Crystal reports XI does not support RPTR. RPTR is introduced with Crystal reports 2011. If you are a small business you can use the free R-Tag Community edition ( and export your reports from RPT to RPTR then share them with your customers...
Multi-value parameters are useful for IN clauses. Something like "Product in ('x0', 'x1', ...)". You probably can treat them as arrays and do filtering like
(Product[0]='x0' AND Factory[0]='y0')
(Product[1]='x1' AND Factory[1]='y1')
However, this will be a mess and I am not sure how you can...
If you filter the left table, which I believe you do, the left join will be come inner join.
Select ... from a LEFT join b on where'xxx'
will be the same as:
Select ... from a INNER join b on where'xxx'
if you want to filter the left table you need to add...
You are describing a classic dashboard. Crystal report is designed to be a static report. It is useful if you need to print an invoice, form or save a data snapshot in a form of document. Generally speaking it is designed for the paper world. There are some basic interactive options like sorting...
Microsoft doesn't recommend using automation from unattended, noninteractive client applications. You are facing just the top of the iceberg now. Check this link: Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports, SSRS and Dynamic Dashboards.
1. You can use SQL expressions to calculate from-to dates and to filter the data directly in the database. This will be the easiest and fastest way within Crystal reports.
2. If you don't want to use SQL expressions and you don't have subreports you can create a shell report and add your...
You can use a command and create a query like :
select year(<datefield>) & ' - ' & monthname(<datefield>) as year_month, count(*) as count_of_records
from <tablename>
group by year(<datefield>) & ' - ' & monthname(<datefield>)
select year_month, count(*) as count_of_records
from (
select... used per StockCode ignoring the order number. If this is your case, you can use a command like this :
SELECT o.MStockCode, cmm .NComment, Count(*) as NumberOfComments
FROM Orders o
SELECT SalesOrder, NComment
FROM Orders
WHERE LineType=6
) cmm ON cmm...
If you can use 3rd party software try our community edition, it is free: Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports, SSRS and Dynamic Dashboards.
It is still not clear what do you want to do. If you want to export the report to Excel and have the grid lines visible there is an option in Crystal export settings, which will allow you to do this. If you want to export the report to Excel with group structure you will need either to write...
Handling scenarios like that in Crystal reports is hard and time consuming. Our free R-Tag Community edition is able to handle it much easier, so if you can use 3rd party software to run your reports feel free to download it from this page
It might be a little bit late, but check also our viewer:
You can set a default value for the parameter, for example the current user, and tell the system to use the value without showing the parameter. Here is a video demonstrating the case...
Do you mean a standalone product to develop reports or to run and view reports ?
There are plenty of viewers , which will allow you to view the reports. Some are free. SAP has a free viewer too, but it is not able to refresh reports. Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports...
R-Tag Documentation and Search will do this and much more. You can find more information about the product here: Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports, SSRS and Dynamic Dashboards.
Do you want to run the report 38 times , one for each row in the Excel file , or 1 time and use all the values from the Excel file ? Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports, SSRS and Dynamic Dashboards.
Export the report to Editable RTF and edit exported document with Word or WordPad . You can create also a different version for each language and the user will run the right report. Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports, SSRS and Dynamic Dashboards.
We have a tool that can do this, more info is available here: Viewer and Scheduler for Crystal reports, SSRS and Dynamic Dashboards.
You can create a separate command to get the data from the excel file. Create a multivalue dynamic parameter and use the command as a list of values. Do not use the command anywhere else in the report to avoid slowing it. When the report is started the user will see the standard parameters'...
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