/Monitor/LettingCVSPullTheTrigger.rdoc/style/print I myself have a post commit call to a script that does some simple...
  9. Mthales

    How many logins/sessions I can make/run in CVS

    I'm glad you found the answer yourself but yes it's down to the hosting os and not restricted by CVS. "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." --- Douglas Adams
  10. Mthales

    cvs script to update production files

    Well that's the bit is really bespoke - dependent on how you need to change stuff about to fit from your sandbox into your working area. It could be as simple as "cp -ru * /working_dir/ " or it could get really complex. "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up...
  11. Mthales

    cvs script to update production files

    They are very specific to the web server directory and repository structures that we use so they'd not be much good to you. I don't want to teach you to suck eggs but very basically they go something like this: #!/bin/bash cd <the landing area I've already set up as a sandbox - so I don't...
  12. Mthales

    cvs script to update production files

    I don't want to be funny but that's not really appropriate for this forum. However I'm sure if you have a go at something simple (there are loads of good starter tutorials on the web) and then ask questions in (somewhere like) this site's Unix scripting forum then someone, maybe even me, will...
  13. Mthales

    cvs script to update production files

    The way you plan to do this - with a landing area - sounds very sensible and very script-able to me. You'll be able to have the script do a CVS update to get the latest versions into this area and then check them against the working files and copy the changes it recognizes the right locations...
  14. Mthales

    Remove tags and place in trunk

    you can do a merge from the tagged (or probably branched) version back to the trunk to keep your changes for people working on the trunk. Do a quick web search on the merge keyword and you should find all the instructions you need. "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I...
  15. Mthales

    Commit error driving me mad

    It's saying that you have this file checked out to the version 1.5 - so in your sandbox you need to do an update to the BRANCH TAG that you want to be working on. Then you'll really be working on the branch and able to do the commit. I hope you'd worked this out by now - but if not I hope that...
  16. Mthales


    Have you looked at using the sspi protocol rather than the pserver one? We use that together with samab and winbind so all cvs user names and passwords are dealt with by the active directory of the domain. I think that if you have winbind working for the logins on "the box" it should be simple...
  17. Mthales

    IE renaming tar.gz downloads to tar.tar

    Yeah that is exactly the point so the extra info that Dian pointed me to has helped me change the header info (fortunately this was something under my control) and thus (it seems so far) solve the problem. Thanks again to you both for your help M "I may not have gone where I intended to go...
  18. Mthales

    IE renaming tar.gz downloads to tar.tar

    smah - sorry anything that requires the user to take extra action is not going to work for me :-( Dian - thanks very much for that extra info it seems to suggest a new way forward. "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." --- Douglas Adams
  19. Mthales

    IE renaming tar.gz downloads to tar.tar

    I am having a bit of a problem with IE. When I use it to download a file called blah.tar.gz it renames it to blah.tar.tar. I've done a bit of research and it seems that this is happening because it detects the HTTP header: Content-Type: application/x-tar and decides that it must have the .tar...
  20. Mthales

    Problem With JPGs?

    I'm not sure if this is the cause of what you are seeing but are the jpg's stored in the repository as binary files? I missed that step out and got some treated like text which really messed them up. M "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to...

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