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Search results for query: *

  1. KingCrab

    space holder in prompts?

    Easy with a dropdown and he user wont have to worry about * placement. Create a dropdown with the CONTAINS, STARTS WITH, ENDS WITH filter: (<param>='CONTAINS' AND <Field> LIKE '%<param2>%' ) OR (<param>='STARTS' AND <Field> LIKE '<param2>%') OR (<param>='ENDS' AND <Field> LIKE '%<param2>')
  2. KingCrab

    Cognos 8 Report Studio Percent Of Total In A Crosstab

    <report xmlns="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/2.0/" expressionLocale="en-ca"><!--RS:8.1--> <modelPath>/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/model[@name='model']</modelPath> <queries> <query name="Query1"> <source> <model/>...
  3. KingCrab

    URGENT - Cognos 8 framework manager problem

    If you bought the software you should be able to go to the cognos.com support section and download the pieces you have purchased. If not you need to contact support and see if they can help you. Nothing much you can do with the wrong software. FM in Cognos 8 is very different then RN1.1 FM
  4. KingCrab

    Cognos Modeling in Framework - Help

    what exactly did you need help with? I have passed all the tests and I do not see this one as standing out from the others.
  5. KingCrab

    ReportNet Performance tunning

    run each query's tabular data and see how long it takes to return. If they are all very quick then it is more then likely a formatting issue. To prove this take the query you have and drop them into a new list report without any formatting and run.
  6. KingCrab

    Top 3 Salesmen by total Sales

    Data Item1: total([Sales] FOR [Salesman]) filter: rank([Data Item1]) <= 3
  7. KingCrab

    Is it ok to skip Framework Manager?

    Always.. Never skip it. If you are going to skip it you may as well just run your query in toad or query analyzer. Creating a real report from pure sql would be a nightmare to maintain.
  8. KingCrab

    Session Issue

    Your session ends when the user leaves your site. This is why when you manually do it it works, you never leave the site.
  9. KingCrab

    DW Project Plan

    I believe there is one on the CD of one of the Kimball books.
  10. KingCrab

    What prompt to use for condition 'LIKE'

    Sorry I missed that "[PA Purchase Order Detail].[Material].[Material Identifier] like (?Material1?||'%')
  11. KingCrab

    ReportNet-&gt;Report Studio-&gt;Bugs-&gt;Layout Calculations

    Try this: <report xml:lang="en-ca" xmlns="http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/1/"><!--RS:1.1--> <modelConnection name="/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/model[@name='model']"/> <querySet xml:lang="en-ca"> <BIQuery name="Report Query">...
  12. KingCrab

    What prompt to use for condition 'LIKE'

    Are you expecting to filter to seperate a comma delimited field for you? That wont happen.
  13. KingCrab

    ReportNet CrossTab problem

    Did you even try?
  14. KingCrab

    ReportNet CrossTab problem

    filter? Category IS NOT NULL
  15. KingCrab

    What prompt to use for condition 'LIKE'

    change your filter to what you have there. "[PA Purchase Order Detail].[Material].[Material Identifier] like (?Material1%?)" A LIKE filter would work best with a text box or similar. Where the user manually inputs the string.
  16. KingCrab

    using value promt for query selection

    Conditional Blocks. Althugh, I usually avoid them.
  17. KingCrab

    wildcards with reportnet

    You can make a new drop down list that has 3 static values, ?Parameter1? STARTS WITH ENDS WITH CONTAINS Create your filter using these values (?SearchType?='Ends With' AND [DataItem] LIKE '%'||?Parameter1?) OR (?SearchType?='Contains' AND [DataItem] LIKE '%'||?Parameter1?||'%') OR...
  18. KingCrab

    While loop

    the problem is you are lopping through the entire result set. So your drop down is doing multiple <forms> instead of adding to just one form and one drop down. the ELSE needs to only show the form element one time. Maybe if $count=4 then echo "<form" "select" <option first option... ELSE option...
  19. KingCrab

    Software documentation / Class Diagrams?

    phpdoc is great http://www.phpdoc.org/
  20. KingCrab

    DecisionStream 7.1 - Jobstream crahses on Windows XP

    Can you run any job streams at all from the command line?

Part and Inventory Search
