We are using CC6, front-ended by Call Pilot that gives a standard greeting when someone calls in. The time of day programming tells the main DN to forward to DN 8841 at 5:00PM. The end user physically forwards DN 8841 (on an M3902) to the exact same external number every day for after hours...
Well, then, that's where my mistake is! I didn't know that! Thanks!
I tried to take it one day at a time, but a whole bunch of them attacked me at once!
I am trying to program a DN for FTR DCFW so the end user does not have to physically touch a phoneset each night to forward calls out. The phone in question is a M3902 on a CS1000E Rls 5.0 PBX. The end user currently has 2 phones on her desk - one is an M3905 set up with ACD queue. The time of...
So if two calls are coming in at exactly the same time, one call will get through and the other will either get a busy or go to VM? Once the call is answered on one of the sets, that clears it for more calls to come through, correct? That's how it seems to work here...
Dale - I've not seen a...
We have a similar scenario, but running on a CS1K. I have 9 phones programmed with MCR on Key 01 for our helpdesk line. The TN that holds the primary DN is not disabled, it's set up as type 500 (used to have a cordless phone plugged in there - took out the phone, left the TN active).
I'm not sure if the program has functionality differences between Mac & PC. I'm PC - Make sure that you are using the form tools. Double click your submit button to get to its properties. Under Actions tab find out what is there - is it Submit Form or Run a JavaScript?
If it is JavaScript...
Why don't you just sync TM to the PBX? What system & version do you have?
I tried to take it one day at a time, but a whole bunch of them attacked me at once!
I like the Panasonic cordless phones, but if you're in a noisy data center, then I'd recommend getting a noise-canceling headset for the cordless phone. I've got a system phone wall-mounted in my server room with a Plantronics noise-canceling headset with a 10' extension attached. Works very...
Within the next 3 months, we will have a 100% Nortel shop. I have a mix of 5 Nortel sites and 9 Norstar sites. We are getting ready to deploy 9 SRGs which will all be tied back to my main CS1000E (which is literally in the middle of nowhere). My vendor is about 650 miles away, but the remote...
What I was able to do, with the help of the board, was allow selective outbound caller ID blocking. We didn't want to permanently disable outbound CLID, a couple of my end users wanted to block their CLID on some calls.
I tried to take it one day at a time, but a whole bunch of them...
True about the holding pattern. I have 2 jobs and handle telecom at both. At my primary job we have a CS1000E and are getting ready to tie in 8 SRGs; my 2nd job had an Avaya Partner system that we are getting ready to rip out and replace with an Allworx system.
I've heard from quite a few...
...my DID. Thanks!!!!
>ld 57
MEM AVAIL: (U/P): 98791223 USED U P: 5291103 187495 TOT: 104269821
REQ chg
TYPE ffc
FFCT yes
CODE cpp
CPP *67
I tried to take it one day at a time, but a whole bunch of them attacked me at once!
...(U/P): 98791223 USED U P: 5291103 187495 TOT: 104269821
REQ chg
TYPE ffc
FFCT cpp
FFCT cpp *67
It doesn't like what I'm trying to do. But *67 is the normal blocking code in this area.
Any suggestions?
I tried to take it one...
I have a CS1000E with 2 PRIs and 200 DIDs. Currently when someone dials out, the outbound caller ID shows their full DID number. We have one person who would like to selectively block caller ID on outbound calls. Can this be done? If so, how?
I tried to take it one day at a...
How many remote call forward paths are programmed from the telco?
We have a similar scenario here where our main number is RCF to a main DID on our PRI. When the telco sets up the RCF, they only assign one path which only allows one call to get through and the second call will receive a busy...
I was able to get the correct ACD position from an old DNB download. Matched it up to the TN where the DN originally resided. I had outed the DN about 4 months ago and removed the agent. Now all that's left is to add the new agent into contact center and rebuild the voicemail on call pilot...
...25 CHG
26 CPN
27 CLT
28 RLT
DATE 15 JUN 2009
REQ: cpy 1
TYPE: 3905
CFTN 4 0 4 6
TN 4 0 2 12
I tried to take it one day at a time, but a whole bunch of them attacked me at once!
It worked!!! Here's what I did:
After nulling out all Key 01 and the BFS key, I changed the CLS to MCRA:
REQ: chg
TYPE: 500
TN 4 0 10 3
ECHG yes
ITEM cls mcra
After that, I went back and added Key 01 to all of the phones as an MCR key:
REQ: chg
TYPE: 3903
TN 4 1 1 3
ECHG yes
ITEM key 01...
There is a VM attached to the DN through our CallPilot. Basically, in reviewing this particular DN I discovered our vendor had not programmed it correctly (looking back at original spreadsheets that stated that DN should have always been MCR). So, what would you suggest? We do need to keep...
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