Hi All,
We’re currently in the process of migrating from ReportNet to Cognos 8 and I’ve come across a few issues that have made this migration a little painful to say the least. Here’s the latest one. In Report Studio I have a cross tab report that calculates percent of total. This report is based on a relational package. When I migrated the report and package from ReportNet to C8 following Cognos’ recommended path, the report bombs when I try to run it, even though it validates.
Some observations I made while messing with this;
In ReportNet when you create a cross tab Report Studio creates dimensions automatically.
In C8 when I open the report and check the query using the query explorer a “dimension tab” appears at the bottom of the report beside the “Projected Data Items” tab, however when I select the tab a blank page appears and the report locks up.
I tried to recreate the report from scratch in 8 but can’t figure out the expression editor syntax for the formulas to do the calculations. (The documentation was EXTREMLY helpful)
I noticed there is an “Override Dimension Info” query property and started messing with that but I’m not having much success. I’m including a simple cross tab using the gosales_goretailers package below. If someone would be so kind as to add a few percentage calculations and post back so I can rip it apart to see what makes it tick, it would be much appreciated. BTW I’m still in a C8 test environment with the RTM version so if you post code that was created with MR1 or MR2 (which is now available btw) I won’t be able to run the report.
Thanks to all who take the time to participate.
We’re currently in the process of migrating from ReportNet to Cognos 8 and I’ve come across a few issues that have made this migration a little painful to say the least. Here’s the latest one. In Report Studio I have a cross tab report that calculates percent of total. This report is based on a relational package. When I migrated the report and package from ReportNet to C8 following Cognos’ recommended path, the report bombs when I try to run it, even though it validates.
Some observations I made while messing with this;
In ReportNet when you create a cross tab Report Studio creates dimensions automatically.
In C8 when I open the report and check the query using the query explorer a “dimension tab” appears at the bottom of the report beside the “Projected Data Items” tab, however when I select the tab a blank page appears and the report locks up.
I tried to recreate the report from scratch in 8 but can’t figure out the expression editor syntax for the formulas to do the calculations. (The documentation was EXTREMLY helpful)
I noticed there is an “Override Dimension Info” query property and started messing with that but I’m not having much success. I’m including a simple cross tab using the gosales_goretailers package below. If someone would be so kind as to add a few percentage calculations and post back so I can rip it apart to see what makes it tick, it would be much appreciated. BTW I’m still in a C8 test environment with the RTM version so if you post code that was created with MR1 or MR2 (which is now available btw) I won’t be able to run the report.
Thanks to all who take the time to participate.
<report xmlns="[URL unfurl="true"]http://developer.cognos.com/schemas/report/2.0/"[/URL] expressionLocale="en-ca"><!--RS:8.1-->
<modelPath>/content/package[@name='GO Sales and Retailers']/model[@name='model']</modelPath>
<query name="Query1">
<selection><dataItem name="Order year" aggregate="none"><expression>[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order year]</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Quarter"><expression>CASE
WHEN [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month] between 1 and 3 THEN 'Q1'
WHEN [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month] between 4 and 6 THEN 'Q2'
WHEN [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month] between 7 and 9 THEN 'Q3'
</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Product line" aggregate="none"><expression>[gosales_goretailers].[Products].[Product line]</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Product type" aggregate="none"><expression>[gosales_goretailers].[Products].[Product type]</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Quantity" aggregate="total"><expression>[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Quantity]</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Total(Product line)"><expression>total(currentMeasure within set [Product line])</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Total(Product type)"><expression>total(currentMeasure within set [Product type])</expression></dataItem><dataItem name="Total(Order year)"><expression>total(currentMeasure within set [Order year])</expression></dataItem></selection>
<page class="pg" name="Page1">
<pageBody class="pb">
<crosstab class="xt" refQuery="Query1" rowsPerPage="500">
<crosstabCorner class="xm"><contents><textItem><dataSource><dataItemLabel refDataItem="Quantity"/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabCorner>
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<crosstabColumns><crosstabNode><crosstabNestedNodes><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Quarter" class="ml"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode></crosstabNestedNodes><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Order year" class="ml"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Total(Order year)" class="ol"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents><factCellStyle class="ov"/></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode></crosstabColumns><crosstabRows><crosstabNode><crosstabNestedNodes><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Product type" class="ml"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Total(Product type)" class="il"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents><factCellStyle class="iv"/></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode></crosstabNestedNodes><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Product line" class="ml"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode><crosstabNode><crosstabNodeMembers><crosstabNodeMember refDataItem="Total(Product line)" class="ol"><contents><textItem><dataSource><memberCaption/></dataSource></textItem></contents><factCellStyle class="ov"/></crosstabNodeMember></crosstabNodeMembers></crosstabNode></crosstabRows><defaultMeasure refDataItem="Quantity"/><crosstabFactCell class="mv"><contents><textItem><dataSource><cellValue/></dataSource></textItem></contents></crosstabFactCell></crosstab>
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